1、速成英语语法,2,+跨文化交际能力,开 场 白,学习英语要达到六会:,听、说、读、写、译,“六会”离不开语法,语法是使用语言的规则,语法有两大关键:,句型 骨架,动词 心脏,4,内 容 提 要,一、句子的骨架:句型 1.五种基本句型 2.基本句型的变式 3.基本句型的扩大 4.基本句型的并列 5.基本句型的省略、倒装 二、句子的心脏:动词 1.动词的类别与句型的关系 2.牛津词典和朗文词典的动词句型密码 3.无师自通:借助牛津词典的动词句型密码 造句、判别句子正误 4.无师自通:借助朗文词典的动词句型密码 造句、判别句子正误 5.结语:英语语法规则繁杂,如何快速掌握?,5,英语句子有长有短,有
2、简有繁,从现象看,似乎千变万化,但从实质看,可以发现其内在联系,找出其共同规律。,6,千千万万的英语句子,都可以归纳成五种基本句型 及其 扩大、并列、省略或倒装。掌握这五种基本句型,是掌握各种英语句子结构的 基础。,7,英语五种基本句型 基本句型(一)S V 基本句型(二)S V P 基本句型(三)S V O 基本句型(四)S V o O 基本句型(五)S V O C 说明:S(subject)=主语 V(predicate verb)=谓语动词 P(predicative)=表语O(direct object)=直接宾语o(indirect object)=间接宾语 C(complement
3、)=补语,8,在本句型里,V=不及物动词,1.历史在前进。2.太阳升起来了。3.敌人投降了。4.正下着雨呢。5.管它呢!6.那不行。,基本句型(一),9,在基本句型里,V=连系动词,如 be,become,get,fall,sound,go,come,grow,turn,feel,seem,look,appear,remain,run,prove,smell,taste,continue 等。,1.我们是学生。2.她二十岁。3.他显得很高兴。4.天渐渐黑了。5.她的脸变红了。6.婴儿睡着了。,基本句型(二),10,在本句型里,V=及物动词,1.我们热爱祖国。2.劳动创造了人。3.这消息使我们感
4、到惊奇。4.没有人回答我的问题。5.孩子们过得很愉快。6.工人们挖了一个深洞。,基本句型(三),11,在基本句型时里,V=双及物动词。o 一般指人,O一般指事或物。能带双宾语的这类动词,如 give,ask,tell,sing,send,wish,cause 等。,1.她给我们唱了一首歌。2.他问我一个问题。3.我寄给他一封信。4.我们祝他成功。5.它给我造成麻烦。6.那女孩给小学生们讲了一个故事。,基本句型(四),12,1.我们叫他老王。2.他们把一切都准备好了。3.他把门漆成绿色。4.她把头发剪短了。5.我们选他当班长。6.我把总数凑成五十。,基本句型(五),在本句型里,V=及物动词,C
5、补足 O 的内容。能带宾语 O 和补语 C 的及物动词如 call,make,keep,prove,elect,get,cut,find,leave,turn,think,name,paint 等。,13,注意比较 S V o O I sent him a letter.人 物 S V O C I called him Lao Wang.人 指同一个人,14,句子成分和词类的一般对应关系,15,基本句型的变式 1.否定句 2.疑问句 3.被动句 4.There+be 句,16,1.否定句,S V They have come They have not come S V P He is a t
6、eacher He is not a teacherS V O He can speak English He cannot speak EnglishS V o O We shall write them letters.We shall not write them letters.S V O C He has made his meaning clear.He has not made his meaning clear.,17,2.疑问句,S V They have come Have they come?S V P He is a teacher Is he a teacher?S
7、V O He can speak English Can he speak English?,S V o O We wrote them letters Did we write them letters?S V O C He made his meaning clear.Did he make his meaning clear?,18,S V O They welcomed the visitors.The visitors were welcomed(by them).,S V o O They gave him a warm welcome.He was given a warm we
8、lcome(by them).,S V O C The worker painted the tractor red.The tractor was painted red(by the worker).注意:只有这 3 种句型才能变为被动句,因为其中的 V 是及物动词。,3.被动句,19,4.There+be 句,There be 句:基本句型(一)S V 的变式,否定式 There isnt anybody in the room There is nobody in the room,疑问式,Is there anybody in the room?,There happened to
