1、第十一章 植物寄生线虫PLANT PATHOGENIC NEMATODES,线虫(nematode)是动物界中的一大类群(Nematodes belong to the kingdom Animalia.),通常生活于海洋、淡水和土壤中,种类在15000种左右。危害植物的线虫称为植物寄主线虫或植物病原线虫。,已报道的植物寄生线虫5700多种。由线虫引起的植物病害称为植物线虫病,它对全世界农业生产有很大影响,每年造成上千亿美元的损失。如根结线虫可以危害100多种重要的果树、蔬菜和花卉植物,使寄主生长衰弱、根部畸形。,第一节 形态与解剖特征Morphology and Anatomy,一、形态1体
2、形和大小 Small,300 to 1000m,with some up to 4 mm long,by 15-35 m wide,invisible to the naked eye,can be easily observed under the microscope.,线虫的体形因类别而异。雌雄同形的线虫其成熟雌虫和雄虫均为蠕虫形,除生殖器官有差别之外,其他的形态结构都相似。雌雄异形的线虫其成熟雄虫为蠕虫形,而雌虫球形、柠檬形或肾形。,2体壁和体腔 体壁:角质层 下皮层 体肌层 体腔:线虫的体腔 无体腔膜,称为假体腔。,3头部结构 头部顶面观的典型模式是有一块卵圆形的唇盘,唇盘中央有一卵
3、圆形的口孔,唇盘基部有6个唇片。,二消化系统The digestive system,The digestive system is a hollow tube extending from the mouth through the esophagus,intestine,rectum,and anus.植物线虫的消化系统包括口孔、口针、食道、肠、直肠和肛门。Most plant parasitic nematodes have a hollow stylet or spear.The spear is used to puncture holes in plant cells and th
4、rough which to withdraw nutrients from the cells.,三、生殖系统the reproductive systems,雌虫生殖系统由卵巢、输卵管、受精囊子宫、阴道和阴门组成。雄虫生殖系统由睾丸、精囊、交合刺、引带和交合伞要组成。,第二节 生态学和病理学,一、植物寄生线虫的生活史Life CyclesEggs hatch into juveniles.Juveniles grow in size,and each juvenile stage is terminated by a molt(蜕皮).All nematodes have four juv
5、enile stages,with the first molt usually occurring in the egg.,A life cycle from egg to egg may be completed within 2 to 4 weeks under optimum environmental,especially temperature,conditions but will take longer in cooler temperatures.线虫在一个生长季节里大都可以发生若干代,发生的代数因线虫种类、环境条件和危害方式而不同。有些线虫的雌虫不经交配也能产卵繁殖,进行孤
7、的生态环境。虽然线虫缺乏呼吸系统,但单位体重的耗氧量比人还高,因此,土壤长期淹水或通气不良也影响它的存活。,4许多线虫能经休眠状态在植物体外长期存活,如土壤中未孵化的卵,特别是卵囊和胞囊中的卵存活期更长。,5Nematodes occur in greatest abundance in the top 15 to 30 cm of soil.Distribution of nematodes in cultivated soil is usually irregular and is greatest in or around the roots of susceptible plants,
8、which they follow sometimes to considerable depths(30-150 cm or more).这主要是由于有些线虫只有在根部寄生后才能大量繁殖,同时根部的分泌物对线虫有一定的吸引力,或者能刺激线虫卵孵化。,三、传播spread线虫的传播有主动传播和被动传播。1主动传播 Nematodes spread through the soil slowly under their own power.The overall distance traveled by a nematode probably does not exceed a few mete
9、rs per season.,2被动传播:In addition to their own movement,however,nematodes can be easily spread by anything that moves and can carry particles of soil.Farm equipment,irrigation,flood or drainage water,animal feet,birds,and dust storms spread nematodes in local areas,whereas over long distances nematod
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