1、,学 生:马韶萍 牛朝 寿先淑 孟薇 王睿 指导教师:冉玉体,The breath of life(生命的气息),河南理工大学安全学院,The breath of life,1、Breath control2、EPIC breathing3、Healing breath,Sixteen hundred years ago the great Tao alchemist Ko Hung advocated breathing techniques.To strengthen the breath,he said,Tao novitiates should exhale the maximum a
2、mount of stale air from their lungs,then fill their lungs with the maximum amount of fresh air.Today when my patients complain of chronic fatigue I often follow Ko Hungs leads and encourage them to indulge in spells of EPIC breathing.This remedy can be applied whenever appropriate.,Breath control,行气
3、 一千六百年前,一个伟大的道教学家,炼丹家,葛洪,提出了呼吸的技术。他说,为了加强呼吸,道家弟子应该最大程度的从肺部呼出污浊气体,然后最大程度的吸入新鲜空气来充满肺部。现在当我的病人向我抱怨慢性疲劳的时候,我经常遵照葛洪的呼吸方法的指示,鼓励他们尽情的享受EPIC这种呼吸方法。这个疗法在任何时候都很合适。,When carried out first thing in the morning it helps to banish the drowsiness of the night;when used in the evening it helps to counteract the tir
4、edness of the days work.When employed during moments of mental exhaustion it assists in clearing the head and overcoming tension and fatigue.,当在早上进行的第一件事就是做这个时,它能帮助驱除夜晚的瞌睡,在晚上它能抵消白天工作的劳累。当精神疲惫极了的时候,它可以帮忙清醒头脑,克服紧张和疲劳。,The exercise is performed in four simple stages:exhalation-pause-inspiration-contai
5、nment.Each of these phases has its own particular significance.,EPIC breathing,EPIC呼吸法 这个练习分为四个简单的步骤:呼气停顿吸气屏气。每一个步骤都有它独特的意义。,1.Exhalation When people set out to improve their breathing their initial thought is invariably to suck in the maximum possible draught of air.But you cant pour wine into a fu
6、ll bottle.In the same way you cant fill the lungs with fresh air unless youve first drained them of every drop of stale air.Even at the best of times only a sixth of the air in the lungs gets changed with each fresh breath we take.If we breathe shallowly,or fail to clear the lungs of devitalised air
7、,this poor rate of turnover declines still further.So always start your deep breathing exercises by collapsing the lungs as fully as possible.While you breathe out,imagine that youre a hot air balloon collapsing slowly to the ground.This has a relaxing effect,particularly if you quietly intone the w
8、ord relax.relax.relax as you exhale.,1 呼气 当人们开始着手以改善他们的呼吸,他们最初的想法是尽可能吸入更多的空气。但是,你不能把酒倒入一个满瓶中。同样的道理,你不能用清新的空气填满肺部,除非你先倒掉每一滴污浊的空气。我们得到的每一个清新的气息,即使在最佳状态下,只有肺部的六分之一的气体得到改变。如果我们轻缓的呼吸,或者说不能清除肺内的废气,这种微弱的交换率下降的更多。所以,我们要尽可能充分的挤压肺部,开始深呼吸练习。当你在呼气的时候,想象你是一个热气球,正在向地面慢慢降落。这有一个放松的效果,尤其在呼气时,你平静的咏吟“放松、放松、放松的时候。”,2.P
9、ause When you reach the end point of expiration,hold the position for a few seconds while you emphasize the feeling of complete bodily relaxation,then,when the body prompts you,start to exhale.,2 停顿 当你达到呼气的终点,保持这个状态几秒钟,同时着重身 体完全放松的感觉。然后,当身体提示你时,开始呼气。,3.Inspiration The object of this phase is to fill
10、 every crevice of the lungs with the maximum possible volume of air.This serves two functions.In the first place it improves the vital capacity of the lungs.Secondly it enhances the process of gaseous exchange,for tests reveal that filling the lungs with air increases what physiologists refer to as
11、the“transfer factor”,the ease with which oxygen passes across the walls of the air cells in the lungs and enters the blood stream.,3 吸气 这个阶段的目的是使肺部的每一处缺口都充满最大可能量的空气。这有两方面的功能,首先,它能提高肺活量。其次,它能增强气体交换过程。因为,测试表明充满空气的肺能够增强生理学家所指的“传输因子”。氧气轻而易举地穿过气泡墙而进入到血流中。,4 Containment The lungs consists of a mass of app
12、roximately 300 million air sacs or alveoli,joined together like an enormous bunch of grapes.Each of these sacs is surrounded by a network of slender capillaries,which are just wide enough to allow the red blood cells to pass in the single file.During normal breathing,the blood corpuscles remain in c
13、ontact with the alveolar walls for no more than three-quarters of a minute.In this brief time they have to discharge their store of carbon dioxide waste and take on fresh supplies of oxygen.If the breath is contained in the lungs a little longer,more time is allowed for the vital process of gaseous
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- 学生 马韶萍牛朝寿先淑孟薇王睿 指导 教师 玉体
