1、International Business English Correspondence Basics,1.principles and approaches of writing business letters.letter in good order.,2.the usual structure of a business letter and e-mails.,3.how to edit layouts and arrange the parts of a business,Objectives,4.some knowledge about products and trade or
2、ganizations and arrange the parts of a business,I.An Introduction to the Course,1.What is Business English?,2.Business English vs.General English,3.International Business English Correspondence,1.What is Business English?,Business English focuses on vocabulary and topics used in the worlds of busine
3、ss,trade,finance,and international relations.It also refers to the communication skills used in the workplace,and focuses on the language and skills needed for typical business communication such as presentations,negotiations,meetings,small talk,socializing,correspondence,report writing,and so on.Pe
4、ople study business English for very practical reasons:to improve their work performance,enhance their prospects for promotion,or in order to find a job.,1.所谓国际商务英语,指的是人们在从事国际商务各个领域的活动中所使用的英语,它涉及到专业公司、厂家及对外经济、贸易、国际金融、银行、保险、海关、物流等行业和领域,它比外贸英语函电涵盖的面宽。商务英语是以满足职场需求为目的,内容涵盖商务活动全过程,它以语言为载体,把核心的商务内容放到其中,以职
5、场人员和即将迈入职场的人员为目标,以商务活动中常用英语为重点的一种培训。归根到底,实用性是商务英语最大的特点。,2.Business English vs.General English,People study English for different purposes.Thus English falls into two categories:English for General Purposes(EGP)and English for Specific Purpose(ESP).BusinessEnglish is a part of ESP and can be consider
6、eda specialism within English language learning and teaching.It implies the definition of a specific language corpus and emphasis on particular kinds of communication in specific context while General English may encompass the broad vocabulary and varieties of styles found in literature and other ge
7、neral reading and in the world of entertainment and the media.Individuals may have interest in the culture;desire to travel or live abroad;a feeling that language skills will be useful or lead to better job prospects.,普通英语是人们在日常生活中使用最广泛的语言,人们用它来从事日常交流和传递一般信息。商务英语属于专门用途英语,是人们在从事国际商务活动过程中经常使用的英语,是商务环境
8、中使用的英语。这些活动领域包括:国际贸易、国际经济、国际金融、银行业、海关事务和旅游等,是商务文化群体中所特有的一种英语,其与普通英语的差异,不仅表现在目的和意义方面,而且表现在词语用法、句子组成和篇章的构建方面,这是国际商务工作者长期交际的结果。,3.International Business English Correspondence,International business consists of transactions that are devised and carried out across national borders to satisfy the objecti
9、ves of individuals and organizations.Correspondence means communication.When people do business at the international level,they need to communicate with each other through letters,faxes,e-mails,telephones,online chatting tools and some other modern means.Letters have been the principle and tradition
10、al channels by business firms to exchange messages for a long time.Emails can be consideredthe electronicversion of the letter.Today E-mail has become a primary source of communication in the workplace.Therefore,this course focuses on writing good business letters in the context of international bus
11、iness.In international trade,a business letter not only serves as a business document,but also provides a permanent record.Successful business letters can facilitate positive and promising business dealings.This course is intended to develop skills of writing good business letter.,国际商务英语函电作为国际商务往来经常
12、使用的联系方式,是开展对外经济贸易业务和有关商务活动的重要工具。正 确地掌握外贸英语函电的基本知识,并能熟练地加以运用,是经贸英语专业学生从事外经、外贸行业必须具备的职业技能。通过学习外贸实务中各种英文业务函件和传真以及其它文件的写作格式,商业、术语和各种不同的表达方法,使学生在提高英语水平的同时,熟练掌握对外贸易业务中的基本技能,培养和提高他们的对外贸易业务工作能力。该课程是一门理论与实践结合紧密的应用性学科。,II.Guidelines for Effective Business Correspondence,Writing Approaches for Business English
