1、A Rose For EmilyWilliam Faulkner威廉.福克斯,William Faulkner,His growth:Born in a wealthy family,Mississippi/the American Deep South/rise and fall/a Faulknerian world/nostalgia(怀旧)/impending doom即将发生的命运His creation:family history/prototypes原型/the town of Oxford(Jefferson)/His great-grandfather,William Cl
2、ark Falkner(Colonel Sartoris)/Mary Louise Neilson&Jack Barrona,Yankee street paver 铺路工(Emily&Homer),His concerns:southern aristocratic 贵族families/American South/human situation/spiritual deterioration心灵的恶化/loss of love/want of emotional response情绪反应Prize winner:two Pulitzer普利策 Prizes,a National Book
3、 Award,and the Nobel Prize for Literature(1950),Plot review,Section 1Emilys funeral as a big eventthe house and her distinguished受人尊敬的 familytax incident事件&the visit by the deputation代表团,Section 2smell in Emilys house&complaints抱怨 in the neighborhood&actions taken to do awaydeath of Emilys father&he
4、r delayed disposal推迟处理,Section 3Emilys sickness before dating with Homer barron&passionate 热烈的lovethe purchase of arsenic 砒霜,Section 4widespread rumors传闻 in the townthe absolute reclusive 孤独的life of Emily,Section 5death of Miss Emily with her house violently invadeddiscovery of the murder&her necrop
5、hilia(恋尸癖),Close reading,Miss Emilys fatherher appearance 外貌and characterthe women in her townthe attitude of her townspeopleher housevisual 看得见的violence:Emily vs.townsfolk镇民voice of Miss Emilythe narrator,Emilys appearance,“a fallen monument”(p.9)倒下的纪念碑the deputations visit(p.10)Emily in drugstore(
6、p.14),Symbols for the townspeopleAlienated 感到孤独的bodyDerogatory 贬义的terms:bias偏见/stereotype陈规旧习,Emilys house,a big,squarish frame house方木屋/location位置an eyesore难看的东西 among eyesoresthe attraction and focus of the town(p.11/16/)the captured house(p.16/17)What does her house symbolize?,Shelter居所:privacy隐居
7、/homelong past/memorydignity not to be offendedfortress堡垒prison,Emilys father,a crayon portrait 蜡像(p.10)father clutching a horsewhip马鞭(P.12)father vs.young men(p.12)the influence of the father(p.15)Emilys dead body&fathers faceabsent&present:HE is always there.,The ladies in Jefferson,the curious wo
8、men(p.9)only a woman could have believed it(p.9)ladies with mixed feelings(p.14/15)ladies as invaders(p.16/17)Do they really care about their sister?,The female spectators:visual pleasureSpiteful gossips(the townspeople)Observers,commentators,supervisors,interventionistsComplicity合谋者successors of Em
9、ilys father,visual violence,“to see the inside of her house”9“a crayon portrait”10“looked back/stared at/looked him eye for eye/looked away”14“we sat back to watch developments/A neighbor saw the Negro man/we would see her at a window”15,“Daily,monthly,yearly,we watched the Negro/looking or not look
10、ing at us/their quick,curious glances”16“looking down at the profound and fleshless grin”17“we saw a long strand股 of iron-gray 铁灰色的hair.”,Gaze(凝视):a psychoanalytical心理分析 term/Jacques Lacan/anxious state that comes with the awareness that one can be viewed/the subject loses a degree of autonomy upon
11、realizing that he or she is a visible object/mirror stage/a child encountering a mirror realizes that he or she has an external appearance外貌/gaze effect produced by any conceivable 可想向的object such as a chair or a television screen,eyeball.,Male gaze:Laura Mulvey/”Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema
12、”/gender power asymmetry in film/women objectified 使具体化in film because heterosexual异性恋的 men were in control of the camera/voyeurism(窥淫癖)and scopophilia(窥视)/influential in feminist film theory and media studies/curves 曲线of a womans body/an erotic性欲的 object for characters within&the spectators without
13、/passive to the active gaze from the man/gazer vs.gazed,Female gaze:women look at themselves through the eyes of men/male gaze as a manifestation示威 of unequal power between gazer and gazed,or as an attempt to develop that inequality不平等的/a woman who welcomes an objectifying gaze may be simply conform
14、ing to norms 准则established to benefit men/to reduce a recipient to an object/Welcoming such objectification 客观化may be viewed as akin相似的 to exhibitionism(裸露癖),Miss Emily:a spectacle,Three kinds of gazeHer fathers portrait:an eye of patriarchal 家长的power/the townspeople from the same perspectiveThe fem
15、ale gazeThe gaze of the readers:voice/take Emily with a pinch of salt有保留地,Emily the gazed in the houseAn eye for an eyeA battle for visual powerAn object to be a subjectWoman warrior,Emilys voice,Role-play:If you were Emily,how would you tell your story?The silenced heroine女主角:voice vs.silence Theat
16、er 剧场of the absurd(荒诞剧):Pan Jinlian,潘金莲-一个女人的沉沦史魏明伦,剧中人:潘金莲、武松、武大郎、西门庆、张大户、王婆、泼皮甲、泼皮乙、泼皮丙剧外人:吕莎莎、施耐庵、武则天、安娜卡列尼娜、女庭长、贾宝玉、芝麻官、现代阿飞、红娘、上官婉儿,女庭长:按照法律程序进行调解。吕莎莎:夫妻毫无爱情基础,调解仍然无效呢?女庭长:根据婚姻法第25条,批准离婚。吕莎莎:可是紫石街上没有人民法庭,潘金莲出路何在?女庭长:她只有三条路可走。吕莎莎:一?女庭长:悬梁投江,快性自杀?吕莎莎:二?女庭长:终生痛苦,慢性自杀?吕莎莎:都不幸,第三条路呢?女庭长:这就是下一场她选择的险路
18、在召唤,阿门!再见!地狱再见,武则天:男女间太不平于此可见。为什么有夫权绝无妻权?尚方剑,尚方剑-砍不动三从四德旧法典,众人:刀下留人!武则天:罪不当死!张大户:罪该万死!贾宝玉:罪在世道!张大户:罪在女人!芝麻官:清官难断?阿飞:下“零件,放血!女庭长:一部沉沦史,千年封建根。想救难挽救,同情不容情。覆辙不可蹈,野史教训深。施耐庵:本书不管后代事,武松动手,杀!吕莎莎:吉他变调弹古音,是非且听百家鸣,Grotesque怪诞奇异风格,grotesque:characters induce both empathy同感 and disgust反感.(A character who inspire
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