1、酒店英语培训,第一节、酒店基础英语第二节、客房英语第三节、餐饮英语第四节、前厅英语,第一节、酒店基础英语,一.酒店客房类型 二.酒店各部门岗位英语识别:三.各部门服务:各服务点名称 四.房间物品英语识别:房间各设施物品英语识别 五、礼貌用语,第一节:酒店基础英语,一、房间类型:1.单人房-single room2.双人房-double room3.标准间-standard room4.豪华客房deluxe room 5.豪华套房deluxe suite,1.Executive Office(EO)2.Front Office(FO)3.Food and Beverage(FB)4.Housek
2、eeping(HK)5.Human Resource(HR)6.Sales and Marketing(SM)7.Financial Department(FIN)8.Engineering Department(ENG)9.Security Department(SEC)10.Purchasing Department(pur),二、各部门名称,1.Executive Office(EO)总办2.Front Office(FO)前厅部 3.Food and Beverage(FB)餐饮部4.Housekeeping(HK)房务部 5.Human Resource(HR)人力资源部6.Sale
3、s and Marketing(SM)市场营销部7.Financial Department(FIN)财务部 8.Engineering Department(ENG)工程部 9.Security Department(SEC)保安部10.Purchasing Department(PD)采购部,三、酒店各服务点英语,一、休闲、娱乐设施:1.游泳池-swimming pool 2.酒吧-bar3.茶室-tea room4.健身房-gym 5.咖啡厅-coffee shop 6.棋牌室-chess and card room7.水疗 spa,二、会议、商务设施:1.会议室-Conference
4、room2.商务中心-business center 3.多功能厅-Multifunctional hall 四、其他设施:1.餐厅-restaurant/dining-room、2.厨房-kitchen 3.大厅-lobby 4.休息区-rest area 5.洗衣房-laundry 6.停车场-parking area 7.公共区域-PA(public area),四、房间物品、设施,一、洗漱用品:1.牙膏-toothpaste2.牙刷-toothbrush3.口杯-cup 4.毛巾-towel 5.剃须刀-shaver 6.梳子-comb 7.镜子-mirror 8.洗脸盆-washba
5、sin,二、淋浴设施、用品:1.浴室-bathroom2.浴盆-bath tub 3.淋浴喷头-shower head 4.沐浴露-bath foam 5.洗发液-shampoo6.香皂-toilet soap7.浴衣-bathrobe8.浴巾-bath towel 9.浴帽-shower cap10.脚巾-foot towel 11.拖鞋-slipper 12.睡衣-pajamas,三、床上用品:1.bed2.sheet 3.mattress4.quilt5.coverlet 床罩/被单6.pillow 7.blanket,四、电器设备:1.switch2.socket 3.plug4.TV
6、5.telephone6.fridge 7.electric fan8.air-conditioning/air conditioner 9.remote control10.iron(ain),五、其他:Curtainbalconyhook clothes-hanger carpetrubbish basket garbage bagtoilet paper ashtraychair stoolsofa tea table room card/key,6.节假日:、西方节日:情人节-Valentines Day 愚人节-All Fools Day 母亲节-Mothers Day 父亲节-Fa
7、thers Day 感恩节-Thanks Giving Day 圣诞节-Christmas Day、中国节日:新年:-new years day 春节-Spring Festival 元宵节-the Lantern Festival 端午节-Dragon Boat Festival 清明节-Tomb-Sweeping Day 中秋节-Mid-Autumn Festival,ITEMS,Greeting 问候Thanks 致谢 回答致谢Apologies 致歉Directions 指路Festivals 节日Department 各部门名称Facility 设施Courtesy English
8、礼貌英语,注意事项:1、酒店英语是商务英语,较注重礼节。非正式英语 Whats your name?正式英语 May I have your name,please?2、别说“I dont know.”可以说“just a moment,please.Ill check that for you.”Ill ask our supervisor.,You are welcome Its my pleasure Thats all right.Not at all Dont mention it 何足挂齿,Apologies 致歉,Excuse me I am sorry.I am awfully
