1、46,1,Tasks for todays lesson,Check Exs.9Part Two Major Translation Techniques Chapter 10 省略词语(Omission),46,2,Chapter 10,Chapter 10 省略词语(Omission),46,3,Chapter 10 省略词语,由于中文和英文存在许多差异,翻译时除了增添词语之外,还要适当省略词语。所谓省略词语是指原文中有些词语在译文中不译出来,因为译文中虽无其词但已有其意,或者在译文中是不言而喻的。换言之,省略是删去一些可有可无的,或者有了反而嫌累赘或违背译文语言习惯的词语。准确和简练是翻
2、译的基本要求。汉语是意合语言,尤其讲究简洁顺畅,英译汉时,要舍去原文需要而译文不需要的成分。汉语也有其自身的表达特点,汉译英时,也要省略原文需要而译文不需要的成分。本章论述英汉互译中常见的省略现象。,46,4,10.1 从内容角度省略词语,根据原文内容和译文表达习惯,有必要在译文中适当省略原文中的某些词语。,46,5,10.1.1 省略原文中的某些动词,汉语的描述句可以直接用形容词、名词、介词、短语或主谓结构作谓语,而英文句子的谓语则必须是动词,所以在英译汉时,描述句中的动词有时要省略。另外,汉语句子中常出现两个或多个动词,在汉译英时,有时则不必将动词全部翻译出来。,46,6,10.1.1 省
3、略原文中的某些动词,1 These developing countries cover vast territories,encompass a large population and abound in natural resources.这些发展中国家土地辽阔,人口众多,资源丰富。2 This type of typewriter is portable,durable,economical and practical for high school students.这种打字机携带轻便,经久耐用,经济实惠,适合高中生使用。,46,7,10.1.1 省略原文中的某些动词,3 美国新任国
4、务卿建议召开世界食品资源会议。The new American Secretary of State proposed a world conference on food supplies.4 这意味着在45分钟内创了6项世界记录。一直到现在还没有人能做得到。This meant six world records in 45 minutes.Nobody has done the same since.,46,8,10.1.2 省略汉语的范畴词,汉语常用范畴词,而英语则少用范畴词。中译英时省略那些原文习惯上需要但在译文中却没有意义的范畴词是完全必要的。5 他在我不知道的情况下私自拿走了那东
5、西。He took it away without my knowledge.6 要加快建立城市贫困居民的最低生活保障制度。We should accelerate the establishment of a minimum standard of living for impoverished urban residents.,46,9,10.1.3 省略原文的解释性词语,有时英文或中文文本对某个意义使用两个或两个以上的词语表示,而在对应的中文或英文中只有一个,这时只能省略一个。英汉语中都有对偶同义词,通常也采用省略法处理。9 Burning or combustion is the pr
6、ocess of uniting a fuel or combustible with the oxygen in the air.燃烧就是将燃料和空气中的氧气混合的过程。,46,10,10.1.3 省略原文的解释性词语,10 The medfly(Mediterranean fruit fly)is one of the worlds most dangerous pests,being a threat to 400 types of vegetables and fruits.地中海果蝇是世界上最危险的害虫之一,对四百多种蔬菜、水果构成威胁。11 Neither party shall
7、cancel the contract without sufficient cause or reason.双方均不得无故解除合同。12 我国社会主义建设正以空前绝后的速度发展着。Our socialist country is developing at an unprecedented rate.,46,11,10.1.4 省略原文必要但译文不必要的名词,13 建立办事高效,运转协调,行为规范的政府行政管理体系是这次国务院机构改革的目标。The current government restructuring is aimed at establishing a highly effic
8、ient,wellcoordinated and standardized administrative management system.14 他的那些构图生动、色彩丰富、内涵深刻的水彩画颇具西方绘画艺术的特色。His watercolors,vivid,rich,and profound,are tinged with the flavor of Western painting.,46,12,10.1.5 省略原文中的有关形容词,19 他能力强,人品好,办事勤快,显然会步步高升的。In the light of his aptitude,personality and diligenc
9、e,he will surly be promoted soon.20 这里景色秀美,气候宜人,吸引了大批的游客。This scenic spot attracts large numbers of tourists for its scenery and climate./Drawn by its scenery and climate,a large number of tourists pour in.,46,13,10.1.6 省略原文中的某些副词,23 幕幕政治花招真使他看入迷了:总统竞选活动中的勾心斗角,尔虞我诈;对新闻消息的幕后操纵、公开发表和故意透露,以及公开的和秘密的谈话。H
10、e was fascinated by political processes the wheeling and dealing of presidential politics,the manipulating,releasing and leaking of news,the public and private talks.24 在那时候的电影里,总是千篇一律老一套:男拖拉机手和女拖拉机手始而相遇,继而相爱,终而并肩开拖拉机了。In the films of those days,all too often it was the same one:a boy tractor driver
