1、Language for Primary English Class,小学英语教师课堂教学用语规范普陀区教育学院教研室张小皖,什么是课堂教学英语化?,在小学英语课堂教学中尽可能使用英语,老师用英语教,学生用英语答,使整个课堂形成一种英语环境。,为什么要强调在学生学习英语的起始年级就要用全英语上课呢?,儿童具有学习语言的天赋,有利于排除对母语的依赖和来自母语的干扰,英语课堂用语是指教师运用英语进行组织、演示、解释、提问、表扬、更正教学的语言,换句话说,就是指不必新授的语言。,一、什么是课堂教学用语?,English?Chinese?,课堂用语不仅仅包括教师在课堂教学中向学生传授知识、培养能力时的
2、言语活动,也包括为了顺利完成教学任务而在课堂上进行的组织管理学生时的言语活动。英语教师课堂用语的运用直接影响学生英语语言的输出、交际能力的高低和学习兴趣及自信心的培养。,二、英语课堂教学用语的重要性,课堂教学用语是知识的主要物质载体,是师生信息沟通的重要手段,是联系师生情感的重要纽带。,二、英语课堂教学用语的重要性,教师课堂用语的数量和质量影响甚至决定课堂教学的成败(Hakansson,1986)。这不仅因为教学内容要通过教师话语才能得到有效传播和达到理想的教学效果,还因为教师语言本身起着对目的语使用的示范作用(model function),是学生语言输入的一个重要途径。,二、英语课堂教学用
3、语的重要性,课堂教学用语是课堂教学中的一项重要的信息输入内容,是英语教师对学生进行教学的重要手段。教师坚持使用英语课堂教学用语组织教学,有利于创设一种英语学习和使用的环境,使学生真实地感受语言的交际性、意义性和趣味性,从而达到营造语言学习环境、激发学生学习兴趣、促进师生间用英语进行沟通和交流的目的。,二、英语课堂教学用语的重要性,三、小学英语课堂教学用语 使用的基本原则,阶段性原则:英语课堂用语有讲授知识和语言示范的双重功能。因此,课堂用语的使用应结合学生语言认识的实际水平,遵循由浅入深、由简到繁、由易到难、循序渐进的原则。,三、小学英语课堂教学用语 使用的基本原则,2.交际性原则:英语课堂教
4、学是英语教学最直接、最有效的交际情景。因此,课堂用语的使用应从学生英语学习的起始阶段抓起,让学生养成用英语进行交际的良好习惯。,三、小学英语课堂教学用语 使用的基本原则,3.贯穿性原则:小学英语课堂教学中应坚持尽量使用英语进行课堂教学的原则。,三、小学英语课堂教学用语 使用的基本原则,4.重复性原则:小学英语课堂用语要注意必要的重复。重复突出了教与学、讲与练的重点,能刺激学生的注意力,提高学习效率。,三、小学英语课堂教学用语 使用的基本原则,5.规范性原则:小学英语课堂用语要注意语音语调的正确与规范,用语要地道,并且要把握好语速和节奏。,三、小学英语课堂教学用语 使用的基本原则,6.激励性原则
5、:小学英语课堂用语要注意避免挖苦学生,应使用鼓励性语言,以满足学生的成就感,增强其自信。,三、小学英语课堂教学用语 使用的基本原则,7.引导性原则:合理使用英语课堂用语能促使学生思维能力的发展,引发其从不同的角度观察和思考问题,寻求解决问题的方法,拓展其发散思维。,注意事项:,1、使用符合儿童特征的语言。,2、以示范代替繁琐的解释。,3、以体态语辅助口头语。,4、以鼓励和表扬为主。,8、尽量讲英文,必要时才讲中文。,5、多用礼貌用语。,6、用语要有所变化,不可千篇一律。,7、用语恰当、得体,不能重复。,四、目前小学英语教师在使用课堂教学用语中存在的问题,问题一:课堂用语不规范,说话错误多,1.
6、语法错误:e.g.Can you tell me when did you leave home this morning?Can you tell me when you left home this morning?Can you guess what does it mean?Can you guess what it means?,2.用词不当:e.g.Can you make a sentence about“how long”?Can you make a sentence with“how long?”?Idlike some ofstudents to come to the
7、front now.Id like some of you to come to the front now.,3.习惯性错误:e.g.Teacher:Whats your name?Student:Joey Teacher:How to spell it?How do you spell the name?,Summary(总结):教师出现的错误多为单复数混用,动词短语搭配不当等。出现这些错误的主要原因是因为教师说话的语速过快,造成一些口误;还有一些是因为教师没有重视自己的课堂用语,或是因为自身语言基本功不扎实。,四、目前小学英语教师在使用课堂教学用语中存在的问题,问题二:课堂用语不系统,说
8、话随意性大,中文式英语:e.g.Read together.Read it together./Read the dialogue together.Give you five minutes to finish the exercise.Please finish the exercise in five minutes.,在新课改的过程中,教师的语言发生了很大变化:由指令式的语言向商讨式的语言转变;由评判式的语言向建议式的语言转变;由灌输式的语言向引导式的语言转变;由统一式的语言向开放式的语言转变。,五、小学英语课堂教学用语 的基本类型,Lets start now.Lets begin
9、our class.Lets begin our lesson.Its time for class.Shall we begin our class now?Stand up,please.Sit down,please.,上课(Beginning a class),上课一开始,教师就主动、友好地用英语同学生打招呼,不仅可以唤起学生的注意力,使其为上课作好准备,还可以创造一个平等、和谐、愉快的学习氛围,以保证课堂教学的顺利进行。,问候语(Greetings),Hello,boys and girlschildrenGood morning,classeveryoneeverybodychil
10、drenboys and girlsGood afternoon,classeveryoneeverybodychildrenboys and girlsHow are you today?Good morning/afternoon,kids.Its so nice/Im so happy to see you again.,May I know your name?(Thats a nice name.)Could you tell me your name,please?(Youve got a beautiful name.I really like it.)Shall we begi
11、n our lesson now?Lets start our class,shall we?,Whos on duty today?Whos helping this morning/today?Is everyone/everybody here/present?Is anyone/anybody away/absent?Whos absent?/Whos away?Where is he/she?Try to be on time./Dont be late next time.Go back to your seat,please.What day is it today?Whats
12、the date today?Whats the weather like today?,考勤(Checking attendance),自我介绍(Self-introduction),Now,let me introduce myself.Ill just tell you a bit about myself.My name is.You can call me.Im your new English teacher.Ill be teaching you English this term/semester.Ive got four lessons with you each week.
