1、Chapter 27,哈工大外国语学院2012春 杨莉萍,inept 词根 ept=apt=to fit“合适,适合”,apt adj.eg.The words of the report are as apt today as in 1929.这份报告的措辞用在今天和用在1929年一样贴切。aptitude n.Eg.Some students have more aptitude for academic work than others.有些学生比其他学生更有学术才能。adept adj.Eg.He is quite adept at archery,nearly always hitt
2、ing the target dead on.他很擅长于射箭,几乎每次都能射中靶心。adapt(ad=to,apt=fit)adapt oneself to sth.,(话语、描述或选择)合适的,恰当的,贴切的,天资,天赋,才能,熟练的,擅长的,内行的,innate 词根 nat=born,natality n.出生率Eg.The statistics shows that the natality in the city has been decreasing.统计数字表明该市的出生率一直持续下降。cognate adj.同宗的,同源的 Eg.German,Dutch and English
3、 are cognate languages.德语和荷兰语为同源语言。,nation national nationwidenationally nationality nationalism nationalist nationalistic nationalize v.使国有化nationalization internal a.内在的,内部的external a.外在的,外部的internalize v.使内在化externalize v.使外在化,nature natural naturally naturalist n.博物学家naturalistic a.(绘画写作等)自然主义的
4、naturalism n.(艺术或文学的)自然主义naturalize v.使外国人入国籍native international internationallyinternationalism internationalize,词根 ven,vent=to come,convene v.Eg.People were convened here for an emergency meeting.convention n.Eg.1)At the recent convention a declaration was adopted.2)Its just a social convention t
5、hat men dont wear skirts.3)Convention dictates(常识告诉人们)that a minister should resign in such a situation.依照常规部长在这种情况下应该辞职。,人们被召集到这里举行紧急会议。,召集,集合,开会,在最近举行的大会上通过了一项宣言。,大会/惯例,习俗,revenue n.Eg.The governments revenue is made up chiefly of the money we pay in taxes.政府的收入主要来源是靠我们所交的税。advent(ad=to,near)n.Eg.
6、The leap forward in communication was made possible by the advent of mobile phone.inventory n.Eg.This is a detailed inventory of all the jobs to be done.,(政府的)税收,财政收入,手机的出现带来了通讯业的飞跃。,到来,出现,这是一张待办事项的详表。,详细目录,circumvent(circum=around)v.Eg.However,they are disliked for their circuitous manner of speaki
7、ng and their ability to circumvent the law by citing obscure legal doctrines.但因为他们说话爱绕圈子,又有本事引用晦涩难懂的法律条文来规避法律约束,所以很是不讨人喜欢。ventilate v.Eg.1)We ventilate a room to get fresh air by opening windows.2)Members are asked not to ventilate club problems outside this meeting.要求会员们在这次会议之外勿公开讨论本俱乐部的问题。,规避,逃避,通
8、风,使空气流通;发表(看法),表达(感情),lament,v.1)to express feeling of great sadness about(为)悲痛,哀悼,痛惜,悲叹Eg.The nation lamented the death of its great war leader.该国在哀悼这位伟大战争领袖之死。2)to express annoyance or disappointment about sth.you think is unsatisfactory or unfair 抱怨Eg.(1)She lamented the fact that manufacturers d
9、id not produce small packs for small households.她抱怨厂商没有生产小型家庭使用的小包装。(2)The old generation are always lamenting the passing of the old days.Eg.It is lamentable that the officer failed to deal with the situation.,老一代人总是抱怨世风日下。,很遗憾,这位警官无法处理这一情况。,obstinate,词根 st,sta,stat,stan,stant,stin=to standobstinac
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