1、,Chapter 9Communicative competence,Supervisor:Liu Baining Reporter:Lang Qian,Communicative competence,Brief introduction,The middle part of 20th century was characterized by a zeal for the scientific,linguistic analysis of the structures of the languages and for application of such analysis to behav
2、ioristic approaches to language teaching.And this research continue to be important as we head toward the 21st century.However,in the last two decades of the 20th century,a focus on communicative language teachingteaching second languages for the ultimate goal of communication with other speakers of
3、 the second language.Such a focus has centered on speaking and listening skills,on writing for specific communicative purposes,and on“authentic”reading texts.Underlying the communicative language teaching movement are a number of important theoretical principles of language behavior.So today well st
4、udy these principles.,Body of communicative competence,On defining communicative competence Pragmatics Language functions Discourse analysis,On defining communicative competence,The beginning of communicative competence The development of communicative competence Some newer views about communicative
5、 competence,The beginning of communicative competence,The term“communicative competence”was coined by(1967,1972),a sociolinguist who was convinced that Chomskys notion of competence was too limited.According to Hymes,Chomskys“rule-governed creativity”that so aptly describes a childs mush-rooming gra
6、mmar at the age of 3 or 4 did not account sufficiently for the social and functional rules of language.,Dell Hymes,The beginning of communicative competence,Then,communicative competence is that aspect of our competence that enables us to convey and interpret messages and to negotiate meanings inter
7、personally within specific contexts.Savigon notes that“communicative competence is relative,not absolute and depends on the cooperation of all the participants involved.”It is not so much an intrapersonal construct as we saw in Chomskys early writings but rather a dynamic,interpersonal construct.,De
8、velopment of communicative competence,In the 1970s,research on communicative competence distinguished between linguistic and communicative competence to highlight the difference between knowledge“about”language forms and knowledge that enables a person to communicate functionally and interactively.I
9、n a small vein,James Cummins proposed a distinction between cognitive/academic language proficiency(CALP)and basic interpersonal communicative skills(BICS).,Development of communicative competence,CALP,BICS,It is the communicative capacity that all children acquire in order to be able to function in
10、 daily inter-personal exchanges.,The dimension of proficiency in which the learner manipu-lates or reflects upon the sur-face of features of language outside of the immediate in-terpersonal context.It is what learners often use in classroom exercises and tests that focus on form.,The difference betw
11、een CALP and BICS:Cummins(1981)later modified his notion of CALP and BICS in the form of context-reduced and context-embedded communication,where the former resembles CALP and the latter BICS,but with the added dimension of considering the context in which language is used.For example,a good share o
12、f classroom,school-oriented language is context-reduced,while face-to-face communication with people is context-embedded.,Development of communicative competence,In Canales definition,four different components make up the construct of communicative competence.1).Grammatical competence:It encompasses
13、“knowledge of lexical items and of rules of morphology,syntax,sentence-grammar semantics and phonology”.2).Discourse competence:It is the ability we have to conn-ect sentences in stretches of discourse and to form a meaningful whole out of a series of utterances.Differences between 1)and 2):The form
14、er focuses on sentence level grammar.While the latter is concerned with intersentential relationships.,The first two cate-gories reflect the use of the linguistic system itself.,Development of communicative competence,3).Sociolinguistic competence:It is the knowledge of the sociocultural rules of la
15、nguage and of discourse.And it also“requires an understanding of the social context in which language is used:the roles of the participants,the information they share,and the function of the inter-action.”4).Strategic competence:Canale and Swain(1980:30)described strategic competence as the“verbal a
16、nd non-verbal communication strategies that may be called into action to compensate for breakdowns in communication due to performance variables or due to insufficient com-petence.”,The last two subcate-gories define the more functional aspects of communication.,4).Strategic competence:In short,it i
17、s the competence underlying our ability to make repairs,to cope with imperfect knowledge,and to sustain communication through“paraphrases,circumlocution,repetition,hesitation,avoidance and guessing,as well as shifts in register and style”.,4).Strategic competence:from these explanations we know that
18、 all communication strategies may be thought of as arising out of a persons strategic competence.In fact,strategic competence is the way we manipulate language in order to meet communicative goals.,For example,an eloquent speaker possesses and uses a sophisticated strategic competence.Or a salesman
19、utilizes certain strategies of communication to make a product seem irresistible.,Some newer views about communicative competence,These newer views are perhaps best captured in s(1990)schematization of what he simply calls Language Competence,as shown in following figure.,All those rules and systems
20、 that indicate what we can do with the forms of language,whether they be sentence-level rules(grammar)or rules that govern how we string sentences together(discourse).,Graphology is the pseudoscientific study and analysis of handwriting,especially in relation to human psy-chology.In the medical fiel
21、d,it can be used to refer to the study of hand-writing as an aid in diagnosis and tracking of diseases of the brain and nervous system.,Lyle Bachman,The ideational function is language concerned with building and maintaining a theory of experience.It includes the experiential function and the logica
22、l function,语言能力包括在语言交际过程中使用的一套具体的知识,可以进一步划分为两大类能力,组织能力(organizational competence)和 语用能力(pragmatic competence)。前者由语法能力(Grammatical competence)和篇章能力(Textual competence)组成,后者由施为能力(Illocutionary competence)和社交语言能力(Sociolinguistic competence)构成。具体来说,施为能力是交际者在话语表达过程中结合特定语境传递和理解施为用意的能力,社交语言能力反映了交际者对特定语言使用语
23、境特征所决定的语用规范的敏感程度或控制能力,这一能力使得交际者能够选择适合语境的方式执行语言功能。Bachman 指出社交语言能力包括下列因素:第一,对方言和语言变体(variation)的差异敏感性;第二,对语域(register)差异的敏感性;第三,对语言表达是否自然、地道(authentic)的敏感性;第四,解释带有文化色彩(culture-loaded)的指称和修辞手法的能力。,Knowledge structuresKnowledge of the world,Strategic competence,Context of situation,Language competenceK
24、nowledge of language,Psychophysiological mechanisms,策略能力是指在具体情境下运用语言知识进行交际的心理能力(mental capacity)它是语言使用中的一个重要部分,是一种综合运用已掌握知识解决问题的能力,语言使用者的策略能力使其能将语言能力(Language competence)与知识结构(Knowledge structures)和交际情境(Context of situation)的特征联系起来。例如,当语言使用者的语言能力出现障碍时,它的策略能力会起到某种补偿作用,以保证交际的顺利进行,心理生理机制是语言交际时的一种神经和心理过
25、程,如在接收语言的过程中使用的是视听技能,而在产生语言的过程中使用的是神经肌肉机能。,Dell Hathaway Hymes(June 7,1927 November 13,2009)was a linguist,sociolinguist,anthropologist,and folklorist who established disciplinary foundations for the comparative,ethnographic study of language use.His research focused upon the languages of the Pacifi
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