1、Feeding Strategies for Prolific Sows高产母猪的饲养策略,P.A.ThackerDepartment of Animal ScienceUniversity of SaskatchewanSaskatoon,Saskatchewan加拿大萨斯喀砌温大学动物科学系中文翻译:美国ADM公司 蔡永久,Changes in the Swine Industry(1980-2005)养猪工业的变化(1980-2005),Increased Reproductive Efficiency 提高繁殖率Reduced Back Fat Levels 降低背膘厚度Earlier
2、 Weaning 早期断奶Muti-Site Production 多点生产Larger Operations 规模变大Lower Profit Margins 利润空间变小,Feed Modern Genotypes Differently 现代基因型猪饲养与过去的不同,Conserve Body Tissue体组织储备,Consequences of Poor Sow Nutrition母猪营养缺乏的后果,Smaller Litter Size 窝重小Increased Piglet Mortality 仔猪死亡率增加Lighter Pigs at Weaning 断奶体重轻Lower C
3、onception Rates 受精率低 Longer Weaning to Rebreeding Interval 断奶至下一次配种时间间隔长Premature Culling 过早淘汰,Formulate Diets for Specific Stages of Production按生产阶段配制日粮,Developer diets typically contain higher levels of vitamins and minerals than those fed to market animals since the nutritional requirements for g
4、rowth and reproduction are different.由于生长和繁殖期的营养需要量不同,后备母猪日粮比商品育肥猪的日粮含有更高水平的维生素和微量元素。The higher levels of vitamins and minerals are designed to enhance body reserves of nutrients since breeding animals will remain in the herd for a significantly longer period than market animals.由于种猪比育肥猪饲养时间长,高水平的维生
5、素和微量元素可以保证它们体组织营养物的储备。,Gilt Developer Diets后备母猪日粮,Locomotor problems are a common reason for culling and it is important to ensure adequate intakes of calcium and phosphorus.运动问题是造成母猪淘汰的主要原因,但它对保证母猪能摄取足够的钙磷也非常重要。Several research trials have indicated that the calcium and phosphorus requirements for
6、maximal bone mineralization are higher than the requirements for maximal growth rate.很多实验研究表明,猪的最大骨质矿化要比最快生长率对钙磷的需要量更高。,Diets fed to replacement gilts should be at least 0.1%higher in calcium and total phosphorus than diets fed to market animals beginning at approximately 50 kg body weight.从50kg体重开始
7、,后备母猪日粮的钙磷水平比育肥猪至少要高0.1%。,In addition to higher levels of calcium and phosphorus,there is antidotal evidence that supplementing the gilt developer diet with higher levels of copper,zinc,iron,iodine and manganese will increase body reserves of these minerals and may enhance future reproductive perfor
8、mance.后备母猪的日粮除要求额外高水平的钙、磷之外如能再补充高水平的铜、锌、铁、碘、锰微量元素,这将 有助于提高母猪体内对这些矿物 质的储备从而能改善以后的繁殖 表现。,Typical Gilt FinisherDeveloper育肥猪 后备母猪常量元素 Macrominerals(Total)钙 Calcium%0.600.75磷 Phosphorus%0.500.65有效磷 Avail phosphorus%0.200.40食盐 Salt%0.330.40微量元素 Microminerals(Supplemented)铁 Ironmg/kg 50 150铜 Coppermg/kg 10
9、 15锌 Zincmg/kg 90 150碘 Iodinemg/kg 0.14 0.28硒 Seleniummg/kg 0.30 0.30锰 Manganesemg/kg-20,Recommendations for Mineral Fortification of a Gilt Developer Diet Compared with a Typical Finisher Diet与肥育猪日粮相比后备母猪日粮中矿物质的推荐添加量,The vitamin needs of the reproducing female are also greater than those of the ter
10、minal animal.繁殖母猪的维生素需要量比育肥猪高。The typical vitamin premix used in the finishing barn should be replaced with a“breeder”vitamin premix.要用种猪维生素预混料来代替常用育肥猪饲养期的典型维生素预混料。The breeder premix should contain elevated levels of the fat soluble vitamins A,D,and E and the water-soluble vitamins with special atte
11、ntion to choline,biotin,pyridoxine and folic acid which are usually not supplemented in typical finishing rations.种猪维生素预混料应含高水平的脂溶性维生素A、D、E和水溶性多种维生素,特别注意胆碱、生物素、B6、叶酸这些通常不在育肥猪日粮中添加的维生素。,Vitamin Levels for Developer Diets后备母猪日粮的维生素水平,TypicalFinisherGilt Developer 育肥猪 后备母猪Vitamin AIU55008200Vitamin DIU
12、 550 825Vitamin EIU 25 66Vitamin Kmg 2 2Vitamin B12ug 15 25Niacin 烟酸mg 20 20Pantoth Acid 泛酸mg 15 20Riboflavin B2 mg 4 20Choline 胆碱mg 01250Biotin 生物素ug 0 200Folic Acid 叶酸mg 0 1.5Pyridoxine B6mg 0 1.0,Recommendations for Vitamin Fortification of a Gilt Developer Compared with a Finisher Diet与肥育猪日粮相比后备
13、母猪日粮中维生素的推荐添加量,The objective of any feeding strategy for gilts should be to introduce replacements into the breeding herd in such a way that their breeding lifetime and reproductive performance are maximized.后备母猪饲养策略的目标是引进后备猪进入繁殖群后它们均能达到最大程度的繁殖周期和繁殖性能,Feeding Gilts 后备母猪的饲养,It is important that repla
