1、Unit 4 Aesthetic Perspectives of Translation,Unit 3 Aesthetic Perspective of translation,1.The definition of aesthetic rhetoric2.The application of rhetoric in translation3.Appreciation of aesthetic rhetoric in translation4.The problem between aesthetic rhetoric and Translation,Targets,Activity 1:Br
2、ief Introduction to aesthetic rhetoric,1.Definition of Aesthetic Rhetoric2.The link between Aesthetic Rhetoric and Translation,Unit 3 Aesthetic Perspective of translation,Task 1 Definition of Aesthetic Rhetoric,The art of speaking or writing effectively(Harold BAllen)美学修辞:在运用逻辑思维的同时,偏重于随景应情,运用想象和联想,
3、通过辞格(Figures of speech)唤起生动的意象,使语言文字新鲜活泼,意蕴优美,发挥更大的感染力和说服力,取得艺术性的表达效果。,Unit 3 Aesthetic Perspective of translation,Task 2 The link between Aesthetic Rhetoric and Translation,翻译的美学观翻译家拉姆斯(Ramsden)指出:“翻译之美集中表现于修辞美、意境美、采风美、形象美、典型美与宏观美。要思维抽象化、想象升华化与语言形象化,才能译得表里俱秀,形神兼似,味如甘醇,吮之欲醉。具有上述美感的译品能起潜移默化、陶冶感染的作用,可
4、使读者获得感情上的享受与精神上的满足。”,Unit 3 Aesthetic Perspective of translation,Aesthetic Rhetoric creates the beauty in good translation which satisfies the readers with aesthetic rhetoric.,Activity 2:The application of Rhetoric in translation,1.The successful application in Stylistics:advertising rhetoric2.The w
5、ide utilization of figures of speech in translation,Unit 3 Aesthetic Perspective of translation,Task 1 The successful application in Stylistics:advertising rhetoric,赶超世界先进水平,关键是时间。时间就是生命,时间就是速度,时间就是力量。In catching up and surpassing the worlds advanced levels,the key factor is time.Time means Life,tim
6、e means speed,and time means strength.,Unit 3 Aesthetic Perspective of translation,这则广告口号连续运用了三个排比句,富有节奏和朗朗上口的语言不仅使语篇具有一种独特的外在美来吸引广告语篇受众,更使语篇具有一种内在的美。它所产生的巨大魅力为广告语篇受众创造了一个更为广阔的意义空间。帮助他们发挥自己的想象力,去接受蕴藏在语篇深层层而的更为丰富的信息。,Unit 3 Aesthetic Perspective of translation,Like a good neighbor,State Farm is there
7、 像个好邻居似的,州农场保险公司就在那儿。,Unit 3 Aesthetic Perspective of translation,广告中修辞格的成功运用,既能切合内容的题旨及情境,又能提高语言文字的表达力,使消费者觉得无可置疑,而且还能给消费者以美的享受。,Unit 3 Aesthetic Perspective of translation,Task 2 The wide utilization of figures of speech in translation,一位阔太太到照像馆去拿她冲洗的胶卷,她得意忘形地问摄影师:“I do look nice in the picture,do
8、n t I?摄影师递给她胶卷,并慢条斯里地回答:“Well,madam,the answer lies in the negative.”negative 既可解释为“底片”,也可解释为“否定”。摄影师巧妙地利用这一“双关语”,既回答那位阔太太的问题:“美不美,你看看底片就知道了.”同时,他又暗含一层讽刺的意义:答案是否定的。,Unit 3 Aesthetic Perspective of translation,这对年轻夫妇并不匹配,一个是西施,一个是张飞。This young couple is not well matched,one is a Xi Shi a famous Chine
9、se beauty,while the other is a Zhang Fei a well-known ill-tempered brute.,Unit 3 Aesthetic Perspective of translation,汉语原文用了借代的修辞手法,以西施代替“温柔、美丽”,以张飞代替“粗鲁、暴躁”,译者采用直译加注释的办法,既保留原文风格,又使读者容易理解。,Activity 3:Appreciation of Aesthetic Rhetoric in translation,1.Chinese origin to English with Aesthetic Rhetori
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