1、主讲人:刘利华,第七节 反译 P70,第七节 反译(Negative)反译:又名表达转换译法:Affirmative&Negative Expressions in Translation反译是指译文以原文相反的表达方式传递原文的意义,它属于引伸和修辞范围。反译包括两种语言差异决定的反译和运用技巧的反译,二者常是密切结合的。亦称“正说反译法”、“正反译法”、“反正、正反表达法”,即以“正”译“反”或以“反”译“正”来表达原语的内容。,技巧介绍,由于英语和汉语在思维和表达方式上存在差异,两种语言用于表示肯定概念和否定概念的词汇、语法以及语言逻辑都有很大差别,两种语言肯定和否定的表达形式往往不能吻
2、合。一味按原语的形式进行翻译有时会不符合汉语的表达习惯,有时不足以传达原文的语义和修辞色彩,甚至还会误解原文的意思,造成译文的信息缺失和信息错误等现象。,英语中有肯定形式表示肯定意义,也有肯定形式表示否定意义;同样否定形式有表示否定意义的,也有否定形式表示肯定意义的。,英语中有一些否定句,可根据词句的涵义、逻辑关系,按汉语表达习惯,把否定译肯定,才符合汉语思维和行文习惯。,7.1 按表达习惯译(Translation Based on Habitual Expressions),7.1 反话正说,否定译肯定,否定译为肯定,1.not.without 必然They never meet with
3、out quarrelling.他们每次见面必然吵架。,否定译为肯定,2 One cannot think of Africa without thinking of Egypt the cradle of ancient civilization.每当人们想起非洲,就必然会想到埃及 古代文明的发祥地。,否定译为肯定,3.cannot.too 无论怎样也不过分I cannot be too grateful for your help.对于你的帮助,我感激不尽。,否定译为肯定,4.cant help but,cant help doing sth.情不自禁,不可避免 When she hear
4、d the sad news,she could not help bursting into tears.听到这个噩耗时,她情不自禁地哭了。,(否定译为肯定),5.cannot.too 无论怎样也不过分I cannot be too grateful for your help.对于你的帮助,我感激不尽。,(否定译为肯定),6.cant help but,cant help doing sth.情不自禁,不可避免When she heard the sad news,she could not help bursting into tears.听到这个噩耗时,她情不自禁地哭了。,(否定译为肯
5、定),7.nothing is more.than.最Nothing is more valuable than health.健康最宝贵。在这个句式中,nothing可由其他否定词no,not,nobody,nowhere等来代替。如:,(否定译为肯定),8 No other animal is larger than a whale.鲸是最大的动物。9 Nowhere is more beautiful than his hometown.他的家乡是最美丽的地方。,(否定译为肯定),双重否定这种句式通常由no,not,never等同时连用。10There is no one that do
6、es not want to help you.每个人都愿意帮助你。1 1We would never get anything for nothing.我们要有所得,就得付出。,例12:An opportunity is not likely to repeat itself.【译文】机会难得。例13:Such things are of no rare occurrence.【译文】这些事情经常发生。,例14:No man can have too much knowledge and practice.【译文】知识和实践越多越好。例15:Thats not a man that live
7、s who does not know his god-like hours.(William Wordsworth)【译文】凡是活在世上的人都曾有过神仙般的几段绝好时光。(双重否定表示强烈肯定),(否定译为肯定)课堂互动翻译 1,1 I couldnt feel better.我感觉好极了。,课堂互动翻译 1,2 No man can have too much knowledge and practice.知识和实践越多越好。,课堂互动翻译 1,3 These scientists could not believe the two Curies more.这些科学家完全相信居里夫妇。,课

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