1、Translation of Chinese Idioms,Ultimate goal,The goal of translation is to strive for cultural coexistence and communication.Thats why we have to try hard to retain the original cultural flavor by keeping the formal elements or linguistic image of the original.But because of the great disparity betwe
2、en languages,the cultural flavor is sometimes very hard to retain.As a result,such cultural coexistence can not always be achieved.At such occasions,we have to turn to cultural supplementation or cultural integration.,The general techniques,The general techniques:direct literal rendering,free(libera
3、l)translation,annotation,replacement with the target idioms.(直译、意译、直译加注释、意译加注释、套译等方法),对牛弹琴,Direct translation:to play a tune for a cow,to play the lute to a cow,(harp)liberal translation:to reason with stubborn people or talking to the wrong audience to address the wrong listener,replacing with Engl
4、ish idioms:to cast or throw pearls before a swineto preach to deaf ears,班门弄斧,to wield ax at the door of Lu Ban a famous carpenter in ancient China;to show off ones carpentry skill before a master,to display ones slight skills before an expert to teach fish how to swim;to teach ones grandma how to su
5、ck eggs,Principles of Idiom Translation,1.以对上下文的理解作为选择译法的依据 2.译“意”而非译“字”3.认识汉语行文特点,适当“清理”(重复信息),以适应英语习惯4.正确使用汉英词典,忌讳就词译词,忌讳死查汉英词典,Direct translation,贾母听了,如火上浇油一般,便骂:“是谁做了棺椁?”(曹雪芹 红楼梦第二十五回)This added fuel to the fire of the old ladys anger.“Who ordered coffins?”she screamed.(杨宪益、戴乃迭 译),(2)direct tran
6、slation with notes 直译加注释,“难道这也是个痴丫头,又像颦儿来葬花不成?”因又自笑道:“若真也葬花,可谓东施效颦了;不但不为新奇,而是更加可厌。”(红楼梦)第34 回)“Can this be another absurd maid and comes to bury flowers like Tai Yu?”He wondered in some amusement.“If so,shes Tung Shih imitating Hsi Shih,(Hsi Shih was a famous beauty in the ancient kingdom of Yieh.Tu
7、ng shih was an ugly girl who tried to imitate her way)which isnt original but rather tiresome.”,Semantic translation意译,1)东施效颦 2)南柯一梦3)初出茅庐4)毛遂自荐 5)悬梁刺股,Semantic translation意译,1)东施效颦 crude imitation with ludicrous effect 2)南柯一梦 a fond dream or illusory joy 3)初出茅庐 at the beginning of ones career4)毛遂自荐
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