11、 meets a girl tractor driver;they fall in love and drive tractors together.,46,14,10.1.7 省略汉语的语气助词,27 不要认真嘛!我只不过开开玩笑罢了。Dont take it seriously.Im just making fun of you.28 那双眼睛啊,像海水般的颜色,神情愉快,毫不沮丧。They(the eyes)were the same color as the sea,cheerful and undefeated.29 他描绘它(拉脱维亚)的风土人情森林啦,小村庄啦,人民啦,人民的强烈
12、民族主义啦等等,只有深深热爱祖国的人才能说得如此娓娓动听,滔滔不绝。He described it(Latvia)its forests,its little villages,its people,their fierce nationalism with an eloquence that could arise only out of deep love for ones motherland.,46,15,10.1.8 省略原文中重复的词语,31 台湾海峡两岸的中国人都是骨肉同胞,手足兄弟。The Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Straits
13、are of the same flesh and blood.32 如果你觉得合适就干,不合适就别干,你自个儿看着办吧。Go ahead if you think the job suits you and dont if not.Its all up to you to decide.33 上海市场繁荣,商业发达,服务网点星罗棋布,名产特产琳琅满目。Shanghai,with a thriving market and a great number of shops and stores,boasts a large array of local products and specialt
14、ies.,46,16,10.1.9 根据译语表达习惯省略原文中的某些词语,有的句子成分可有可无,完全直译反而显得啰嗦,还是省略为好。例如:35 Their respective destinies are becoming increasingly interdependent.他们的命运日益休戚相关。(不必译成“他们各自的命运日益休戚相关。”)36 He had held out his arms,but they had fallen again to his sides;for she had not come forward,standing still in the opening
15、of the doorway.他已伸出了双臂,却又只好垂了下来,因为她还站在门口,没有走上前来。(如果译成“却又只好垂下来放在两侧”则显得啰嗦。),46,17,10.1.10 省略原文中过于详细的细节,38 I felt a trifle shy at the thought of presenting myself to a total stranger with the announcement that I was going to sleep under his roof,eat his food and drink his whisky,till another boat came
16、in to take me to the port for which I was bound.我要去见一个素不相识的陌生人,向他宣布我得住在他家,吃他的,喝他的,一直等到下一班船到来,把我带到我要去的港口为止。当我想到这种情景时,我真有点不好意思了。,46,18,10.1.10 省略原文中过于详细的细节,39 She curtseyed again,and would have blushed deeper,if she could have blushed deeper than she had blushed all the time.她又行了一个屈膝礼,她的脸一直涨得绯红,所以不可能涨
17、得更红了。,46,19,10.2 从形式角度省略词语,英语和汉语的语法有很大差异。如英文有冠词,而中文没有;中文有量词而英文很少;中文讲究意合,少用并列连词和关联词,而英文讲究形合,常用并列连词、从属连词和其他连接成分;中文有很多无主句,而英文则讲究句子结构完整,一般至少有主语和谓语。根据英语和汉语的语法差异,省略词语必不可少。,46,20,10.2.1 省略英语冠词,英译汉时,英语冠词在许多情况下不必翻译。41 Is the president of the United States a Republican?美国总统是共和党党员吗?(不可译作“这美国的这总统是一名共和党党员吗?”)42
18、The latest monthly figures show a growing surplus in Chinas overseas trade.最新的月度统计数字表明中国外贸顺差进一步增长。43 The fox may grow gray,but never good.狐狸会变老,但是不会变好。,46,21,10.2.1 省略英语冠词,英语冠词翻译成汉语时,一般省略不译。但值得注意的是,如果英语不定冠词表达“一”这个意思,则不能省略。例如:44 Rome wasnt built in a day.罗马不是一天建成的。45 I have two brothers and a sister.
19、我有两个兄弟,一个姊妹。,46,22,10.2.2 省略原文连词,英译汉时,英语的并列连词和从属连词等通常省略,这是汉语的本质特点所决定的。,46,23, 省略并列连词,46 Youd better put on your sweater,for its rather cold outside.你最好把毛衣穿上,外面相当冷。47 One more step and you are a dead man.再走一步,你就死定了。48 The camera work is perfect and the cast is good.影拍摄好极了,演员也很棒。49 Modesty hel
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