1、塑膠產品設計Plastic Part Design徐昌煜Charles Hsu,就傳統射出成形而言,實用的最小壁厚在0.75到1.00mm 之間。如果要採用更薄的壁厚,卻又缺乏實際的經驗,可以借助CAE作科學的決定。For conventional injection molding,a practical minimum wall thickness is in the range of 0.75 to 1.00 mm.When thinner walls are required but actual experience is absent,the minimum possible th
2、ickness can be scientifically determined by CAE.,壁厚Wall Thickness,壁厚不均是注塑成形中最大的麻煩製造者。這對薄壁零件尤然。這些麻煩包括了遲滯現象、短射、凹陷、發赤、噴流、翹曲及長冷卻時間等;目前都可用CAE以直接或間接的方式預測。Non-uniform wall thickness is the biggest trouble maker in plastic injection molding.This is especially true to thin-wall part.The troubles,including he
3、sitation,short shot,sink mark,blush,jetting,warpage and long cooling time etc.,can be predicted,directly or indirectly,by using CAE.,壁厚不均Non-uniform Wall Thickness,設計高收縮率材料成型品時,設計者應將壁厚變化限制在10%。就低收縮率材料而言,許容壁厚變化可到25%。While designing injection molded parts in high mold shrinkage factor materials,the de
4、signer should try to limit wall thickness variation to 10%.The allowable wall thickness variation for the low mold shrinkage factor materials can be up to 25%.,壁厚不均Non-uniform Wall Thickness,壁厚設計Wall Thickness Design,掏空設計(1)Coring Out Design(1),掏空設計(2)Coring Out Design(2),外側凸轂Outside Boss,空洞或/和凹陷的形成
5、Void or/and Sink Mark Forming,肋厚和內圓角半徑的影響The Effect of Rib Thickness&Fillet Radius,突出件和公稱厚壁相交處的內圓角半徑太大,會致使凹陷、空洞、殘餘應力和長的冷卻時間。該內圓角半徑太小,會致使應力集中。一個好的折中方案是採用公稱壁厚的25%,作為內圓角半徑。A large fillet radius causes sink mark,void,residual stress and long cooling time.A small fillet radius causes stress concentration
6、.A good compromise is to use a radius,which is 25%of the nominal wall(NW),at the junction of the NW and a projection.,內圓角半徑 Fillet Radius,肋的底部厚度Bottom Thickness of Rib,肋的設計(一)Rib Design(1),肋的設計(二)Rib Design(2),角板設計(三)Gusset Design(3),與側壁相連之凸轂(熱塑性塑膠)Boss at Wall(Thermoplastics),遠離側壁之凸轂(熱塑性塑膠)Boss Awa
7、y From Wall(Thermoplastics),Wall Thickness,Rib,Conventional0.080 to 0.125 in(2.0 to 3.2 mm),Thinwall:0.050 to 0.080 in 0.050 in(1.2 to 2.0 mm)(1.2 mm),Wall Thickness,Bosses,Conventional0.080 to 0.125 in(2.0 to 3.2 mm),Thinwall:0.050 to 0.080 in 0.050 in(1.2 to 2.0 mm)(1.2 mm),Wall Thickness,Gussets,
8、Conventional0.080 to 0.125 in(2.0 to 3.2 mm),Thinwall:0.050 to 0.080 in 0.050 in(1.2 to 2.0 mm)(1.2 mm),突出件在和公稱厚壁相交處的建議厚度:以高縮水率的結晶性塑膠而言,可採用公稱壁厚的50%。以低縮水率的非結晶性塑膠而言,可採用公稱壁厚的75%。The recommended thickness at the junction of a projection and the nominal wall(NW)is 50%of the NW thickness for high-mold-shr
9、inkage,crystalline materials.The lower-mold-shrinkage-factor,amorphous plastics can have thicknesses of up to 75%of the parts NW thickness.,突出件壁厚Thickness of the Projection,有些情形,在美觀的考慮下,是不容許些微凹陷的。設計者應當考慮將建議厚度減少10%。In those cases where aesthetic considerations preclude even a slight sink mark,a desig
10、ner should consider reducing the recommended rib thickness by an additional 10 percent.,突出件壁厚Thickness of the Projection,從成型容易的觀點來看,突出件的高度以產品公稱壁厚的2.5到3倍為宜。From an ease of molding perspective,the height of projections should be limited to 2.5 to 3 times the part nominal wall thickness.,突出件高度 Height o
11、f the Projection,強固的、脆的、剝蝕性的、黏的塑件要有大的脫模角和光滑的拋光。軟的、延展性的、和光滑的塑件則可有小的脫模角。Large draft angles and a smooth polish are required for parts molded in strong,brittle,abrasive,and sticky materials.Smaller draft angles can be used on soft,ductile,and slippery materials.,突出件脫模角 Draft Angle of the Projection,以成本
12、和可製造性的觀點,理想的脫模角是消費者可以接受的前題下,最大的角度。就多數情況而言,每邊1應已足夠,但2 或 5 可以更好。模穴應順著開模方向打光。The ideal draft angle,from a cost and manufacturability perspective,is the largest angle that will not distract from the consumers acceptance of the product.In most cases,1 per side will be adequate,but 2 or 5 per side would b
13、e better.The cavities that form projections should be draw-polished.,突出件脫模角 Draft Angle of the Projection,距離應大於產品公稱壁厚的2倍。使得模具鋼材具備足夠的強度以抵抗彎曲,並且提供足夠的吸熱器,以免產生凹陷和成型應力。This distance should be at least 2 times the parts nominal wall thickness,so the mold steel provide enough strength to resist bending and