9、 sorry.Its my fault.I apologize for this.,Directions 指路,Go upstairs/downstairs.Its on the 2nd floor.This way,please.Turn left/rightThis way to the elevator.Follow me,please.,第二节 客房英语,LOGO,1,2,3,4,5,Showing Room 为客人开房,LOGO,1、为客人引路Bellman shows guest to his/her room.Introduce hotel service.等客人进入房间后,询问
10、 How do you like this room?If you need something,please call me.Have a nice day.),背景常识须知,Showing Room 为客人开房,LOGO,2、如何搭讪在等待电梯的空隙,如果始终一言不发,终究有些尴尬。所以,不妨准备一些话题跟客人搭搭讪虽然未必有什么实质性的内容,但可以给客人一种友善、热情的感觉。例如:Is this your first visit here?这是您第一次来这儿吗?How do you like this city?您觉得这个城市怎么样?This city is famous for its
11、 ethnic food.这个城市以风味小吃驰名。Its very hot today,isnt it?今天真热,是吧?Your child is so cute.您的孩子真可爱!,背景常识须知,句型精选,LOGO,1、招呼和带领客人Welcome to Hotel!May I see your room card?Your room number,please?Follow me,pleasePlease watch your step.Please take the lift on your left.,句型精选,LOGO,2、回应客人的要求Right away,sir.我马上就去办,先生
12、。Ill bring.to you right away.我马上就为您拿.来。Im afraid were not allowed to do so.恐怕我们不允许这么办。Ill check with my supervisor.我得请示主管。,情景对话,LOGO,M:Mary 玛丽 G:Guest 旅客M:Heres your room,Mrs Laura.After you.G:Thank you.M:Show I put your luggage here?G:Ok,thank you.M:Here is the safe.Youll find its instruction in ou
13、r service booklet.Its by the telephoneG:Great!Thank you.M:Anything else Ican do for you?G:No,thanks.M:Im always at your service,Mrs.Laura.Have a nice day.Good-bye!,句型精选,LOGO,1、请求清理房间Turn-down service.May I come in?开夜床了,我可以进来吗?B.Shall I come back later,sir?先生,要我等会儿再来吗?C.What time would be better for
14、you?您什么时间更合适呢?D.Please call the Front Desk when you want your room done.当您需要清理房间时,请给前台打电话。,句型精选,LOGO,2、进房清理May I vacuum the room now?我可以吸尘吗?B.May I tidy up your desk?我帮您整理一下书桌好吗?C.May I move this?我可以移动这个吗?D.Sure,go ahead.好的,请吧。,情景对话,LOGO,M:Mary 玛丽 G:Guest 旅客M:(Knocking the door)Housekeeping.May I co
15、me in?G:Come in,please.M:Good evening,maam.May I do your room now?G:Sure.(Finish cleaning the room)M:I m done.Anything else,maam?G:No,thanks.,句型精选,LOGO,背景常识须知,1、添加物品I am out of the toilet paper.我的厕纸用完了。Can I have an extra pillow?我能多要个枕头吗?Can you bring me a hair-dryer?能给我拿个吹风机吗?Right away,sir/maam.我马
16、上去办,先生/女士。Certainly,sir/maam.好的,先生/女士。,句型精选,LOGO,背景常识须知,2、客房设施出现问题Theres a bad smell in my room.我的房间有一股特别难闻的气味。My toilet is clogged.我的抽水马桶堵住了。My ceiling is leaking.我的天花板漏水。The air-conditioner isnt working.空调坏了。Im sorry to hear that.很抱歉听到这样的事。Ill ask the engineer to check it.我叫工程人员来检查。It takes time t
17、o repair.修理需要时间。Can you change a room for me?可以给我换个房间吗?Would Room 3102 be alright?3102房间好吗?Could you change a room,sir?先生,您换个房间好吗?We are really sorry for this.我们实在是非常抱歉。,句型精选,LOGO,背景常识须知,3、教客人使用保险箱I d like to use the safe.我想使用这个保险箱。Let me show you how to use it.让我给您示范怎么使用它。You enter the password.您输入
