1、Lesson Two,Legal Profession法律职业,Legal profession:the body of individuals qualified to practice law in a particular jurisdiction the legal profession 法律专业,Background,律师attorney法官judge检察官attorney for government法学教师law teacher,Attorney General of the United States(美司法部长,总检察长)Justices of the Supreme Cou
2、rt of the United States(最高法院大法官)Chief Justice of the United States(首席大法官),法律英语,3,Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States,法律英语,4,The first Chief Justice was John Jay.The 17th and current Chief Justice is John G.Roberts,Jr.,法律英语,5,约翰杰伊(John Jay,1745年12月12日1829年5月17日)出生于英属美洲纽约省,是一位美国政治家、革命家、
3、外交家和法学家。他与本杰明富兰克林和约翰亚当斯一同出使法国、与亚历山大汉密尔顿和詹姆斯麦迪逊一起撰写了联邦党人文集。他还曾任美国最高法院法官,从1789年到1795年他出任美国首席大法官。1829年逝世于纽约威切斯特郡。,法律英语,6,法律英语,7,John G.Roberts,Jr:Chief Justice,法律英语,8,John G.Roberts,Jr,On September 29,2005,John G.Roberts,Jr.was confirmed by the United States Senate as the 17th Chief Justice of the Unit
4、ed States.At 50 years of age,he became the youngest Chief Justice since John Marshall took the bench in 1801 at the age of 45.,法律英语,9,Part 1 The Bar,Bar法庭中将公众与法官、律师及其他诉讼参与人分隔开的隔板。后来用于通指法律职业或律师职业。,美国律师协会,法律英语,10,律师,美国LawyerAttorneyAttorney at-lawCounselorCounselor at-law,英国Barrister诉讼律师大律师,出庭律师Solici
6、词被认为是同义词。,法律英语,12,3.barrister和solicitor的区别 在英国和在香港,律师的抬头就更加细分了。律师分为两种,solicitor是普通事务律师或简称为律师,其职责大体上是处理各种法律文书,接受各种诉讼委托,准备庭审所需的各种文件,其出庭的发言权是受到限制的;只有所谓的大律师或大状(barrister)才在所有法院享有不受限制的出庭发言权,可在庭上与原告律师或控方唇枪舌剑,展开辩护,但他们不能直接与讼人/当事人接触。市民有意聘用大律师要先行与律师(solicitor)接触,搜集案件的证据和会晤证人等事,是由律师办理的。,法律英语,13,Differences bet
7、ween barristers and solicitors,Essentially,barristers are the lawyers who represent litigants as their advocate before the courts of that jurisdiction.They speak in court and present the case before a judge or jury.In some jurisdictions they undertake additional training in order to hone(磨炼)their sk
8、ills with evidence law,ethics,and court practice and procedure.,从本质上讲,大律师是代表当事人展开辩护在审判之之前。他们在法庭上、法官或陪审团面前陈述案情。在某些司法管辖区,他们为了磨练他们的技能与证据法学,伦理学和法院惯例以及司法程序进行额外的培训。,法律英语,14,Differences between barristers and solicitors,In contrast,solicitors generally engage in preparatory work and advice,such as drafting
9、 and reviewing legal documents,dealing with and receiving instructions from the client,preparing evidence,and managing the day-to-day administration of a matter.Solicitors can provide a crucial support role to a barrister when in court,be it in managing large volumes of documents in the case or even
10、 negotiating settlements outside the courtroom while the trial continues inside.,法律英语,15,相比之下,律师一般从事筹备和法律咨询工作,如起草和审查法律文件,处理客户提出的要求,准备证据,和进行重要的日常管理工作。在法庭上律师可以向大律师提供一个重要的支撑作用,不仅是在处理大量的文件的过程中,甚至在庭外进行谈判或庭内进行审判。,法律英语,16,Barrister,法律英语,17,Supreme Court Chamber,法律英语,18,虽然美国承袭了英国的法律传统,但是美国的律师却与英国律师有很多区别:在法庭
12、在,美国律师界的佼佼者往往是那些很少在法庭上露面的人。,法律英语,20,The regulation of the legal profession is primarily the concern of the states,each of which has its own requirements for admission to practice.对法律职业的管制主要是州政府的事。各州都有自己的允许律师执业的条件。,text,法律英语,21,Most require three years of college and a law degree.Each state administe
13、rs its own written examination to applicants for its bar.,三年大学法律学位书面考试,法律英语,22,Almost all states,however,make use of the Multistate Bar Exam,a day-long multiple-choice test,to which the states adds a day-long essay examination emphasizing its own law.,各州律师联考州综合问答题,法律英语,23,The Multistate Bar Examinat
14、ion(MBE)is a six-hour,two-hundred question multiple-choice examination covering contracts,torts,constitutional law,criminal law,evidence,and real property.,法律英语,24,每个州有一个律师资格考试委员会,负责组织本州的律师资格考试。考试时间一般设在每年的2月和7月,每次考两天。第一天是综合法律考试,内容涉及美国各种法律,形式为选择题。第二天为本州法律考试,形式一般为问答题和案例分析。美国律师资格考试的通过率很高。,法律英语,25,法律英语,