14、 enough heat sink to avoid sink mark and molded in stress.,突出件和側壁/突出件的距離 The Distance between Projection and Side Wall/Projection,Where 1/r:樑的曲率 curvature of the beamM:彎曲力矩 bending momentE:彈性模數 modulus of elasticityI:斷面積對中立軸的慣性矩 moment of inertia of the cross-sectional area with respect to the neutr
15、al axisEI:撓曲剛性 flexural rigidity,撓曲剛性Flexural Rigidity,Where:最大偏移 maximum deflection W:負荷 load L:樑長 length of beam E:彈性模數 modulus of elasticity I:斷面積對中立軸的慣性矩 moment of inertia of the cross-sectional area with respect to the neutral axis EI:撓曲剛性 flexural rigidity:最大應力 maximum stress:中立軸到到其斷面離其最遠的點的距離
16、 distance from the extreme point of a cross section to the neutral axis of this cross section,Youngs Modulus,E,The ratio between stress and strain is constant,obeying Hookes Law,within the elasticity range of any material.This ratio is called Youngs modulus and is measured in Mpa or psi.,平板和肋板的比較Com
17、parison between Plain&Ribbed Plates,和平板比,若基於相同的慣性矩(剛性),肋板需料少了43%,I/A卻增加了1.79倍。肋板的最大厚度減為平板的1/4,使得冷卻時間驟降15/16(94%)。Based on the same moment of inertia(stiffness),ribbed plate needs 43%less material but boost I/A by 1.79 times comparing with plane plate.The maximum thickness of ribbed plate is only 1/4
18、 of plain plates;showing a dramatic cooling time reduction of 94%(15/16).,平板和肋板的比較Comparison between Plain&Ribbed Plates,應力比(肋/無肋)Stress Ratio(Ribbed/Unribbed),偏移比(肋/無肋)Deflection Ratio(Ribbed/Unribbed),結構設計是薄殼成形零件的基礎。Structural design is the base of thin-wall molding parts.薄殼成形零件不僅僅是一趨勢,而且也是降低成本和提高
19、競爭力的有效途徑。Thin-wall molding part is not only a trend but also an effective way to achieve cost reduction and competitiveness increase.,結構設計和薄殼成形零件Structural Design&Thin-wall Molding Parts,Living Hinge Design for PP and PE:(a)before,and(b)after Bending 180,Typical Values of Living Hinge Design for PP
20、and PE:(a)Most Application;(b)Self-opening Hinge Design,Most Common Living Hinge Design:(a)before,and(b)after Bending 180,Recommended Living Hinge Design with the Neutral Axis in the Center:(a)before,and(b)at Bending Angle of 180,Cross Section through the Entire Hinge Showing Its Principal Dimension
21、s,Cross Section of a Portion of a Living Hinge Design and Its Neutral Axis Position,Hinge Design Detail:(a)as Molded;(b)as Assembled,“Right Way”Assembly Hinge Detail,Cable Ignition Bracket Axonometric View,Cable Ignition Bracket Side View,Cable Ignition Bracket Top View,Hinge Detail:(a)Initial Desig
22、n;(b)Improved Design,Hinge Behavior after Assembly,POLYPROPYLENE HINGE DESIGN,NOTES:1.Y DIM.PER PART DESIGN2.X DIM.=2Y+0.25,POLYPROPYLENE HINGE DESIGN,孔 Holes,以射出成型而言,圓孔形狀理想,原因是塑料冷卻時,它收縮到心型銷,若銷為圓形,應力會均勻的分布在圓銷面上。Round holes are the ideal shape for the injection molding process.The reason for this is
23、that as plastic material cools it shrinks onto the core pin that forms a hole and,with round holes,the stress is uniformly distributed around it.,孔 Holes,這一尼龍風扇因安裝孔的直線孔緣末端的鎖入應力而損毀。This nylon fan failed due to molded-in stress at the end of the straight section on the mounting hole.,孔 Holes,孔 Holes,最
24、初,此一玻纖補強的尼龍計時鏈輪中央的方型驅動軸孔,有四個銳角。使用幾個月後,這些鏈輪,從方孔的銳角,到其附近的鏈輪齒根,產生裂隙而報廢。後來,在方孔的四個角落,加了向外延伸的小孔之後,鏈輪便不再開裂。The glass-fiber-reinforced nylon timing sprockets were introduced with sharp corners on the square drive shaft hole.These sprockets failed after several months in the field due to cracks radiating fro
25、m a corner on the square hole to the root of a nearby gear tooth.These field failures were eliminated by adding the outwardly extending radiuses.,孔 Holes,內圓角和向外延伸的內圓角(B,C,D)可以減低鎖入的應力並且使得產品變強。Inside and outwardly extending radiuses(B,C,D)reduce molded-in stress and result in a stronger part.,孔 Holes,
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