18、密码。You may change the password by doing this.这样做,您就可以更改密码。Here is the instruction card.这里是使用说明卡。,句型精选,LOGO,背景常识须知,4、mini-bar 添加饮品Can I have some sprites?我能要些雪碧吗?Do you have iced tea?你们有冰茶吗?Which kind of drink would you prefer?您喜欢哪种饮料呢?Which brand would you prefer?您喜欢什么牌子的呢?5、递送物品Here is a fax/parcel
19、 for you.这是您的传真/包裹。Could you sign here,please?请您在这签个名好吗?,句型精选,LOGO,背景常识须知,1、送洗衣物Do you have any laundry?您有送洗的衣物吗?Here is my laundry bag,3 pieces.这是我的洗衣袋,有三件。Could you fill in the laundry list?请您填写洗衣单好吗?How long will it take you?你们(洗衣物)要多久?It takes 12 hours.要12个小时。You may get them back by 9 pm.您在9点以前
20、可以取回。For quick service,you may get them in 2 hours.快洗服务的话,可以两个小时之内取回。It has an extra charge of 50%.它需要额外收取50%的费用。We charge 50%more for quick service.快洗服务我们要加收50%的费用。,句型精选,LOGO,背景常识须知,2、洗涤要求Can you remove the stain?可以去掉这块污渍吗?Well try our best.我们会尽力。I want it dry-cleaned.这个我要干洗。I want it washed by han
21、d.这个我要手洗。It needs ironing.这个要烫干。I see.我明白了。,情景对话,LOGO,M:Mary 玛丽 G:Guest 旅客M:Housekeeping.Do you have any laundry?客房服务部。您有要洗的衣物吗?G:Yes.Here is the laundry bag.有。这是洗衣袋。M:Could you fill in the laundry list?请您填一下洗衣单好吗?G:Its in the bag.在袋子里。M:Thank you,madam.谢谢您,女士。,Emergencies 紧急情况,LOGO,背景常识须知,Shall I c
22、all a doctor for you?Anything I can do before the doctor arrives?(Dont worry。The doctor is comingYoull be alright soon.Are you feeling better now?Can I help you to look for itIll report to our assistant Manager,句型精选,LOGO,背景常识须知,1、火警等意外Attention,please!请注意!The hotel is on fire.酒店失火了!The hotel is unde
23、r attack.酒店正受到袭击。The hotel is in danger.酒店有危险。A typhoon is coming.台风要来了。Please leave your room.请离开您的房间。Take the emergency exit!走紧急出口!Lets go!走吧!,句型精选,LOGO,背景常识须知,2、客人生病或受伤She fainted!她晕倒了!Your nose is bleeding.你的鼻子在流血!I have a headache/stomachache.我头疼/肚子疼。My leg is broken!我的腿断了!That hurts!那里受伤了!Plea
24、se dont move.请别动!Ill call the doctor.我去叫医生。Ill call the ambulance.我去叫救护车。Here is your medicine.这是您的药。Are you feeling better now?您感觉好些吗?,句型精选,LOGO,背景常识须知,3、客人遗失物品My bag was stolen!我的包被偷了!Im sorry to hear that.我对此深表遗憾。When and where did you last see it?您最后一次见到它是什么时候、什么地方?Could you describe it?您能不能描述一下
25、它是什么样子呢?Shall I call the police for you,sir?我为您报警好吗,先生?,句型精选,LOGO,背景常识须知,4、托儿服务Can you look after the baby for us?你能帮我照看一下我们的宝贝吗?We are not allowed to do that.我们是不允许照看小孩的。How about the baby-sitting service?托儿服务怎么样?,第三节、餐饮英语,PART 1 为客人服务,Dialogue 对话,S:Good morning,sir.Welcome to Sun Sun Caf.G:Good mo
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