1、后工业社会(Post Industrial Society)是以各种各样的市场同时并存为特征的。这些市场反映了不同的文化群体的要求,每个群体都有其特定的行为、语言、时尚和传统,都有各自不同的消费需求。工业设计必须以多样化的战略来应付这种局面,并向产品注入新的、强烈的文化因素。这就是说,产品必须主动地选择它的使用者,使自己跻身于特定的社会群体中。工业生产中的自动化程度大大增加了生产的灵活性,能够做到小批量多样化。这些因素都促进了设计多元化的繁荣。值得一提的是,一种企图从根本上否定现代主义设计原则的所谓后现代主义(Post Modernism)从20世纪60年代末兴起,理论上非常活跃,它对以信息化
2、为特色的后工业社会的工业设计产生了较大的影响。,第十一章 走向多元化,在设计的多元化潮流中,以设计科学为基础的理性主义占着主导地位。它强调设计是一项集体的活动,强调对设计过程的理性分析,而不追求任何表面的个人风格,因而体现出一种“无名性”的设计特征。这种设计观念实际上是现代主义的延续和发展。但它与早期现代主义不同,并不着意于艺术与技术的结合上,而是试图为设计确定一种科学的、系统的理论,即所谓用设计科学来指导设计,从而减少设计中的主观意识。“无名性”设计改变了许多电器产品的形式。,索尼公司的电视机,安德瑞生设计的F78型电话机,日本富士施乐公司生产的数字彩色复印机,第一节 理性主义与“无名性”设
3、计,“新现代主义”的兴起与经济发展密切相关,20世纪60年代商业机构和办公室剧增,对工业设计产品需求量很大,如家具、室内装饰和办公用品等。对这些场合来说,有必要体现出商业界的秩序与效率,因此设计应有冷漠、正规、中性的外观特征。20世纪50年代,当代主义在居家环境中体现出来的非正规化、人情味和轻巧、灵活等特点已不适宜于商业办公的要求,从而促成了新现代主义的兴盛。,OMK设计的圆桌和可叠放椅,第二节 新现代主义与高技派风格,与新现代主义平行发展的另一种工业设计风格是所谓的“高技术风格(High-Tech)”。这两种风格后来实际上走到一起来了。高技术风格不仅在设计中采用高新技术,而且在美学上鼓吹表现
4、新技术。,罗维设计的哈里克拉福特收音机,第二节 新现代主义与高技派风格,Pop Art(Beginning in 1956 in England,early 1960s USA)Pop Art has started in England in late 50s and grown in United States in early 60s.Among the Pop Art forerunners are two unique models-prototypes of the modern artists:the French artist Marcel Duchamp and the Ge
5、rman Kurt Schwitters.Duchamps work and his thoughts have altered the definition of the art and our way of understanding it.He was famous with his ready-mades,objects torn from their usual contexts and exhibited as art.Kurt Schwitters produced collages and assemblages that lay somewhere between paint
6、ing and sculpture.The work of his art turned into an environment that was no longer something only to be looked at.,第三节 波普风格,English art critic Lawrence Alloway used the term Pop first to describe the art that made use of the objects,materials and technologies from mass culture to bring out the yiel
7、ds of the industrial society.It is often borrowed from advertising,photography,comic strips and other mass media sources.Everyday life is endless resource for the pop art?today is the core of pop art.Pop stresses frontal presentation and flatness of unmodulated and unmixed color bound by hard edges.
8、They suggest the depersonalized processes of mass production.Pop Art investigates in areas of popular taste and kitsch previously considered outside the limits of fine art.It was rejecting the attributes associated with art as an expression of personality.Works were close enough to reality and at th
9、e same time it was clear that they were no ready-mades but artificial re-creations of real things.,第三节 波普风格,Pop Art definitely broke the hegemony of the Abstract Expressionism in Europe and United States that occupied center art stage in 1950s-1960.It excreted the edges between high and low art.It c
10、onfronted institutional art with everyday endless objects which gained,displayed as art,a new quality.After the large-scale pop art exhibition at the Sidney Janis Gallery in New York in 1962,Pop Art established itself as a serious,recognized form of art.This exhibition becomes a turning point for Po
11、p Art.According to a series of critics,Pop Art marked the end of modernism and the beginning of the postmodern era.Although Pop is rather treated as an entertainment,it had a profound impact on the art scene.,第三节 波普风格,British Pop was the product of the Independent Group(IG),formed in 1952 whose memb
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