1、Coherence and Cohesion An effective paragraph not only achieves unity,but also coherence.Both are indispensable.While unity is concerned with ideas or content,coherence is concerned with the form of expression.,Coherence:Coherence refers to the smooth moving from one sentence to the next.If the sent
2、ence are well concerned,the paragraph is coherent.,To ensure the smooth flow of ideas within a paragraph,you can use pronouns,repeat key words or phrases,avoid pronoun shifts,and resort to transitional signals.These are the most commonly used connecting devices.,A.The Use of Pronouns(使用代词)Pronouns s
3、tand for nouns that appeat earlier in the sentence or in previous sentences.Sample:English is considered an international language.It is spoken by more than 260 million people all over the world.,B.The Repetition of Key Nouns AndKey Word Groups(重复核心词或短语)Repeating the important words in the previous
4、sentences,particularly the controlling ideas in the topic sentence,helps to remind the reader of the focus.,Sample:If your objective is to score a goal,you must kick the ball.The ball may not go where you aim because of a missed kick.But if you continue to run after the ball,then the ball will event
5、ually get nearer to your target.You may need more training or the help of members to score a goal.,C.Avoiding Pronoun Shifts(避免随意更替代词)Sample:Aligning your career plan to your career objective is easier than one thinks,just imagine where we want our career to be in a number of years,and work backward
6、s from there.,D.Using Transitional Signals(使用过渡性词或短语)Transitional signals are useful words or phrases for helping the reader grasp the connections in a paragraph.Words like“first”,“next”,“for example”are like road signs,helping to point the way,to keep the direction clearly.,Simple:Shopping at Monro
7、es Clothing Mart can be rewarding;however,you have to know what you are doing or youll miss the bargains.Take some time to study their sales in the newspaper each week.,They always have certain brands on sale;in addition,many items have been marked down to 75 percent,so you can get bargains.For exam
8、ple,I bought a pair of designer jeans for$50.,Cohesion(语篇的衔接)“语篇是指任何不完全受句子语法约束的在一定语境中表达完整语义的自然语言”(胡壮麟,1994)。衔接指一段话中各部分在语法或词汇方面有联系或两方面都有联系。这种联系可能存在于不同的句子之间,也可能存在于一个句子的几个部分之间。,定义:关于衔接的定义有多种说法。韩礼德和哈桑认为衔接是一个语义概念,是语义上的一种联系,如果篇章中的某一部分对另一部分的理解起着关键作用,这两部分之间就存在着衔接关系。Nunan(1993)认为衔接是篇章内标记不同句际关系的形式连接,是使作者或说话人建
9、立跨越句子边界的关系,并使篇章内的句子扭结在一起的篇章构造手段。,韩礼德和哈桑,衔接通过结构衔接和非结构衔接实现。因此,他们将衔接的手段分为两大类:一类是语法手段,另一类是词汇手段。其中语法手段有照应、替代、省略和连接,而词汇手段属于词汇衔接手段。,韩礼德的五类衔接手段:在英语学习过程中最经常用到的衔接手段还是韩礼德的五类衔接手段:指称(reference)、替代(substitution)、省略(ellipsis)、连接(conjunction)和词汇衔接(lexical cohesion)。,1.指称关系指用代词等语法关系表示语义关系。指称关系分为三类:人称指称(personal refe
10、rence)、指示指称(demonstrative reference)和比较指称关系(comparative reference)。,人称指称关系的指称词 一般为第三人称代词,如,him、his、everybody等。指示指称词 包括this、that、these、those之类的指示代词以及定冠词the 和such a一类的词,也包括here、there、now、then等地点指示词和时间指示词。比较指称 关系中的比较通常可以通过一些具有比较意义的词语如same、as、equal、such、similar、different、other、else等来实现。,2.省略 指篇章中句子或小句中一
11、些基本结构成分的缺省。省略包括名词型、动词型和小句型。3.替代指的是用one、ones、same、do、so、not等替代形式去指上下文所出现的成分。4.连接指用连词、副词、或词组(短语)把两个命题联系起来的手段。5.词汇衔接指通过词的重复、同义、反义、上下义(hyponym)和整体与部分(meronymy)等关系达到语义连贯。,例1:1.Teachers often complain that students dont do their homework properly and that they are constantly arriving at school red-eyed an
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