1、英汉语篇翻译教程 著者:范守义、郭立秋、贾令仪,Text A:China Answers Japan with Moon Probe Launch,Passage 12:,第1段第1句,China has launched a moon orbiter,dubbed“Change 1,”其中dub一词,我们可以查到两个义项与相关的语境有关,即a.To honor with a new title or description.b.To give a name to facetiously or playfully;nickname.从该作者的写作用意来看,我们很难判断原作者采用了第一个严肃的用
2、法,还是第二个有点玩笑的用法。我们此处采用了严肃的译称。,嫦娥一号”(Chang E1)月球探测卫星由中国空间技术研究院承担研制,以中国古代神话人物嫦娥命名,嫦娥奔月是一个在中国流传的古老的神话故事。中国首次月球探测工程嫦娥一号卫星是中国自主研制、发射的第一个月球探测器。嫦娥一号主要用于获取月球表面三维影像、分析月球表面有关物质元素的分布特点、探测月壤厚度、探测地月空间环境等。整个“奔月”过程大概需要8-9天。嫦娥一号将运行在距月球表面200千米的圆形极轨道上。嫦娥一号工作寿命1年,计划绕月飞行一年。执行任务后将不再返回地球。嫦娥一号发射成功,中国成为世界第五个发射月球探测器国家、地区。,Ch
3、ange 1(pronouncedchang-uh;simplified Chinese:嫦娥一号;traditional Chinese:嫦娥一號;pinyin:Chng y ho)was anunmanned Chineselunar-orbitingspacecraft,part of the first phase of theChinese Lunar Exploration Program.The spacecraft was named after the Chinese moon goddess,Change.Change 1 was launched on 24 Octobe
4、r 2007 at 10:05:04UTCfromXichang Satellite Launch Center.It leftlunar transfer orbiton 31 October and enteredlunar orbiton 5 November.The first picture of the Moon was relayed on 26 November 2007.On 12 November 2008,a map of the entire lunar surface was released,produced from data collected by Chang
5、e 1 between November 2007 and July 2008.,The mission was scheduled to continue for a year,but was later extended and the spacecraft operated until 1 March 2009,when it was taken out of orbit.It impacted the surface of the Moon at 08:13 UTC.Data gathered by Change 1 was able to create the most accura
6、te and highest resolution 3-D map ever created of the lunar surface.Its sister orbital probeChange 2was launched on the first of October 2010.,第1段第2句,They jazz up the language of native speakers,making it very lively,natural,and authentic.Jazz up:“Enliven,make more interesting”e.g.“They jazzed up th
7、e living room with a new rug.”“They decided to include a comedy act to jazz up the program.”,第1段第3句,Change 1 is Chinas first step in a 10-year plan that aims to send a rover to the moon and get it back to the Earth intact.其中Chinas first step 原来是个名词词组,译文添加了“迈出”这个动词,算是增词,显得具体生动一些。句中rover一词,我们可以查到它的原义,
8、被科学家们借用来指称送到月球上的那个玩意儿,因此,该词又有了转义,也是一种比喻的用法,下面就是这两个义项的定义,即 a.One that roves;a wanderer.b.A crewed or uncrewed vehicle,used especially in exploring the terrain of a planet and its satellites.那么,我们在翻译的时候,可以比照该词的初始意义翻译,也可以根据它的转义,即按照其功能来翻译。,The Change 1 orbiter blasted off with a trail of smoke,词组blast o
9、ff 的意思是launch,take off,lift off,take to the air,become airborne,如 The rocket is set to blast off on Wednesday.,第2段第1句,第4段,The Long March 3A rocket carrying the probe,其中The Long March 3A rocket应该看成是“回译”,即是回译,那就要回到原来中文的原名,有关航天部门已经有固定的命名方式,即使用甲乙丙丁的中文序列词来命名相关的对象,所以,我们不能将其译成长征3A,而是长征3号甲。当然,你们从网上还是可以看到有人在
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- 英汉 翻译 教程 著者 范守义郭立贾令仪
