1、英 汉 语 言 的 对 比,第 三 章,第一节:英汉语言历史比较第二节:英汉语言本质比较第三节:英汉句子结构比较第四节:英汉词序比较第五节:英汉语态比较,第六节:英汉词汇系统比较第七节:英汉词类转化比较第八节:英汉词义比较第九节:英汉缩略语比较与 翻译第十节:英汉民族思维比较,第一节英汉语言历史比较,1、英语属于印欧语系 2、英语的历史起源于第五世纪中叶朱特人、撒克逊人及盎格鲁人的入侵,到现在已有1500多年的历史了。,1、汉语属于汉藏语系 2、汉语历史较英语历史长得很,汉语已有6000多年的历史了。,3、英语发展经历了三个时期:古英语时期(449-1100),中古英语时期(1100-1500
2、),现代英语时期(1500-现在)。4、英语是拼音文字。,3、汉字经历过许多变迁:甲骨文-金文-篆书-隶书-楷书:演变的总趋势是由繁到简,由单纯表意向部分表音方向发展。4、汉语是表意文字。,5、英语是欧洲语言中变化最大,词汇成分最复杂,词汇量最丰富的一种语言。6、牛津英语词典:40多万条。英国百科全书:超过50万个。,5、汉语是世界上最发达的语言之一。6、康熙字典:4.9万个字。汉语大字典:5.6万字。中文大辞典:40余万条。大汉和辞典:55万余条。,第二节 英汉语言本质比较,1、俄语是综合型语言:是指这种语言主要通过本身的形态变化来表达语法意义。2、英语是从综合型向分析型语言发展的语言。,3
3、、汉语却是分析型为主的语言:指这种语言中的语法关系主要不是通过词本身的形态来表达,而是通过虚词、词序等手段来表示。,政治学习 the study of politics学习政治 to study politics克服困难 to overcome difficulties,困难问题a difficult problem脱离危险to get out of danger非常危险exceedingly dangerous,1、I am writing a letter.2、I wrote a letter yesterday.3、I have written a letter.4、I shall wr
4、ite a letter tomorrow.,第三节英汉句子结构比较,创(一)英汉句子结构最主要区别在于英语重形合,汉语重意合(二)英语句子中,名词与介词占优势(三)汉语句子中,动词占优势(四)英汉句子重心比较(五)英语句子中,There+be结构与虚词it的结构用得比较广泛,形合:主要靠语言本身语法手段。意合:主要靠句子内部逻辑联系。,1、英语结构紧凑严密;2、英语句子好比一棵参天大树,一串葡萄,一串珍珠,一树荔枝。,1、汉语结构简练明快。2、汉语句子好比一根竹子,一盘珠子,一江波涛。,The isolation of the rural world,because of distance
5、and the lack of transport facilities,is compounded by the paucity of the information media.,译文:由于距离远,有缺乏交通工具,使农村社会与外界隔绝,而这种隔绝,又由于通讯工具不足而变得更加严重。,Carlisle Street runs westward,across a great black bridge,down a hill and up again,by little shops and meat-markets,past single-storied homes,until suddenly
6、 it stops against a wide green lawn.,译文:卡莱尔大街往西伸展,越过一座黑色大桥,爬下山岗又爬上去,经过许多小铺和肉市,又经过一些平房,然后突然朝着一大片绿色草地中止了。,Inadequate training for farmers and the low productivity of many farms place the majority of country dwellers in a disadvantageous position in their own countries.,译文;农民缺乏训练,许多农场生产率很低,这就使得大多数农民处于贫
7、穷的困境。,晴雯先接出来,笑道:“好啊,叫我研了墨,早起高兴,只写了三个字,扔下笔就走了,哄我等了这一天,快来给我写完了这些墨才算呢!”,Qing-wen greeted him with a smile,exclaiming,“A fine one you are!On the spur of the moment you bade me grind ink for you this morning.But you threw down your brush and went away after having written merely three characters.Youve ke
8、pt me waiting for you the whole day.You are to use up this ink now.Be quick!”,在复合句子中,英语的主句为主要部分,一般放在句首,即重心在前。而汉语则一般按照逻辑和时间顺序,将主要部分放在句尾,形成后中心。,Nothing has happened since we parted.自我们别后没发生什么事情。I went out for a walk after I had my dinner.晚饭后我出去散步。,He has to stay at home because he is ill.他病了只得呆在家里。He
9、cannot be operated upon as he is very weak.他身体很弱不能动手术。,Tragedies can be written in literature since there is tragedy in life.生活中既有悲剧,文学作品就可以写悲剧。,His chief contribution was making me realize how much more than knowledge I had been getting from him.他使我认识到,我从他那里学到的,远远不只是知识,这是他最大的贡献。,The people of a sma
10、ll country can certainly defeat aggression by a big country,if only they dare to rise in struggle,dare to take up arms and grasp in their own hands the destiny of their own country.,译文:小国人民只要敢于起来斗争,敢于拿起武器并掌握自己国家的命运,就一定能打败大国的侵略。,It was a keen disappointment when I had to postpone the visit which I in
11、tended to pay to China in January.译文:我原来打算在今年一月访问中国,后来不得不推迟,这使我非常失望。,他带学生到工厂去参观。He took his students to the factory for a visit.给我充分时间,我也能做好。Given enough time,I can do it too.,他拿本字典,开始准备功课。Taking a dictionary,he began to prepare his lessons.他们扛着锄头下地了。They left for the field,shouldering hoes.孩子们跑着来迎接
12、我们。The children came running to greet us.,谢谢你给我们这么多帮忙。Thank you for giving us so much help.一个人不向别人学习,是不能指望有多少成就的。A man who doesnt try to learn from others cant hope to achieve much.,在英语中,表示什么地点或存在什么事物时,常用“There+be+名词+地点(时间)状语”结构。这种结构中的引导词“there”,本身没有意义,常弱读,它相当于汉语的“有”。,这种结构中的谓语有时不用动词be,而用seem to be,h
