1、天然保湿因子-透明质酸(hyaluronic acid,HA),http:/,人老了,关节往往不好啊!,爱美之心,人皆有之!,先请大家看看这些数字:,8.48亿美元 15亿美元 10亿美元 2.36亿美元 7.25亿8亿美元,是这么一个行情:,美国整形美容外科协会统计:2006年透明质酸皮肤填充剂治疗总费用达到了8.48亿美元。预计到2011年,皮肤填充剂的全球销售额将达到约15亿美元,其中透明质酸类填充剂将占到整个市场份额的60%70%,销售额达到约10亿美元。透明质酸作为一种治疗骨关节炎的药物,其销量正在稳步上升,目前该用途的透明质酸年销售额已达2.36亿美元。据业内人士估计,到2008年
3、acid polymers)。由于直链链轴上单糖之间氢键的作用,透明质酸分子在空间上呈刚性的螺旋柱形,柱的内侧由于存在大量的羟基而产生强亲水性。,HA的特性:,It does not contain any sulfate and is not found covalently attached to proteins.It forms non-covalently linked complexes with proteoglycans in the ECM)HA作为糖胺聚糖(GAG)中特殊的一个,与其他GAG有很大区别:它不被硫酸化、不与蛋白质共价结合,而是以游离形式或非共价复合体形式存在。
4、,由于分子表面大量的亲水因素,HA能结合大量水(displace a large volume of water),形成透明的高粘性水合凝胶。一个HA分子在水中将占据100010000倍于自身体积的空间。因大量的键内氢键及分子表面的大量亲水因素,被结合的水分固定不动,不易流失,因而HA是理想的保水剂。HA是目前自然界中发现机体保湿性最好的物质,故又称其为“天然保湿因子”(Naturalmoisturizingfactor,NMF),HA的特性:,当HA处于封闭的间隙如细胞间基质时,将产生膨胀压,加上分子表面的COO因吸收了阳离子,更增加基质的渗透压。这也就使得HA所存在的部位、组织具有抗压性、
5、润滑、弹性。,HA的分布:,在生物体内,没有哪类成分是单独存在的,HA也当然也不例外。的结构特性赋予了它自己分布与作用(Retention of water)的相关。HA广泛存在于动物各种组织细胞间质(the Extracellular Matrix)如皮肤、关节滑液(synovial fluid)、软骨(cartilage)、眼球玻璃体(vitreous fluid in the eye)等。而且,HA是唯一不限于动物组织并也产生于细菌中的糖胺聚糖.,HA的分布:,HA在机体的作用:,Basic Functions of Hyaluronic Acid Hyaluronic Acid is
6、present in every tissue of the body.It is most concentrated in the synovial fluid which bathes the joints,in the vitreous fluid in the eye,and in the skin.Retention of water is one of the most important biological functions of hyaluronic acid,second only to providing nutrients and removing waste fro
7、m cells that do not have a direct blood supply,such as cartilage cells.With a lower than adequate amount of hyaluronic acid,nutrients cannot be moved into these cells and waste cannot be eliminated from cells.,Hyaluronic Acid is Found in Synovial Joint Fluid,Hyaluronic Acid is Found in Synovial Join
8、t Fluid,Our joints(like the elbows and knees)are surrounded by a membrane called the synovial membrane,which forms a capsule around the ends of the bones.This membrane secretes a liquid called thesynovial fluid.Basically,the synovial fluid is found in joint cavities.It has many functions,including s
9、erving as a lubricant(润滑油),shock absorber and a nutrient carrier.Thefluid protects the joints and bones.,Hyaluronic Acid is Found in Synovial Joint Fluid,Cartilage is immersed in the synovial fluid and is a fibrous connective tissue.Cartilage is avascular,meaning it contains no blood vessels.This is
10、 why the synovial fluid is so important.Synovial fluid is theonly way in which nutrients can becarried into the cartilage and waste can be removed.,Hyaluronic Acid is a Key Component of Cartilage,Cartilage is a specialized form of connective tissue.Hyaline(玻璃似的)cartilage is the most predominant form
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