13、 Letters,Writing Approaches for Business English Letters,直接式结构用于传递令人满意或中性信息的信函,间接式结构传递令人失望的消息的商务信函尽量减少读者的不悦,2.Writing Principles for Business English Letters,To make your writing effective,you may follow some generally accepted principles.Since all these principles are begun with the letter“C”,they
14、can be summed up as 7Cs,i.e.Clarity,Consideration,Courtesy,Completeness,Conciseness,Concreteness and Correctness.,1)清晰(clarity)清楚是英语应用文最重要的语言特点。商务文书应主题突出,层次分明,可读性强。其内容应明白易懂,无模棱两可、含糊不清、陈词滥调等现象。为了表达的清晰性,有时需要附上范例、说明、图示等。例如:“bimonthly”一词具有两种含义,一种是“一月两次”,另一种是“每两月一次”,因此应避免使用这类具有双重意义的词。2)体谅(consideration)体
17、的信函时,需要使用具体的事实和数据。在名词和动词的使用上,多使用意义明确的词。7)正确(correctness)所谓正确,并非仅指语法、标点和词的拼写这些基本要素。商务文书内容(如事实、数据等)必须以准确的语言和商务套语加以表达,不得出半分差错,否则会给自己公司带来重大经济损失。,III.Layout of Business Letters&E-mails,1.Layout of Business Letter,A formal business letter consists of fourteen parts in which nine parts are essential and fi
18、ve parts are optional.,A Nine important parts,Letterhead,Date,Inside Address,Salutation,Subject Line,Body of the Letter,Complimentary Close,Signature,Enclosure,Letter head is often printed on quality paper beforehand.It includes the essential particulars about the writer:the companies name,postal ad
19、dress and zip-code,telephone and facsimile numbers,websites,etc.You can see examples below:,信头:发信人公司的名称、地址、传真或电话号码。,Sample 1,(1)The letterhead,Following are some of names of trade organizations in China:,China National Cereals,oils&Foodstuffs Imp/Exp Corp.中国粮油食品进出口公司China National Construction Mater
20、ials Imp/Exp Corp.中国建材进出口公司China National Arts&Crafts Imp/Exp Corp.中国工艺品进出口公司China National Metals&Minerals Imp/Exp Corp.中国五金矿产进出口公司China National Textiles Imp/Exp Corp.中国纺织品进出口公司China National Light Industrial Products Imp/Exp Corp.中国轻工产品进出口公司China National Garments&Costumes Imp/Exp Corp.中国服装进出口公司C
21、hina National Arts&Crafts Imp/Exp Corp.中国工艺品进出口公司China National Petroleum Imp/Exp Corp.中国石油进出口公司China National Nonferrous Metals Imp/Exp Corp.中国有色金属进出口公司,China National Electric Wires&Cables Imp/Exp Corp.中国电线电缆进出口公司China National Chemicals Imp/Exp Corp.中国化工进出口公司China National Complete Plant Imp/Exp
22、Corp.中国成套设备进出口公司China National Agricultural Machinery Imp/Exp Corp.中国农业机械进出口公司China National Aero-Technology Imp/Exp Corp.中国航空技术进出口公司China National Medicines&Health Products Imp/Exp Corp.中国医药保健品进出口公司China Metallurgical Imp/Exp Corp.中国冶金进出口公司China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation 中国对
23、外贸易运输公司China Ocean Shipping Agency 中国外轮代理总公司China Export Bases Development Corporation 中国出口商品基础建设公司China Ocean Shipping Company 中国远洋运输公司,The date should be placed two or four spaces below the letterhead to the right for indented style or the left for the blocked style.The date should be written in f
24、ull and not abbreviated.Spell out the name of the month,and do not show the date in figure like 11/9/2007 to avoid confusion.This is because there are two ways in writing the date.,(2)The date,写信的年、月、日,The inside address usually consists of name of the person to whom the letter is sent,often with a
25、social title and his or her company title,the name of the firms,and the mailing address of the firm.It appears exactly the same way as on the envelope,but not in all capital letters as on the envelope.,(3)The inside address,收信人的公司名称和地址,The salutation is the polite greetings with which a letter begin
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