国际商法 合同法 违约 Unit6BreachoftheContractandReme.ppt
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1、Unit 5 Breach of the Contract,When a persons performance is due,any failure to perform that is not excused is a breach of contract.Not all breaches of contract are of equal seriousness,however.Some are relatively minor deviations,whereas others are so extreme that they deprive the promisee of the es
2、sence of what he bargained for.The legal consequences of a given breach depend on the extent of the breach.,Classification of Contract Breach,1.Non-performance(1)Subjective non-performance不愿履行(2)Objective non-performance履行不能 2.Late performance 3.Partial performance 4.Defective performance 5.Anticipa
3、tory Breach and Actual Breach 6.Material Breach and nonmaterial Breach,违约的种类 中国,1)单方违约:指违约是由一方当事人的行为造成的。双方违约:指合同的双方当事人都违反了其依据合同所应尽的义务。2)根本违约:一方的违约致使另一方订约目的不能实现。非根本违约:指一方的违约并没有导致另一方订约目的不能实现,或者使其遭受重大损害。3)不履行:指无正当理由完全不履行合同义务。不完全履行:当事人岁有履行行为,但履行不符合法律和合同的约定。不完全履行包括:迟延履行,不适当履行,部分履行等行为。4)预期违约指在合同履行期限到来之前,一
4、方无正当理由明确表示其在履行期到来后将不履行合同,或者其行为表明其在履行期到来后将不可能履行合同。预期违约:包括明示预期违约和默示的预期违约实际违约:即实际发生的违约行为。,Effect of Material Breach,A material breach occurs when the promisors performance fails to reach the level of performance that the promisee is justified in expecting under the circumstances.The party who is injure
5、d by a material breach has the right to withhold his own performance.He is discharged from further obligations under the contract and may cancel it.He also has the right to sue for damages for total breach of contract.,Effect of Nonmaterial Breach,By contrast,when the breach is not serious enough to
6、 be material,the nonbreaching party may sue for only those damages caused by the particular breach.In addition,he does not have the right to cancel the contract,although a nonmaterial breach can give him the right to suspend his performance until the breach is remedied.Once the breach is remedied,th
7、e nonbreaching party must go ahead and render his performance,minus any damages caused by the breach.,Determining the Materiality of the Breach,The standard for determining materiality is a flexible one that takes into account the facts of each individual case.The key question is whether the breach
8、deprives the injured party of the benefits that he reasonably expected.,Anticipatory Repudiation,One type of breach of contract occurs when the promisor indicates before the time for his performance that he is unwilling or unable to carry out the contract.This is called anticipatory repudiation or a
9、nticipatory breach.Anticipatory breach generally constitutes a material breach of contract that discharges the promisee from all further obligation under the contract.,Remedies for Breach of Contract,Contract remedies focus on the economic loss caused by breach of contract,not on the moral obligatio
10、n to perform a promise.The objective of granting a remedy in a case of breach of contract is simply to compensate the injured party.Types of Contract Remedies1)Legal remedies(money damages)2)Equitable remedies(such as Specific Performance)3)RestitutionIt requires the defendant to pay the value of th
11、e benefits that the plaintiff has conferred on him.,Legal Remedies(Damages)-Limitation on recovery of Damages in contract Cases,1 A party can recover damages only for those losses that he can prove with reasonable certainty.2 A breaching party is responsible for paying only those losses that were fo
12、reseeable to him at the time of contracting.3 Plaintiffs injured by a breach of contract have the duty to mitigate(avoid or minimize)damages.,Compensatory Damages,Subject to the limitations discussed above,a person who has been injured by a breach of contract is entitled to recover compensatory dama
13、ges.1 Loss in value:The starting point in calculating compensatory damages is to determine the loss in vale of the performance that the plaintiff had the right to expect.2 Consequential damages:compensate for losses that occur as a consequence of the breach of contract.3 Incidental damages:compensat
14、e for reasonable costs that the injured party incurs after the breach in an effort to avoid further loss.,Alternative Measures of Damages,Nominal DamagesNominal Damages are very small damage awards that are given when a technical breach of contract has occurred without causing any actual or provable
15、 economic loss.Liquidated damagesThe parties to a contract may expressly provide in their contract that a specific sum shall be recoverable if the contract is breached.Such provisions are called liquidated damages provisions.,Punitive Damages,Punitive damages are damages awarded in addition to the c
16、ompensatory remedy that are designed to punish a defendant for particularly reprehensible behavior and to deter the defendant and others from committing similar behavior in the future.The traditional rule is that punitive damages are not recoverable in contracts cases unless a specific statutory pro
17、vision(such as some consumer protection statutes)allows them or the defendant has committed fraud or some other independent tort.,赔偿的范围,合同法上对损害赔偿采取的是完全赔偿原则,即赔实际损失,也赔可得利益。损害赔偿的计算方法主要依据当事人约定,在当事人没有约定的情况下,确定的公式是:(1)完全赔偿原则包括直接损失与间接损失。前者主要表现为标的物灭失,费用的支出等,后者指在合同适当履行后可以实现和取得的财产利益,也称为可得利益的赔偿。(2)合理预见规则违约损害赔偿
18、的范围以违约方在订立合同时预见到或者应当预见到的损失为限。(3)减轻损失规则一方违约后,另一方应当及时采取合理措施防止损失的扩大,否则,不得就扩大的损失要求赔偿。,损害赔偿的计算公式,损害赔偿范围=直接损失+间接损失-可避免的费用 可避免的损失例:张三与李西与8月1日约定由张三于10月1日交付活鸡1000只,价格10000元,由李四负责提货。李四为此安排车辆运输,运费500元。李四又与王五签订合同,将该批活鸡转卖,价格15000元。问(1)如果张三未能与10月1日将该批活鸡交付给李四,应当赔偿李四多少钱?(2)如果张三准时交付,但交付的1000只活鸡有禽流感,导致李四自有的两千只鸭子死亡。每只
19、鸭子8元。问张三应赔偿李四多少钱。(3)如果张三在发现活鸡得了禽流感以后可以及时将其隔离,并予以处理。但张三拒绝及时处理该批活鸡,导致其两千只鸭子受感染。问张三应赔偿李四多少钱。,Remedies under CISG,The remedies under CISG are drawn from both common law and civil system(1)avoidance of the contract;(2)sellers right to remedy or cure;(3)sellers additional time to perform(4)price reduction
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