5、体准则,国际会计准则第1号(IAS 1)财务报表的列报 国际会计准则第2号(IAS 2)存货 国际会计准则第3号(IAS 3)合并财务报表(最初于1976年发布并于1977年1月生效。在1989年被IAS 27和IAS 28取代),IAS的具体准则,国际会计准则第4号(IAS 4)折旧会计(于1999年撤销并被于1998年发布或修订的IAS 16、IAS 22和IAS 38取代)国际会计准则第5号(IAS 5)财务报表应披露的信息(最初于1976年10月发布并于1977年1月生效。在1997年被IAS 1取代)国际会计准则第6号(IAS 6)针对物价变动的会计应对(被IAS 15取代,而IAS
6、 15于2003年12月被撤销),IAS的具体准则,国际会计准则第7号(IAS 7)现金流量表 国际会计准则第8号(IAS 8)会计政策、会计估计变更和差错 国际会计准则第9号(IAS 9)研发活动的会计处理(已被于1999年7月1日生效的IAS 38取代),IAS的具体准则,国际会计准则第10号(IAS 10)报告期后事项 国际会计准则第11号(IAS 11)建造合同 国际会计准则第12号(IAS 12)所得税,IAS的具体准则,国际会计准则第13号(IAS 13)流动资产和流动负债的列报(已被IAS 1取代)国际会计准则第14号(IAS 14)分部报告 国际会计准则第15号(IAS 15)
7、反映物价变动影响的信息(于2003年12月被撤销),IAS的具体准则,国际会计准则第16号(IAS 16)不动产、厂场和设备 国际会计准则第17号(IAS 17)租赁 国际会计准则第18号(IAS 18)收入 国际会计准则第19号(IAS 19)雇员福利,IAS的具体准则,国际会计准则第20号(IAS 20)政府补助的会计和政府援助的披露 国际会计准则第21号(IAS 21)汇率变动的影响 国际会计准则第22号(IAS 22)企业合并(已被于2004年3月31日生效的IFRS 3取代),IAS的具体准则,国际会计准则第23号(IAS 23)借款费用 国际会计准则第24号(IAS 24)关联方披
8、露 国际会计准则第25号(IAS 25)投资的会计处理(已被于2001年生效的IAS 39和IAS 40取代),IAS的具体准则,国际会计准则第26号(IAS 26)退休福利计划的会计和报告 国际会计准则第27号(IAS 27)合并财务报表和单独财务报表 国际会计准则第28号(IAS 28)联营中的投资 国际会计准则第29号(IAS 29)恶性通货膨胀经济中的财务报告,IAS的具体准则,国际会计准则第30号(IAS 30)银行和类似金融机构财务报表中的披露(已被于2007年生效的IFRS 7取代)国际会计准则第31号(IAS 31)合营中的权益 国际会计准则第32号(IAS 32)金融工具:列
9、报(有关披露的规定已被于2007年生效的IFRS 7取代),IAS的具体准则,国际会计准则第33号(IAS 33)每股收益 国际会计准则第34号(IAS 34)中期财务报告 国际会计准则第35号(IAS 35)终止经营(已被于2005年生效的IFRS 5取代),IAS的具体准则,国际会计准则第36号(IAS 36)资产减值 国际会计准则第37号(IAS 37)准备、或有负债和或有资产 国际会计准则第38号(IAS 38)无形资产,IAS的具体准则,国际会计准则第39号(IAS 39)金融工具:确认和计量 国际会计准则第40号(IAS 40)投资性房地产 国际会计准则第41号(IAS 41)农业
10、,IAS 1,Financial statements are a structured financial representation of the financial position of and the transactions undertaken by an enterprise.The objective of general purpose financial statements is to provide information about the financial position,performance and cash flows of an enterprise
11、 that is useful to a wide range of users in making economic decisions.Financial statements also show the results of managements stewardship of the resources entrusted to it.,Financial Statements,To meet this objective,financial statements provide information about an enterprises:(a)assets;(b)liabili
12、ties;(c)equity;(d)income and expenses,including gains and losses;and(e)cash flows,Assets,In financial accounting,assets are economic resources.Anything tangible or intangible that is capable of being owned or controlled to produce value and that is held to have positive economic value is considered
13、an asset.Simply stated,assets represent ownership of value that can be converted into cash(although cash itself is also considered an asset).,Liability,A liability can mean something that is a hindrance or puts an individual or group at a disadvantage,or something that someone is responsible for,or
14、something that increases the chance of something occurring(i.e.it is a cause).,Equity,Ownership,especially in terms of net monetary value of some business.Equity=asset-liability,财务报表要素的确认,某一特定项目在财务报表中得到确认(recognition)须满足的条件如下:1.与之相关的未来经济利益很有可能流入或流出该项目对应的经济实体;2.其取得成本或价值能够可靠计量;,计量,是指(经济实体内)负责(会计工作)的会计
15、人员确定财务报表项目在利润表和资产负债表中反映的货币价值(的过程)。计量的基础由会计人员负责选定,而会计人员则须在不同程度和组合内采用相适应的计量基础。它们包括但不限于:历史成本(Historical Cost),这是大多数会计人员选取的计量基础;现行成本(Current Cost);可变现(重置)价值(NRV,Net Realizable Value);现值(PV,Present Value)。,A complete set of financial statements includes the following components:(a)balance sheet;(b)income
16、 statement;(c)a statement showing either:(i)all changes in equity;or(ii)changes in equity other than those arising from capital transactions with owners and distributions to owners;(d)cash flow statement;and(e)accounting policies and explanatory notes.,Management should develop policies to ensure th
17、at the financial statements provide information that is:(a)relevant to the decision-making needs of users;and(b)reliable in that they:(i)represent faithfully the results and financial position of the enterprise;(ii)reflect the economic substance of events and transactions and not merely the legal fo
18、rm;2(iii)are neutral,that is free from bias;(iv)are prudent;and(v)are complete in all material respects.,基本假设,1.Going concern When preparing financial statements,management should make an assessment of an enterprises ability to continue as a going concern.,基本假设,2.Accrual basis An enterprise should p
19、repare its financial statements,except for cash flow information,under the accrual basis of accounting.,Under the accrual basis of accounting,transactions and events are recognized when they occur(and not as cash or its equivalent is received or paid)and they are recorded in the accounting records a
20、nd reported in the financial statements of the periods to which they relate.Expenses are recognized in the income statement on the basis of a direct association between the costs incurred and the earning of specific items of income(matching).,Consistency of Presentation,The presentation and classifi
21、cation of items in the financial statements should generally be retained from one period to the next period.,IAS 2 Inventories,Definitions Inventories include assets held for sale in the ordinary course of business(finished goods),assets in the production process for sale in the ordinary course of b
22、usiness(work in process),and materials and supplies that are consumed in production(raw materials).,IAS 2 Inventories,Inventories are required to be stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value(NRV).Net realisable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less t
23、he estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale.,Cost should include all:1.costs of purchase(including taxes,transport,and handling)net of trade discounts received 2.costs of conversion(including fixed and variable manufacturing overheads)and 3.other costs incurre
24、d in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition,Write-Down to Net Realisable Value,NRV is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business,less the estimated cost of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale.Any write-down to NRV should be reco
25、gnised as an expense in the period in which the write-down occurs.Any reversal should be recognised in the income statement in the period in which the reversal occurs.,For inventory items that are not interchangeable,specific costs are attributed to the specific individual items of inventory.For ite
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