9、be somebody in the room.There came a knock at the door有敲门的声音。,V不用 be,而用 seem to be,happen to be,come等,There is somebody in the room.V S,20,以下内容提要:基本句型的扩大与并列基本句型:SV,SVP,SVO,SVoO,SVOC 单词 充当基本句型的成分基本句型的扩大(一):短语充当基本句型的成分基本句型的扩大(二):从句充当基本句型的成分 句的接榫 主从句:“句中有句”基本句型的扩大(三):增加修饰语(单词、短语、从句)基本句型的并列:句与句并列 并列句:“句
10、外有句”,21,基本句型的扩大(一)基本句型的成分:从单词扩大为短语,S/O=名词、代词 不定式、不定式短语主/宾 动名词、动名词短语P/C=名词、形容词 介词短语表/补 不定式、不定式短语 分词、分词短语 V=动词 动词短语动,22,基本句型的扩大(一):基本句型成分=短语,She often pays attention to oral practice.(动词短语作动词)S V O,I saw him at work in the lab.(介词短语作补语)S V O C,Her wish is to study English in Britain.S V P(不定式短语作表语),Yo
11、u should practise speaking English regularly.S V O(动名词短语作宾语),We heard someone knocking at the door.(分词短语作补语)S V O C,23,主语从句:用从句作基本句型的主语 S 主语的逐步扩大:单词 短语 从句 The time for the meeting is still under consideration.(名词当主语)When to hold the meeting is still under consideration.(不定式短语当主语)When we should hold
12、the meeting is still under consideration.S s v o(从句当主语),基本句型的扩大(二):基本句型成分=从句“句中有句”,24,2.表语从句:用从句作基本句型的表语 P 表语的逐步扩大:单词 短语 从句 The question under discussion is the site S V P for the new house.(名词当表语)The question under discussion is where S V to build the new house.(不定式短语当表语)P The question under discus
13、sion is where S V we should build the new house.(从句当表语)P s v o.,25,3.宾语从句:用从句作基本句型的宾语O 宾语的逐步扩大:单词 短语 从句 I know my duty.(名词当宾语)S V O I know what to do.(不定式当宾语)S V O I know what I should do.(从句当宾语)S V O o s v,26,基本句型的扩大(三)增加修饰语,修饰语 M=单词(形容饲、副词和数词)=短语(介词短语、不定式短语、分词短语),举例:基本句型增加修饰语基本句型(一)S V 增加修饰语,In 19
14、45,the enemy surrendered(M)S V unconditionally to the Chinese people.(M),27,基本句型(二)S V P 增加修饰语,基本句型:This was a meeting S V P 扩大:This was an intelligently organized and fervent meeting S V(M)(M)P This was an intelligently organized and fervent meeting S V(M)(M)P in the packed Town Hall,with Mr.Strong
15、 in the chair.(M)(M),28,基本句型(三)S V O 增加修饰语,基本句型:The girl expressed her wish.S V O,扩大:The Negro girl expressed her strong wish to come to China.(M)S V(M)O(M),In her letter to a Chinese friend the Negro girl expressed(M)(M)S V her strong wish to come to China to see the Great Wall(M)O(M)(m)with her ow
16、n eyes.(m),29,基本句型(四)S V o O 增加修饰语,基本句型:The girl told the pupils some stories S V o O,Last Saturday,the girl told the pupils of Class Two some(M)S V o(M)revolutionary stories about the combat heroes.(M)O(M)Last Saturday,the girl told the pupils of Class Two some(M)S V o(M)revolutionary stories about
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