1、第三章 三角洲沉积体系DELTA SYSTEMS,第一节 三角洲的环境特点及其沉积作用第二节 三角洲的沉积特征及沉积模式第三节 古代三角洲沉积鉴别标志及其 与油气资源的关系,第二节 三角洲的沉积特征及沉积模式,一、曲流河三角洲沉积体系 二、辫状河三角洲沉积体系三、扇三角洲沉积体系,一、曲流河三角洲沉积,三角洲的亚环境和沉积特征三角洲的主要类型、沉积相组合、沉积旋回及演化,1.三角洲的亚环境和沉积特征,两套术语(two sets of terms for deltas),Based on gradient of delta profile(吉尔伯特,美国,1885):顶积层或三角洲台地 tops
2、et or delta platform前积层或三角洲斜坡 foreset or delta slope底积层或前三角洲 bottomset or prodelta推荐使用的术语Based on delta-building processes:三角洲平原 delta plain 上部 高潮面以上 下部 低潮面以上三角洲前缘 delta front 浪基面以上前三角洲 prodelta 浪基面以下,水上三角洲,水下三角洲,所有三角洲都可以分为水上三角洲(三角洲平原:又分上部和下部)和水下三角洲(三角洲前缘和前三角洲)Physiographic and Sediment Characterist
3、ics of Alluvial Deltaic Systems Variations in sediment input,outflow velocity,wave and current energy,and other factors discussed cause the depositional features of deltas to exhibit a high degree of variability from one delta to another.Nevertheless,all deltas can be divided into subaerial and suba
4、queous components,each of which can be further subdivided(Fig.10.15).The subaqueous delta plain lies seaward of the lower deltaic plain below low-tide water level and is characterized by relatively open marine faunas.The uppermost part of the subaqueous delta,lying at water depths down to 10 m or so
5、,is commonly called the delta front.,(1)三角洲平原(DELTA PLAIN),The subaerial component of deltas is generally larger than the subaqueous component and is divided into an upper delta plain,which lies largely above high-tide level,and a lower delta plain,lying between low-tide mark and the upper limit of
6、tidal influence.The upper delta plain is commonly the oldest part of the delta and is dominated by fluvial processes.The lower delta plain is exposed during low tide but is covered by water during high tide.Thus,it is subjected to both fluvial and marine processes.,(1)三角洲平原(DELTA PLAIN),Upper Delta
7、Plain SedimentsThe upper delta plain lies mainly above tidal influence and is little affected by marine processes,and thus similar to fluvial environments in many respects,except that areas of swamp,marsh and lake are usually widespread and that channels may bifurcate downstream;Sedimentation on the
8、 upper delta is dominated by distributary-channel migration and associated fluvial sedimentation processes such as channel and point-bar deposition,overbank flooding,and crevassing into lake basins.The principal depositional environments include braided channels(辫状河道),meandering channels(曲流河道),lacus
9、trine delta fill,backswamps,and floodplain environments such as swamps,marshes,and freshwater lakes(淡水湖泊)(Coleman and Prior,1982).Therefore,upper delta-plain sediments are predominantly fluvial sands,gravels,and muds that may be closely associated with lacustrine,swamp,and marsh deposits.,湿地,定义:指海洋和
10、内陆常年有浅层积水或土壤过湿的地段。表达湿地的词约有30个左右,但学术上有个比较统一的名词沼泽.在湿地研究影响最大的英语国家中比较普遍的名词有四五个,如swamp,marsh,bog,moor,fen等.某些文献中指出其间有些差别,例如swamp指木本植物多于marsh而排水情况优于bog的一种湿地;marsh指软、湿、低的草本覆被为主的有由水过渡到陆的趋势的湿地;marsh土常多碱性,而bog常多酸性;moor常指较开阔、地势较高、排水较差、有小灌木丛以致泥炭的湿地;fen则是英国常用的名词等.,(1)三角洲平原(DELTA PLAIN),Lower Delta Plain Sediment
11、sAffected by both fluvial and basinal processes.The width of the lower delta plain is greatest on deltas where tidal range is large.This plain includes the active distributary system of the delta,as well as abandoned distributary-fill deposits,and may be flanked by marginal-basin or bay-fill deposit
12、s.Distributary channels are numerous,but environments between channels make up the largest percentage of the lower delta plain.These environments include actively migrating tidal channels,natural levees,interdistributary bays(分流间湾),bay fills(crevasse splays),marshes,and swamps(Coleman and Prior,1982
13、).Sediments:The major sand bodies generated in this environment are bay-fill deposits,which may form thin sand wedges stacked one on top of the other and separated by finer-grained,interdistributary-bay and marsh deposits.In very arid climates,evaporites(蒸发盐)also may be deposited in some parts of th
