1、考研英语翻译,导论,题目要求,1、阅读一篇400字左右的英语文章2、将其中5个划线部分译成汉语3、译文准确、通顺、完整,翻译题的特征,体裁:说明文或议论文取材:外文网站、报刊、书籍、杂志内容:自然科学、社会科学特征:长难句,年份 体裁 题材 考点2005 说明文 欧洲电视媒体(定语从句、被动语态)2006 说明文 知识分子定义(定语从句、否定结构)2007 说明文 法律学习推广(名词从句、被动语态)2008 议论文 对达尔文介绍(定语从句、并列结构)2009 议论文 正规教育启示(状语从句、倒装结构)2010 议论文 物种保护价值(名词从句、定语从句),阅卷采分点=句子结构切分点,1、微观:一
2、个句子24个采分点。、2个采分点每个1分。、3个采分点其中1个1分,另外2个0.5。、4个采分点每个0.5。2、宏观:整句话意思是否通顺,是否扭曲原文。3、是否符合汉语习惯。,How well the predictions will be validated by later performance depends upon the amount,reliability,and appropriateness of the information used and on the skill and wisdom with which it is interpreted.How well th
3、e predictions will be validated by later performance/depends upon/the amount,reliability,and appropriateness of the information used/and on the skill and wisdom/with which it is interpreted.(1995.72),1、How(well)the predictions will be validated by later performance(0.5分)2、depend upon3、the amount,rel
4、iability,and appropriateness of the information used and on the skill and wisdom(1分)4、with which it is interpreted(0.5分)(the information used is interpreted with the skill and wisdom)译文:这些预测在多大程度上为后来的实践(表现)所证实,取决于所采用信息的数量、可靠性和适应性,(还取决于)以及解释这些信息的技能(技巧)和才智(智慧)。,Time was when biologists somewhat overwo
5、rked the evidence that these creatures preserve the health of game by killing the physical weak,or that they prey only on“worthless”species.Time was when biologists somewhat overworked the evidence that these creatures preserve the health of game by killing the physical weak,or that they prey only o
6、n“worthless”species.(2010.48),1、Time was 2、when biologists somewhat overworked the evidence(1分)3、that these creatures preserve the health of game by killing the physical weak(0.5)4、or that they prey only on“worthless”species.(0.5)译文:有段时间,生物学家或多或少滥用了这种证据,即这些生物通过杀死弱者来保持种群的健康,亦即它们仅仅捕食没有价值的物种。,英译汉翻译要点指略
7、(一),拆分法把英语从句拆分成简单句简单句的句型1、S+V+PToday is Sunday.He seemed a patient.The task is no easy one.,2、S+ViShe smiles.He went downstairs.The book store closes.3、S+Vt+OThe students like English.He borrows a knife and a pair of scissors.4、S+Vt+O1+O2I give you English knowledge.The old man often tell the childr
8、en interesting stories.I was assigned a mission impossible.,5、S+V+O+OcDont call me a liar.They left the city a ruin.He smelt meat burning.I asked him several questions.We all consider him foolish.,1、The draft resolution,carefully drafted in moderate terms,which,despite its flaws,we shall support,is
9、primarily an appeal.还原:despite its flaws,we shall support which(the draft resolution).这项决议草案,精心草拟,措辞温和,首先是一种呼吁。尽管它有缺点,我们还要支持。,2、On behalf of all your American guests,I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world.还原:the Chines
10、e people are justly famous for which(incomparable hospitality)throughout the world.我谨代表你们所有的美国客人向你们表示感谢,感谢你们无可比拟的盛情款待。中国人民以这种盛情款待闻名于世。,3、Bright sunshine flooded the street where a group of boys in Sunday clothes were playing ball.还原:a group of boys in Sunday clothes were playing ball where(in the st
11、reet).大街上阳光灿烂。一群穿着假日服装的孩子正在街上玩球。,4、This was the period when Einstein began the research which resulted in the creation of his famous Theory of Relativity.还原:which(the research)resulted in the creation of his famous Theory of Relativity.就在这期间,爱因斯坦开始进行一项研究。这项研究导致了他的著名的相对论的诞生。通过这项研究,他创立了著名的相对论。,5、In th
12、e course of decay of the vegetable and animal,in the soil,various acids and gases are formed,which help to decompose the rock particles and other compounds needed for the plant foods.还原:which(acids and gases)help to decompose the rock particles and other compounds(that)needed for the plant foods.动植物
13、在泥土里腐烂的过程中形成各种酸和气体。这些酸和气体有助于分解岩石颗粒和其他化合物,(它们可)以供植物作养料。,6、In 1884,a large group of nations held a conference in Washington D.C.,and established Standard Time,which was based on solar time as figured at Royal Observatory of Greenwich,England.还原:which(Standard Time)was based on solar time as figured at
14、 Royal Observatory of Greenwich,England.1884年,许多国家在美国华盛顿举行会议,定出了标准时间。它(标准时间)是按照英国格林尼治皇家天文台算出来的太阳时间。,7、Now the integrated circuit has reduced by many times the size of the computer of which it forms a part,thus creating a new generation of portable minicomputers.还原:it forms a part of which of which(t
15、he computer)it(the integrated circuit)forms a part现在的集成电路成了计算机的组成部分,使计算机体积大大缩小(它把计算机的体积缩减了很多倍),从而产生了新一代便携式袖珍型计算机。,8、The term science came more and more to be confined to the physical and biological disciplines which at the same time began to claim for themselves a special rigorousness and certainty
16、which distinguished them from others.还原:which(disciplines)at the same time began to claim for themselves a special rigorousness and certainty.还原:which(rigorousness and certainty)distinguished them from others.,科学这个术语越来越被限定在物理学和生物学的学科之内,同时这些学科开始对自身要求(一种特别的严密性和准确性)极其严格和准确,这(严密性和准确性)是它们与其它学科的区别所在。,翻译第一
17、讲,汉英语言意对比分析(一)李蒙,汉语的主体意识VS英语的客体意识,一、人称名词作主语 vs.物称名词主语一见这幅画,我就记起了我故乡的童年时代。(On)seeing the painting,I remember the childhood in my hometown.The painting immediately reminds me of the childhood in my hometown.,CEO 凭借他丰富的经验一眼就看出问题所在。By his rich experience,the CEO at once found out what is wrong with the
18、matter.The rich experience of the CEO told him what is wrong with the matter.What is wrong is found out at once by the CEO,in light of his rich experience.,上海在改革开放中取得了很大的成绩。Shanghai has got great achievements in reforming and opening up to the world.The great achievements have been achieved in refor
19、ming and opening up to the world in Shanghai.,英译汉要点指略(二),主体化 1、After an hour,the trail took them by a low,spreading tree strung thickly with beads(念珠).A、一小时后,脚印(踪迹)引领他们到一棵低矮但繁茂的树旁,那上面挂满了念珠。B、过了一个小时,他们来到了一棵矮树旁,许多念珠挂在繁茂的枝叶上。,2、A crashing thunderstorm,with thick rain hissing down from skies,black as ni
20、ght stopped Victor Henry from leaving the White House.(The Winds of War)A、一声惊雷,大雨从天空哗哗而下,像夜一样黑,这阻止了维多克亨利离开白宫。B、轰隆几声雷响,漆黑的天空哗啦啦下起大雨来。维多克亨利就无法离开白宫了。C、一场雷暴雨到来了,大雨倾盆,天空有如黑夜,这一切让维多克亨利无法离开白宫。,3、Even the wild animals of his homeland,it seemed to Kunta,had more dignity than these creatures.A、对昆塔来说,甚至是他家乡的野生
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