1、第九单元 系统软件安装与备份,目标,学完本小节后,应能做到:从CD-ROM安装AIX用标准的UNIX命令为非 rootvg 数据做备份 创建一引导的系统备份从 mksysb 带恢复系统AIX的系统安装步骤更新AIX,AIX操作系统光盘,AIX 5L Version 5.1 的系统光盘,包括:AIX Base Operating System(5 CDs)Bonus Pack Expansion Pack AIX Documentation AIX Toolbox for Linux Applications,软件包定义,可安装的最小单位完成特定功能,fileset的集合可独立安装的单元,pac
2、kage的集合完整的产品,LPP(Licensed Program Product)是一个完整的软件产品,它包含相关的所有package或fileset。,AIX 软件命名,LPP,Package,fileset,suffix,.tcp.server,LPP,Package,fileset,suffix,AIX的fileset遵循一个标准命名规范,LPP名称作为fileset名称的第一部分。一个fileset的名称各部分都有明确的含义,整个fileset名称可正确清除地描述fileset的用途。,软件包定义 Bundle,AIX 5L Version 5.1中有如下预定义的Bundle:App
3、-DevCDEGNOMEKDEMedia-DefinedNetscapedeviceswsm-remote,Bundle是由多个fileset组成,用于完成一特定的功能,比如应用开发。也可选择此种方式安装需要的软件。,AIX 软件更新,针对系统缺陷和错误的修正增加新的设备的支持新的功能#oslevel-r5100-02,对操作系统的更新,包含有对性能或功能的增强,或错误修正,AIX 版本编号,确认 AIX的版本,使用,将可引导 CD 插入光驱中所有相关附属设备上电为服务器接通电源,系统试图从引导设备列表中指定的设备上引导系统,缺省是从CD-ROM上引导将第一张系统引导盘放入光驱中当LED上显示
4、E1F1时,按 F5(or 5)进行系统安装,Step 1:,安装过程,此信息将会以8种欧洲语言,显示在图形控制台接在S1串口上的字符终端,Step 2:,*Please define the System Console*Type a F1 at this terminal and press Enterif you want this display to be the System Console,控制台的选择和语言定义,选择安装过程中使用的语言,通常是英语.,Step 3:,Step 4:,Welcome to Base Operating SystemInstallation and
5、 Maintenance,Type the number of your choice and press Enter.1.Start Install now with Default Settings2.Change/Show Installation Settings and Install3.Start Maintenance Mode for System Recovery 88 Help?Choice 1:2,安装与维护,Either type 0 or press Enter to install with current settings,or type thenumber of
6、 the setting you want to change and press Enter.1.System Settings Method of installation.New and Complete Overwrite Disk where you want to install.hdisk0 2.Primary Language Environment Settings(AFTER install)Cultural Convention.C(POSIX)Language.C(POSIX)Keyboard.C(POSIX)3.Advanced Option.no 0 Install
7、 with the settings listed above.88 Help?99 Previous Menu Choice 0:1,安装的设置,安装方法,Change Method of Installation,Type the number of your choice and press Enter.1.New and Complete OverwriteOverwrites EVERYTHING on the disk selected for installation.Warning:Only use this method if the disk is totally empt
8、y or if there is nothing onthe disk you want to preserve.2.Preservation InstallPreserves SOME of the existing data on the disk selected for installation.Warning:This method overwrites the usr(/usr),variable(/var),temporary(/tmp),and root(/)file systems.Other product(applications)files and configurat
9、ion data will be destroyed.3.Migration InstallUpgrades the Base Operating System to current release.Other product(applications)files and configuration data are saved.88 Help?99 Previous Menu Choice 3:1,Advanced Option,Advanced OptionsEither type 0 and press Enter to install with current settings,or
10、type thenumber of the setting you want to change and press Enter.1 Installation Package Set.Default2 Enable Trusted Computing Base.no3 Enable 64-bit Kernel and JFS2.no 0 Install with the settings listed above.88 Help?99 Previous Menu Choice 0:,Installing Base Operating SystemPlease wait.ApproximateE
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