1、吴 云,美宝国际集团,主要内容:,集团简介国际市场发展现状机遇与挑战,概述:,美宝国际集团是从事生命科学前沿研究的集团公司,由我国著名生命科学家徐荣祥教授创建于1987年,总部位于北京市朝阳区CBD中心区。徐荣祥在自己发明的烧伤湿性医疗技术和湿润烧伤膏基础上创立了烧伤再生医学,该治疗技术现已成为中国烧伤医学的主体,并已经被世界上31个国家和地区正式推广,而且湿润烧伤膏还做为正式药品被这些国家所进口。徐荣祥又以烧伤后皮肤器官原位再生的应用模型,发现了人类第二次生命细胞,建立了人体器官缺损原位再生复原技术,创立了组织器官再生医学,最终创立了人体器官原位再生复原科学体系。人体器官原位再生复原科学是人
3、印度FDA临床三期,公司创始人,1987年创立了集医药研发、临床医疗、细胞组织工程、制药工业、保健食品工业、化妆品工业、医疗保健服务业、市场营销、投资、国际贸易为一体的在型高科技综合性跨国集团美宝国际集团,致力于人类生命再生医学研究,创立人体器官原位再生复原体系。,集团架构,美宝(中国):北京荣祥再生医学研究所有限公司美宝高科技有限责任公司汕头美宝制药有限公司上海美宝生命科技有限公司,美宝中国总部 汕头美宝制药 廊坊美宝高科 上海美宝生命科技,美宝(美国)MEBO International,Inc.(California,U.S.A.)Skingenix,Inc.(California,U.
4、S.A.)MEBO Clinical Trial Center Us.美宝马来西亚MEBO Malaysia Co.,Ltd美宝泰国MEBO Thailand Co.,Ltd美宝印度MEBO India Inc.MEBO India Clinical Trial Center美宝俄罗斯MEBO Russia Co.,Ltd,技术与产品,坚持技术研发,保持技术领先地位注重基础研究,探索人体再生秘密依托高端技术,打造知名再生产品,美宝科学技术发展原则,Repairing and regenerating injured and diseased organsTo cure injured and
5、diseased human beings;Facilitating self-renewal of tissue and organsTo retard aging and extend peoples life span;,世界领先的生命再生科学,Skin Regeneration of Burns,Wounds and Ulcers in situRegeneration of Broken or Lost Fingers in situRegeneration of Gastrointestinal Organs in situRegenerative nutrient treatme
6、nt on cancersAnd more,MEBO has developed scientifically revolutionary medicines and nutrients that have been used successfully to treat millions of patients,which mainly focuses on the following aspects:Burns;Wounds and Ulcers;GI tract disorders;Broken fingers;CancersHealth-care,多学科临床应用成就,目标,皮肤器官再生,
7、皮肤器官原位再生复原,中国中西医结合学会烧伤专业委员会中国中西医结合烧伤创疡中心中国烧伤创疡杂志(卫生部直属)各国烧伤专业委员会世界烧伤大会(ISBI)欧洲创面修复学会全世界有超过万名临床专家直接或间接加入了人体再生复原科学的推广队伍之中,学术发展介绍,科学刊物,And there are abundant academic essays published in and abroad China,for more materials please go to,截止2010年9月份,共计获得中国、美国、欧洲、日本22项专利,Chemical,Natural,MEBO Products,Medi
8、cations,Health-careproduct,Medical devices,Health-care food,2,3,4,5,1,产品分类,Functionalskincare products,系列1:药品,MEBO Wound Ointment(MEBO),MEBODermhealth Cream,MEBO Burn/Wound Ointment(MEBO)美宝烧/创伤膏,Regenerative Component to initiate and cultivate stem cells Medical Ingredients to eliminate all factors
9、unfavorable for skin regeneration Unique Dosage Form(Pharmaceutical Base and the Use of the Base US Patent No.:5817322),MEBO is the first regenerative medicine to treat burns wounds and surface ulcers of any depth,any size and any causes.,IndicationsAll Sorts of Burns All sorts of body surface chron
10、ic ulcer:diabetic lower extremities ulcer;vein ulcer of the lower extremities;bedsore;other 80 kinds of chronic ulcerMucous membrane ulcer:haemorrhoids,burn of esophagus,cervical erosionSkin cancer,Burns,Burn is a comprehensive wound including characters of all other wounds and skin ulcers,which can
11、 trigger many systemic pathologic courses.Human beings have been focusing on the research of burns treatment since the appearance of the first burns case in the history.BRT(Burns Regenerative Treatment)with MEBT/MEBO for nearly 20 years,MEBT/MEBO In China,All above achievements in skin regeneration
12、are done by MEBT/MEBO.The MEBO wound ointment is a proprietary product developed based on a unique combination and formulation of natural substances.MEBT is an innovative therapeutic system for treating burn patients by integrating moist-exposed burns treatment with the product MEBO from which the c
13、ompanys name is originated.MEBT/MEBO popular in over 5000 hospitals in China as the routine therapy for burn treatment;Each year,350,000 burn patients treated with MEBT/MEBO,accounting for 40%of the total,with a total cure rate of 99.42%;For burns over 90%TBSA,the cure rate is 92%,of which,87%has re
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