15、26,A substantial fraction of all applicants succeed on the first try,and many of those who fail pass on a later attempt.通过第一次考试的人很多,那些第一次未能通过的考生在第二次也就通过了。,法律英语,27,In all,over forty thousand persons succeed in passing these examinations to the bar in their respective states.每年各州有4万多人通过律师考试。No apprent
16、iceship is required either before or after admission.在进入律师行业之前或之后不需要有学徒经历。,法律英语,28,The rules for admission to practice before the federal courts vary with the courts,在联邦法院执业的要求各州不同。but generally those entitled to practice before the highest court of a state may be admitted before the federal courts
17、upon compliance with minor formalities.在州最高法院执业的人办理了一些无关紧要的手续后可以在联邦法院执业。,法律英语,29,法律英语,30,A lawyers practice is usually confined to a single community for,although a lawyer may travel to represent clients,one is only permitted to practice in a state where one has been admitted.律师通常在一个地区执业可以代表当事人到其他州办
18、理事务只能在获准开业的州从业,法律英语,31,律师通常只能在其获得律师执业证书的州从事法律业务。例如,一个纽约州的律师不能到加利福尼亚州执业,甚至都不能向加利福尼亚州的客户提供关于纽约州法律的咨询服务,如果他的纽约州客户在加利福尼亚州遇到了法律纠纷,他一般都会请加利福尼亚州的律师去代理诉讼。对加利福尼亚州的法院来说,纽约州的律师跟外国律师没有太大的区别。但是在实践中,各州对偶尔提供跨州法律咨询服务的外州律师还是比较宽容的。,法律英语,32,It is customary to retain local counsel for matters in other jurisdictions.在其他
19、管辖区保留当地律师的身份是一种惯例。有些州曾把“本州居民”规定为申请律师资格的前提条件。但联邦最高法院在1985年裁定这种规定为非法。此外,在美国担任律师的人并不必须是美国公民。,法律英语,33,One who moves to another state can usually be admitted without examination if one has practiced in a state where one has been admitted for some time,often five years.如果一个人已经执业5年以上,那么当他移居到另外一个州的时候,通常不用再参
20、加该州的律师资格考试就可以获准执业。,法律英语,34,A lawyer may not only practice law,but is permitted to engage in any activity that is open to other citizens.,从事律师业务参加任何其他公民可以参加的活动,法律英语,35,It is not uncommon for practicing lawyer to serve on boards of directors of corporate clients,to engage in business,and to participat
21、e actively in public affairs.,董事会 从事商业活动积极参与公共事务,法律英语,36,A lawyer remains a member of the bar even after becoming a judge,an employee of the government or of a private business concern,or a law teacher,any may return to private practice from these other activities.律师在成为法官、受雇于政府或私营企业或者成为法律教师以后,还保留着律师
22、的身份。他们可以放弃其他活动,回来再做律师。,法律英语,37,A relatively small number of lawyers give up practice for responsible executive positions in commerce and industry.有很少数量的律师为了从事工商业活动而放弃律师业务。,法律英语,38,The mobility as well as the sense of public responsibility in the profession is evidence by the career of Harlan Fiske S
23、tone who was,at various times,a successful New York lawyer,a professor and dean of the Columbia School of Law,Attorney General of the United States,and Chief Justice of the United States.,法律英语,39,Harlan Fiske Stone1872-1946,Distinguished jurist Harlan Fiske Stone was born on October 11,1872 in Chest
24、erfield,New Hampshire(新罕布什尔州).著名法学家,法律英语,40,After graduating from Amherst(阿姆赫斯特)College in 1894,he continued on to Columbia University from which he received his law degree in 1898.The next year he was admitted to the New York bar.加入纽约律师协会,法律英语,41,In 1910 Stone became the dean of the Columbia Law Sc
25、hool.In 1924 he was appointed to be Attorney General.哥伦比亚大学法学院院长司法部长(总检察长),法律英语,42,In 1925 he was nominated(提名,指定)to the Supreme Court.While on the Court,Stone was a strong supporter of President Roosevelts New Deal legislation.Roosevelt appointed Stone Chief Justice in 1941.Stone died in 1946 at th
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