14、cement gilts be of sufficient age,size and physiological maturity before breeding.有必要在繁殖前就选用好后备母猪具备足够年龄、大小、生理成熟状态。It is also necessary that they have adequate reserves of fat and lean in their body at first mating.也必需在第一次配种前考虑所选用的后备母猪具备足够体脂和瘦肉储备。,At least 135 kg live weight 至少135公斤活体重At least 16-20
15、mm P2 back fat 至少P2背膘厚度16-22毫米At second estrus or later 至少处于第二个发情期或更晚,Targets for Gilts at First Mating后备母猪第一次配种时的目标指数,Body WeightP2 Backfat at Number of Piglets Bornat Mating(kg)Mating(mm)Parity 1Parity 1 to 5配种时体重 P2背脂厚度 初胎产仔数 1-5胎产仔总数11714.6 7.151.012615.8 9.857.313617.710.356.914620.010.559.8157
16、22.410.551.716625.3 9.951.3Challinor et al.,1996,Reproductive Performance of Sows According to Body Weight and Back Fat at First Mating母猪的繁殖性能与第一次配种时的体重和背脂厚度相关,Feeding Replacement Gilts From Herd Entry Until Mating后备母猪从进入种群到配种的饲养,For most genotypes of gilts there is no need to do anything special to
17、 manipulate body composition.对大多数品种的后备母猪来说没必要故意设法想改变其身体组分。All that will be required will be to feed a gilt developer diet ad libitum from arrival in the breeding herd until mating.从进入繁殖群到配种,最必需的是用后备母猪专用料并采用自由采食方式来饲喂后备母猪。This diet should contain about 3000-3200 kcal of DE/kg and 0.70-0.80%lysine.该日粮应
18、含3000-3200大卡/kg消化能和0.7-0.8%赖氨酸。,Body Weight of Gilt 后备母猪体重 10-2020-5050-100DE Intake(Mcal/day)3.4 6.409.0消化能(兆卡/天)Crude Protein(%)粗蛋白 20.918.016.3Total Lysine(%)总赖氨酸 1.150.950.75Total Lysine(g/day 天)11.519.022.5g Lysine/Mcal DE 3.382.962.50克赖氨酸/兆卡消化能Adapted from NRC(1998).Assumes ad lib intake and a
19、 lean growth potential of 325 g/day假设自由采食、瘦肉生长潜力为325克/天。,Nutrient Levels to Maximize Lean TissueGrowth Rates in Developing Gilts后备母猪最大瘦肉组织生长率所需的营养水平,For genotypes whose growth rate is so rapid that they are likely to be significantly over the target weight before reaching puberty,it may be necessary
20、 to restrict energy intake.在性成熟阶段之前,对于那些生长过快很可能显著超过目标体重的后备母猪品种,有必要限制它们的能量摄入。The objective of restricting energy intake during rearing is to limit mature body size and reduce feet and leg problems associated with females that become too heavy or too fat.There are two possibilities to accomplish this:
21、饲养管理中限饲能量摄入的目的是限制成熟母猪的体重、减少因母猪超重过肥引发的肢蹄病。通常采用两种方法:1.Restrict Feed Intake(2.4-2.6 kg)限制日采食量2.Reduce Energy Density 降低能量浓度,Effect of High Fibre Gestation Diets on Reproductive Performance高纤维日粮对怀孕母猪繁殖性能的影响,Standard50%Sugar50%MixedGestation DietBeet PulpFibre Sources 标准怀孕日粮 50%甜菜粕 50%纤维混合物Net Energy Con
22、tent(MJ/kg)净能含量 9.03 8.496.72Gestation Feed Intake(kg)怀孕猪采食量 281 290368Gestation Energy Intake(MJ NE)2296 22162287怀孕猪摄入净能Lactation Energy Intake(MJ NE)1450 15281438泌乳猪摄入净能Gestation Weight Gain(kg)怀孕猪体增重 58.7 61.667.9Lactation Weight Loss(kg)泌乳猪体失重 8.0 6.3 9.6Pigs Born Alive 出生活仔数 10.8 10.910.7Birth
23、Weight(kg)出生重 1.6 1.51.7Pigs Weaned 断奶仔猪数 9.5 9.39.328 Day Weaning Weight(kg)8.4 8.18.428天断奶重_Vestergaard and Danielsen,1998.Animal Science 68:355-362.Mixed Fibre=Grass meal,wheat bran and oat hulls.混合纤维=干草+麦麸+燕麦壳,Feeding ReplacementGilts Prior To Mating后备母猪配种前的饲养,Feeding Gilts Prior to Mating后备母猪配种
24、前的饲养,The objective of the feeding program immediately before mating is to maximize the number of eggs ovulated.在临近配种时饲喂程序的目标是促使排卵数最大化。Ovulation rate is the principle factor limiting litter size in gilts and increasing the level of feed intake prior to mating will significantly increase ovulation rat
25、e.排卵率是限制母猪窝重的主要因子,在配种前提高采食量能显著性地增加排卵效率。Ovulation rate increases by 1-2 ova in response to increased feed intake during the 14-day period immediately prior to ovulation.This is the well know flushing effect.在排卵前14天立即增加采食量,排卵数相应会增加1-2个,这是著名的“冲刷”效果。(最大采食量会导致胃肠的迅速排空,即催情补饲),Flushing has been shown to inc
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