1、第二章 电子货币概论,第一节 电子货币的产生第二节 电子货币界定第三节 电子货币产品,第一节 电子货币的产生,一、货币的历史演变二、电子货币载体的发展:信用卡和电子资金传输系统 三、电子货币的产生四、电子货币的运行条件,一、货币的历史演变,货币(怀特,2004,p.1):被普遍接受的交换媒介。普遍接受:可用于任一交易;交换媒介:用于交易而非消费、非生产的商品。,二、电子货币载体的发展:信用卡和电子资金传输系统,世界上最早的银行信用卡是美国富兰克林国民银行于1952年发行的信用卡。美洲银行从1958年开始发行“美洲银行信用卡”,并吸收中小银行参加联营,发展成为今天的Visa集团。美国西部各州银行
2、组成联合银行卡协会,于1966年发行“MasterCard”,发展成为今天的Master集团。我国首张银行信用卡是1985年出现的珠江卡(中国银行珠江分行发行)。美国早在1981年就建立了专用的资金传送网,后经多次改进,于1982年组建了电子资金传输系统。,三、电子货币的产生,1996年亚特兰大奥运会举办,由三家美国银行(First Union,Nations Bank and Wachovia)以及Visa信用卡组建的联合体在亚特兰大组建了一个完善的系统,并给运动员们每人一张智能卡,作为他们的“电子钱包”。这张卡能完全代表现金,购买到所需的商品与服务。“电子钱包”得到运动员的认可和欢迎。,四
3、、电子货币的运行条件,1电脑及电脑网络的运用2数据记录技术和处理技术的完善3对电子货币系统的有效管理,第二节 电子货币界定,一、巴塞尔委员会二、欧洲央行(ECB)三、日本ECOM四、国内学者的定义五、国内外定义的区别,一、巴塞尔委员会,电子货币在零售支付机制中,通过销售终端、各类电子设备,以及在公开网络,如Internet上执行支付的“储值”产品和预付机制。其中“储值”产品包括“硬件”或称“卡基”机制(也叫“电子钱包”),以及“软件”或称“网络”机制(也称“数字现金”)。资料来源:,巴塞尔委员会:Risk Management for Electronic Banking and Electr
4、onic Money Activities,19981.2.1 Electronic banking refers to the provision of retail and small value banking products and services through electronic channels.Such products and services can include deposit-taking,lending,account management,the provision of financial advice,electronic bill payment,an
5、d the provision of other electronic payment products and services such as electronic money(defined separately,below).,1.2.2 Electronic money refers to stored value or prepaid payment mechanisms for executing payments via point of sale terminals,direct transfers between two devices,or over open compu
6、ter networks such as the Internet.Stored value products include hardware or card-based mechanisms(also called electronic purses),and software or network-based mechanisms(also called digital cash).Stored value cards can be single-purpose or multi-purpose.Single-purpose cards(e.g.,telephone cards)are
7、used to purchase one type of good or service,or products from one vendor;multi-purpose cards can be used for a variety of purchases from several vendors.,巴塞尔委员会关于electronic money定义的讨论*Several official bodies have each issued their own definition of electronic money.As pointed out in a recent Group o
8、f Ten report on electronic money,a precise definition of electronic money is difficult to provide,in part because technological innovations continue to blur distinctions between forms of prepaid electronic mechanisms.(See Electronic Money:Consumer protection,law enforcement,supervisory and cross-bor
9、der issues,Group of Ten,April 1997,for a list of such studies.)The current document draws from both the Group of Ten report and Security of Electronic Money,Bank for International Settlements,August 1996,in establishing a definition of electronic money.The latter report explains distinctions in the
10、technical representation of money on stored-value products.In particular,balanced-based products are devices which manipulate a numeric ledger,such that transactions are performed as debits or credits to a balance;and note-based products which perform transactions by transferring the appropriate amo
11、unt of electronic notes(also called coins or tokens),which are of a fixed denomination,from one device to another.Debit cards and credit cards are retail electronic payment mechanisms,but are not considered to be electronic money because they are not prepaid mechanisms.,二、欧洲央行(ECB),1998年欧洲央行(ECB)发布的
13、.003%。,三、日本ECOM,ECOM:日本电子商务促进会(1998年3月成立)Electronic Money-A New Means of Payment that is Reliable and Safe Electronic money is being developed as a next-generation method of electronic settlement.Electronic money is value information in electronic form that is backed by monetary value in actual circ
14、ulation and can be used as a means of payment.Naturally,electronic money must be safe from forgery.A number of experiments are now being conducted around the world to develop this electronic money.,There are two types of electronic money.One is the closed loop type of electronic money,which is retur
15、ned to the issuing institution(that is,converted into a deposit)each time it is used.The other is the open loop type,which has transferability like bank notes and coins.Most of the electronic money issued today is of the closed loop type.The only open loop type of electronic money in practical use n
16、ow is Mondex money.By medium,electronic money can be classified into the IC card type and the network type(software type).资料来源:http:/,四、国内学者的定义,一般而言,电子货币包括4种类型:(1)储值卡型电子货币一般以磁卡或IC卡形式出现,其发行主体除了商业银行之外,还有电信部门(普通电话卡、IC电话卡)、IC企业(上网卡)、商业零售企业(各类消费卡)、政府机关(内部消费IC卡)和学校(校园IC卡)等。发行主体在预收客户资金后,发行等值储值卡,使储值卡成为独立于银行
18、可多次转手等特性,是以代替实体现金为目的而开发的。,五、国内外定义的区别,存取工具是否应该包括在内?存取工具是代表传统货币的信息,而严格电子货币本身就是货币。严格的定义,信用卡和借记卡以及类似的“存取工具”不能算作电子货币。,第三节 电子货币产品,一、电子货币产品分类二、几种电子货币产品三、电子货币与传统货币的区别四、电子货币与结算卡(借记卡、信用卡)的区别,一、电子货币产品分类,1、按照载体不同(1)卡基电子货币(Card-based)载体是各种物理卡片,其中所含有的电子价值已经由持卡人预先支付。“卡基”产品主要是被设计用于零售交易的小额支付,是目前电子货币的主要形式。(2)数基电子货币(S
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