14、e lower delta plain.Deposits of the lower delta plain also commonly include abandoned distributary deposits.These consist of locally derived sands,muds,and organic debris that gradually fill distributary channels after they have been abandoned by the main stream owing to blocking or other processes
15、that cause channel shifting.,(1)三角洲平原(DELTA PLAIN),两个主要单元(Two principal components of Delta plain):分流河道沉积(Distributary channels)为沙和粉沙沉积物。横剖面形态为近于对称的透镜体。为向上变细的沉积序列。分流河道间沉积(Inter-distributary area)天然堤-发育在河道两侧,由细沙、粉沙和泥质组成。沙质沉积内部具沙纹交错层和流水波痕。沼泽及湖泊-排水不良,但植物繁茂,沉积物主要为富含有机质的暗色泥岩夹泥炭和煤层。植物化石丰富,根土构造发育。湖泊的规模通常较小
16、,沉积物主要为泥岩。决口扇沉积-发育在天然堤两侧和分流间海湾,呈扇状分布,由细沙和粉沙组成。常见粒序层、沙纹层和平行层理。分流间湾沉积-分流间湾是指分流河道间与海洋相通的相对低凹的地区。为泥质,含少量粉沙和细沙,具水平层理和透镜状层理。含海相动物化石。,(2)三角洲前缘(DELTA FRONT),The subaqueous delta plain constitutes that area of a delta that lies seaward of low tide level and above wave base,and actively receives fluvial sedim
17、ents.It may extend outward for distances of a few kilometers to tens of kilometers to water depths as much as 300 m.Deposits of the subaqueous delta thus form the base over which subaerial delta deposits prograde as the delta builds seaward.The uppermost part of the subaqueous delta,the delta front,
18、may be dominated by high-energy marine processes,including waves,longshore currents,and tides in some cases.The deposits typically consist in part of sands,and possibly gravels,deposited near the river mouths,forming distributary-mouth-bar deposits.In a general way,these deposits grade seaward to fi
19、ner sands and coarse silts that settle from suspension to form the distal bar.On wave-and tide-dominated deltas,sediment is reworked and winnowed by these processes,creating well-sorted delta-front sheet sands that are cross-bedded on a variety of scales.,(2)三角洲前缘(DELTA FRONT),水下分流河道沉积-是陆上分流河道的延伸部分。
20、沉积物中常含粘土碎块,具交错层理、流水沙纹层理和侵蚀面等,可见向上变细的序列。水下天然堤沉积-由极细沙和粉沙组成。可见沙纹层理、浪成波痕、虫孔和包卷纹层等。河口沙坝沉积-由沙质沉积物组成。质地纯净,分选良好,具多方向槽状交错层和冲刷面。河口坝末端通常称为末端坝,为细沙、粉沙和泥组成的交互层。具反粒序,有水平纹层、波状及透镜状层理,河口坝单元形成向上变粗的序列。前缘席状沙-河口坝经海洋营力改造形成。成层性好,沙纹层理发育。,(3)前三角洲(PRODELTA),The remaining seaward part of the subaqueous delta is called the prod
21、elta,or prodelta slope.The finest silts and clays are transported still farther seaward and settle on the prodelta on the outermost part of the subaqueous delta.AREA that is not affected by wave and tide processes.It may not exist in shallow-water areas.It comprises well laminated mud and silts depo
22、sited from suspension in deep-water areas.Previously deposited sediments may be reentrained,transported,and redeposited farther downslope on the subaqueous delta by gravity-driven mass-movement processes that include landslides,slumps,turbidity-current flows,and mudflows.Mud diapirs(底辟)are also a co
23、mmon feature of many subaqueous deltas.These structures are piercement-type(刺穿)bodies of soft sediment that is squeezed upward and intruded into overlying sand bodies owing to sediment loading.,(3)前三角洲 PRODELTA,前三角洲位于前缘的向海一侧,水深通常在浪基面以下。沉积物主要为泥和粉沙质泥,富含有机质,可见海绿石等自生矿物。层理主要是水平纹层。在近前缘的部分可出现少数粉砂薄层,其中有小型交错
24、纹层等构造。含海相动物化石,有较多的虫孔及生物扰动构造。三角洲前缘沉积物的再搬运、沉积形成的沉积物重力流,泥岩底辟、变形改造等。,三角洲前缘和前三角洲的同生变形特征Syn-deformational features in delta front and prodelta,三角洲前缘和前三角洲的同生变形特征Syn-deformational features in delta front and prodelta,一、曲流河三角洲沉积,三角洲的亚环境和沉积特征三角洲的主要类型、沉积相组合、沉积旋回及演化,三角洲沉积相组合、沉积旋回及演化,(1)平面相组合及垂向层序(相序),A delta an
25、d adjacent environments,三角洲沉积相组合、沉积旋回及演化,(1)平面相组合及垂向层序(相序),A delta and adjacent environments,浪控三角洲下细上粗的反旋回具浪蚀海滩脊序列以层序顶部三角洲平原的沼泽和分支河道沉积与海岸沉积的海滩脊相区别。,(2)三角洲类型及三维空间组合,A variety of shoal-water delta,内陆架浅水三角洲,河控三角洲是在河流输入泥沙量大,波浪、潮汐作用微弱:鸟足状三角洲 朵状三角洲,浪控三角洲的平面形态呈鸟嘴状,海洋的波浪作用大于河流的作用,河流输入泥沙量少,形成平行于海岸的海滩、沙嘴、沙坝,潮
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