13、,Lets start working Lets begin/start our lesson.First,lets review/do some review.What did we learn in the last lesson?Who can tell/remember what we did in the last lesson/yesterday?We have some new words/sentences.Now were going to do something newdifferentNow lets learn something new We have some n
14、ew words/sentences.,宣布(Announcing),Ready?Are you ready?Did you get there?/Do you understand?Is that clear?Any volunteers?Do you know what to do?Be quiet,pleaseQuiet,pleaseListen,pleaseListen carefully,please,提醒注意(Directing Attention),Listen to the tape recorderthe recordingLook carefully,pleaseLook
15、over hereWatch carefullyAre you watching?Please look at the blackboardpicturemapPay attention to your spellingpronunciation,Start!Start nowEverybody togetherAll togetherPractise in a group/in groups,pleaseGet into groups of threefourEverybody find a partnerfriendIn pairs,pleaseOne at a timeLets do i
16、t one by one,课堂活动(Classroom activities),Now you,pleaseIts your turn now(Students name)Next,pleaseNow you do the same,pleaseLets actLets act outdo the dialogueWho wants to be A?Practise the dialogue,pleaseNow Tom will be A,and the other half will be B,课堂活动(Classroom activities),Please take(play)the p
17、art ofWhose turn is it?Its your turn.Wait your turn,pleaseStand in lineLine upOne by oneOne at a time,pleaseIn twosIn pairsDont speak outTurn around,课堂活动(Classroom activities),热身、新课导入(Warming-up&Introduction to a New Lesson),Lets do actions!Clap your hands.Stamp your feet.Wave your arms.Nod your hea
18、d.Shake your head.Now,lets sing the song“Old McDonald Had a Farm”.Now,lets play the game“Simon says”.,热身、新课导入(Warming-up&Introduction to a New Lesson),Have you ever been to the zoo?Can you tell me what animals in the zoo you can already say in English?In todays lesson,well learn something about anim
19、als English names.Look at the cards.What do you see on this card?,热身、新课导入(Warming-up&Introduction to a New Lesson),There are all kinds of fruits in our life:apples,oranges,watermelons Please tell me what your favorite fruit is and why.Before starting a new lesson,Id like to ask you what colors the O
20、lympic five rings are and what each color stands for.,Could you please try it again?Could you please try the next one?Will you please help me?Will you please read the dialogue?,请求(Requests),Can you try?Try,pleaseTry your bestDo your bestThink it over and try againDont be afraidshy,鼓励(Encouraging),课堂
21、指令是教师组织和维系课堂的重要手段,教师指令语在很大程度上影响学生在课堂上的活动,即语言习得。,指令(Giving instructions),课堂指令应做到清晰、简洁、准确,不能含混不清或出现发音错误;语调自然、语言生动,切忌生硬;尽量使用学生听得懂的“small words”,并辅以表情、手势等。,SayRead after me,pleaseFollow me,pleaseDo what I doRepeat,pleaseRepeat after meOnce more,pleaseOne more time,pleaseCome here,pleasePlease come to th
22、e frontCome up and write on the blackboardchalkboardCome and write it on the blackboardPlease go back to your seat,指示/演示语,Put your hands up,pleaseRaise your hands,please.Put down your hands,pleaseHands down,pleaseSay itWrite it in ChineseEnglishIn English,please.Please take out your booksPlease open
23、 your books at pageFind page.Turn to Page,指示/演示语,Please answer the/my questionquestionsPlease read this letterwordsentence out loudPlease read out this letterwordsentencePlease stop nowStop here,pleaseClean up your deskthe classroom,pleaseIts clean-up timeTidy up your deskthe classroomPut your thing
24、s awayClean off your deskClean the blackboard,指示/演示语,Plug in the tape-recorder,please.Put the tape-recorder awayPut the tape in its boxcassetteListen and repeatLook and listenRepeat after meFollow the words.Quickly!Be quick,pleaseHurry!Hurry up,pleaseDo it fast.Slowly/Slow down,please.Bring me some
25、chalk,please,Stop talkingStop talking now,pleaseDont talkEverybody be quiet,pleaseDont be sillySettle down,禁止和警告(Prohibition and warning),教师在提问时态度要和蔼、可亲;提问语的使用要注意体现对学生的尊重,不要让学生感到紧张,有压力。正确的提问语可减轻学生的学习焦虑情绪,保护学生的学习积极性。,提问(Questioning),Are you clear?Do you understand?(Have you)Got it?/Did you get it?Who
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- 小学英语 教师 课堂教学 用语 规范
