1、材料分析方法,第二篇材料电子显微分析,福州大学,材料科学与工程学院,李 强,FEI TecnaiG2F20,第二篇材料电子显微分析,第章电子光学基础第章透射电子显微镜第章电子衍射第章晶体薄膜衍衬成像分析第章高分辨透射电子显微术第章扫描电子显微镜第章电子探针显微分析第章其它显微分析方法,第章电子光学基础,1.1 电子波与电磁透镜,.1.1 光学显微镜的分辨率.1.电子波的波长特性.1.3 电磁透镜,1.2 电磁透镜的分辨率,1.2.1 球差1.2.2 像散1.2.3 色差1.2.4 电磁透镜的分辨率,1.3 电磁透镜的景深和焦长,1.3.1 景深1.3.2 焦长,A human eye can
2、distinguish two separate points in an object if they are not closer than 0.2 mm to each other.This is called the resolving power of the human eye.In order to increase this resolving power man has invented several tools,such as:The optical light microscopeThe light microscope probably developed from
3、the Galilean telescope during the 17th century.,第章电子光学基础,1.1 电子波与电磁透镜,.1.1 光学显微镜的分辨率,One of the earliest instruments for seeing very small objects was made by the Dutchman Antony van Leeuwenhoek(1632-1723).Van Leeuwenhoek may well have been able to magnify objects up to 400 x and with it he discover
4、ed protozoa(原生物),and bacteria(细菌)and was able to classify red blood cells by shape.A modern light microscope has a magnification of about 1000 x and enables the eye to resolve objects separated by 0.0002 mm(0.2mm/0.2mm=1000 x),The optical microscope generally consists of four main items:,The light s
5、ourceThe condenserThe objective lensThe magnifying lens,The light source generates light in the visible or invisible light spectrum.The two most important factors of the light source are:,The wavelength.The brightness or light density,The brightness depends on the type of lamp used and its capabilit
6、y to emit light from a small point source.The wavelength is determined by the light colour and varies between 400nm(Ultraviolet)and 1000nm(Infrared).,Limiting factors,The brightnessThe wavelengthOptical properties of individual lenses can not be variedLack of analytical capabilities.,As the theoreti
7、cal resolving power is physically limited by the formula Wavelength(l)/2=200nm,the resolution of a light microscope is a maximum of 0.2mm/0.2mm=1000 x better than the human eye.,In an ideal positive lens a parallel incoming beam is focused in a point behind the lens.This point is called the back foc
8、al plane.If the beam is parallel to the optical axis,the focus point(F)will be on this axis,which is perpendicular to the lens.,OPTICAL THEORY,The ray path of a beam parallel to the optical axis will be deflected through the image focus point FThe ray path of a beam through the object focus point F
9、in front of the lens will be deflected parallel to the optical axis.The beam through the optical centre of the lens will be undeflected.,The construction of an image point by using three rays:,由于衍射效应的作用,点光源在像平面上得到的并不是一个点,而是一个中心最亮,周围带有明暗相间同心园环的园斑,即Airy斑,Airy斑的光强分布特征:84集中在中央亮斑上,其余由内向外顺次递减,分散在第1、第2。一般将
10、第一暗环半径定为Airy斑的半径。,点光源的成像-Airy斑的概念,点成像一次波和二次波的干涉花样两个物点的情况,光学透镜成像的情况-Rayleigh准则(Rayleigh criterion)表示样品上的两个物点S、S经过物镜在像平面形成像s1、s2的光路。即1、2成像后在像平面上会产生两个Airy斑1、2,(a)两个Airy斑明显可分辨出。,(b)两个Airy斑刚好可分辨出。,(c)两个Airy斑分辨不出。,I,0.81I,When two points are very near to each other,the resulting intensity spread shows a d
11、ip as shown in the figure below:,如果两个物点靠近,相应的两个Airy斑也逐渐重叠当斑中心间距等于Airy 斑半径时,强度峰谷值相差,人眼可以分辨,即Rayleigh准则,Rayleigh准则(Rayleigh criterion):,当一点光源衍射图样的中央最亮处刚好和另一个点的第一个最暗处重合时,两衍射斑中心强度约为中央的,人眼刚可以分辨,这一条件称为Rayleigh准则,此时的光点距离r0称为分辨率,可表达如下:,式中,-光的波长 n-折射系数-孔径半角 n sin-数值孔径(Numeric Aperture),上式表明,分辨率的最小距离与波长成正比。,对
12、玻璃透镜,取最大孔径半角=70-750,在物方介质为油的情况下,n 1.5,则其数值孔径n sin,上式可简化为,可见,半波长是光学玻璃透镜可分辨本领的理论极限。可见光的波长在390-760nm,其极限分辨率为200nm。于是,人们用很长时间寻找波长短,又能聚焦成像的光波。X射线和射线虽然波长短,但不能聚焦。,1924年De Broglie证明了快速粒子的辐射,并发现了一种高速运动的电子波,其波长为.005nm,比可见光绿光波长短万倍,由衍射效应确定的分辨率应为0.0025nm,但实际上为0.18nm1926年,Busch提出了用轴对称的电场和磁场对电子束进行聚集,发展成电磁透镜1931-19
13、33年,Ruska 等设计并制造了第一台电子显微镜经过50-60年的发展,目前,电镜的分辨率达到数量级,放大倍数达数百万倍,电子光学的发展:,In the 1920s it was discovered that accelerated electrons(parts of the atom)behave in vacuum just like light.They travel in straight lines and have a wavelength which is about 100 000 times smaller than that of light.(1924,De Bro
14、glie)Furthermore,it was found that electric and magnetic fields have the same effect on electrons as glass lenses and mirrors have on visible light.(1926,Busch)Dr Ernst Ruska at the University of Berlin combined these characteristics and built the first transmission electron microscope(often abbrevi
15、ated to TEM)in 1931.For this and subsequent work on the subject,he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1986.The first electron microscope used two magnetic lenses and three years later he added a third lens and demonstrated a resolution of 100 nm,twice as good as that of the light microscope.
16、Today,using five magnetic lenses in the imaging system,a resolving power of 0.1 nm at magnifications of over 1 million times can be achieved.,.1.电子波的波长特性,电子显微镜的照明光源是电子射线。与可见光相似,运动的电子也兼有波动性和微粒性,即所谓波、粒二象性。根据DeBroglie的观点,匀速直线运动着的电子必定和一个波动相对应,其波长取决于电子运动的速度和质量:,(11),式中 h=6.62610-34 J.S 为普朗克常数 m电子质量 V 电子速
17、度,如何获得电子?,一般,电镜的光源是一个能发射电子,并使其加速的静电装置称为电子枪(Electron gun)。加速电场的极间电压称为加速电压,是电镜的一个重要性能指标。,Electron gun,provides source of electrons to illuminate the specimen.There are two types of electron sources:thermionic sourcetungsten filamentslanthanum hexaboride(LaB6)crystals field-emission source(FEG)fine tun
18、gsten needles,Thermionic Emission,If any material to be heated to a high enough temperature,the electrons gains sufficient energy to overcome the natural barrier(work function)that prevents them from leaking out to escape from the source.Two thermionic sources used in practice are tungsten and LaB6.
19、,W filament,LaB6 crystal,Thermionic gun,A high voltage is placed between the filament(acting as a cathode)and the anode,modified by a potential on the Wehnelt which acts to focus the electrons into a crossover,with diameter d0 and convergence/divergence angle a0.,Field Emission,The principle behind
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