13、appen to be,likely to be,bound to be等词组,或用live,come.,enter,run,stand,occur,lie等动词表示。,There was an English evening party in the hall last night.昨晚大厅举行英语晚会。There is a picture on the wall.墙上挂着一张画。,There runs a river at a distance.在远处有一条河流过。Once there lived an old fisherman in a village by the sea.从前海边一
14、个村子里住着个老渔民。,There happened to be none in the room.碰巧屋里没有人。It is difficult to translate the original adequately.准确地翻译原文是不容易的。,He feels it his duty to help others.他觉得帮助别人是他的责任。It was in the club that we met her.我们是在俱乐部遇到她的。,It is the wind shaking the window.是风刮得窗户作响。(Footsteps are heard)Oh,it is Li Mi
15、ng coming back.啊!是李明回来了。,第四节英汉词序比较,1、英语句中单词一般放在被修饰词的前面,短语和从句一般放在被修饰词的后面。汉语定语不管单词或词组一般都放在被修饰语的前面。,It is a red flag.The man you saw yesterday is his father.夜莺唱出了美妙的歌曲。穿灰大衣的那个人是我的哥哥。,2、英汉两种语言的状语位置差别很大。英语状语可前可后。汉语状语一般放在被修饰的动词或形容词前面。,He always keeps his promise.They walked along arm in arm.外面忽然传来喧闹声。这篇文章
16、非常深刻、动人。,第五节,英汉语态比较,截止日期延长三天。The deadline was extended for three days.信寄了吗?Has the letter been mailed?,附上新的通知及回信信封。A renewal notice and return envelope are enclosed for your convenience.,应该理解,犯错误是人之常情。It should be understood that to err is human.这辆车很好驾驶。This car handles easily.,饭吃过了。水烧开了。房间打扫干净了。衣服洗
17、好了。书买了。票卖完了。稿子才写完了一半。,The books sell well.These shirts wash well.This composition reads well.Water heats readily.,The door wont lock.Velvet feels smooth.She does not photograph well.Damp clothes iron easily.,The gate is opening.The cakes are baking.The cow was milking.,Oranges are selling cheaply.Dr
18、ums and gongs were beating.,(1)不用表示被动的词语;(2)不带施动者;(3)受动者多为物,间或也可以是人或动物;(4)主动形式而具被动意义。,第六节英汉词类系统比较,1、Nouns:表示人或事物名称 2、Verbs:表示动作或状态 3、Adjectives:表示人或事物的性质与特性,1、名词:表示人或事物名称 2、动词:表示动作、行为、发展变化3、形容词:表示人或事物的性质状态,4、Adverbs:用来修饰动词、形容词表示动作状态的特征或程度 5、Pronoun:代替名词、数词,4、副词:用来修饰限制动词、形容词、表示程度、时间、频率 5、代词:代替一切实词或表指
19、代作用,6、Prepositions:用在名、代词后面组成介词短语,说明它与别的词之间的关系,6、介词:用在名、代词之后,组成介词结构,表示处所、时间、方向、方式等,7、Conjunctions:连接词、短语或句子8、Interjections:表示说话的感情或语气,7、连词:连接词、词组或句子 8、感叹词:表示感叹或呼唤应答的词,9、Articles:用在名词前面,帮助说明名词的含义,9、冠词:(汉语无冠词)10、语气词:表示各种语气 11、量词:表示事物和动作的单位,第七节英汉词类转化比较,You can happy your friend,malice or foot your enem
20、y,or fall an axe on his neck.,Who chaired the meeting?It can seat a thousand people.We should shoulder these responsibilities.,I hope we can room together.They breakfasted at the guesthouse.,名词 动词eye to eye nose to nose lip to lipbeard to beard,brain to brain jaw to jaw arm to armelbow to elbowhand
21、to hand,thumb to thumbskin to skinstomach to stomach limb to limb knee to knee foot to footmouth to mouth,worm to worm into ones confidencedog to dog a persons footstepsfish to fish out,fox to foxape to apemouse to mouse wolf to wolf,father to fathermother to mother floor to floorsummer to summerbot
22、tle to bottle Corner to corner,round to round sour to sourwet to wet narrow to narrow dry to drybare to barebrave to brave,第八节英汉词义比较,(一)词的多义性,1、英语句子结构重形合,重主谓关系。2、英语词义比较灵活,词的涵义范围比较广,词义对上下文的依赖性较大。,1、汉语句子结构却重意合,重意念。2、汉语词义比较严谨,词的含义范围比较窄,词义对上下文的依赖性比较小。,1.Oh,what a story!2.To make a long story short.3.It
23、is another story now.4.He storied about his academic career and his professional career.,5.Once the story got abroad,I would never hear the last of it.6.I dont buy your story.7.Stories circulated first in Moscow.,8.I have tried all I could do to silence such a story.9.Her story is one of the saddest
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