1、段落翻译汇总,Practice,Dr.Sun Yat-Sens Will余致力国民革命,凡四十年。其目的在求中国之自由平等。积四十年之经验,深知欲达到此目的,必须唤起民众,及联合世界上以平等待我之民族,共同奋斗。For forty years I have devoted myself to the cause of peoples revolution with but one end in view,the elevation of China to a position of freedom and equality among the nations.My experiences du
2、ring these forty years have firmly convinced me that to attain this goal we must bring about a thorough awakening of our own people and ally ourselves in a common struggle with those peoples of the world who treat us on the basis of equality.,Practice,现在革命尚未成功,凡我同志,务须依照余所著:建国方略、建国大纲、三民主义、及第一次全国代表大会宣
3、言,继续努力,以求贯彻。最近主张开国民会议,及废除不平等条约,尤须于最短期内,促其实现,是所至嘱。The work of the Revolution is not yet done.Let all our comrades follow my Plans for National Reconstruction,Fundamentals of National Reconstruction,Three Principles of the People,and the Manifesto of the First National Convention of our Party,and stri
4、ve on for their consummation.Above all,our recent declarations in favor of the convocation of a National Convention and abolition of unequal treaties should be carried into effect with the least possible delay.This is my heartfelt charge to you.,我们赶时间。最爱“快进”,狂点“刷新”。评论,要抢“沙发”。We are now used to racin
5、g against the clock.What we like most is the key of“fast-forward”,and the key of“refresh”has also been most frequently used almost in a maniac meinik adj.发狂的;狂热的 way.When we want to give a commentary,we rush to be the first;寄信,最好是特快专递。拍照,最好是立等可取。to send letters,EMS is always the first choice;to have
6、 pictures taken,“ready while one waits”is the only way we can tolerate.,坐车,最好是高速公路、高速铁路、磁悬浮。坐飞机,最好是直航。As for traveling,expressway,high-speed train or maglev train is preferable;and direct flight is most desirable all times when traveling by air.做事,最好是名利双收。创业,最好是一夜暴富。结婚,最好有现房现车。The best career is the
7、 one that can bring both fame and fortune immediately and the best undertake on ones won is the one that can bring a fortune overnight.And it is most ideal to marry someone who owns a private car and a house.,我们喜欢插队。我们当一米黄线不存在。We habitually jump the queue as we are impatient to stand in it and wait
8、for our turns and simply ignore the one-meter mark at the bank.我们抢出租车。我们在交通灯变黄的时候加速冲过去。我们为了节省五分钟去翻越马路中间的栏杆。We often vie竞争 to get on a taxi,and almost inevitably accelerate to rush forward as soon as the traffic light turned yellow when driving.In order to save five minutes,we would vault over the pa
9、rtition fence in the middle of the road.,我们急急忙忙旅游,急急忙忙拍照,急急忙忙离去。We always hurry even when taking tours:getting aboard vehicles hurriedly,taking photos hurriedly,and then leaving hurriedly.可是,我们同时又是世界上最耐心的人。我们以前排队炒股,头天晚上就排队买认购证。At the same time,however,we are the most patient people in the world in s
10、ome cases.Years ago we got into the queues and stood in it overnight patiently just for the subscription of stock purchasing in order to speculate on the stock market,现在我们排队买房,提前三天就全家轮班开始排。and now the whole family would stand in the queue three days before the sale begins to buy an apartment house.我
11、们喜欢买促销减价货,排一上午队也在所不惜。We dont mind standing in the queue for half a day as we like to buy goods on sale when stores have promotions.,人越多的餐厅,我们越喜欢,我们宁肯坐在门口塑料凳子上吃两个小时的瓜子。We would patiently wait for two hours sitting on plastic stools cracking melon seeds provided by the restaurant in order to have a me
12、al in a crowded restaurant.The more crowded a restaurant,the more we prefer.我们就是感冒也要去挂专家号,提前一个月就开始排。We are willing to stand in the queue a month ahead to register to see a medical expert even when we just catch a cold.,1.话说周瑞家的送走了刘姥姥去后,便上来回王夫人话,谁知王夫人不在上房,问丫鬟们,方知往薛姨妈那边说话儿去了。周瑞家的听说便出东角门,过东院,往梨香院来。Tran
13、slation 1:After seeing off Granny Liu,Mrs.Chou went to report to Lady Wang.On being told by her maids that their mistress had gone to chat with Aunt Hsueh,she made her way through the east side gate and the east courtyard庭院,天井 to Pear Fragrance Court.(Translated by Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang)(译文紧
14、扣原文,意译了梨香院。),Translation 2:When Zhou Ruis wife had finished seeing off Grannie Liu,she went to Lady Wangs place to report.Lady Wang,however,was not in her apartment.The maids said that she had gone off to visit Aunt Xue.Zhou Ruis wife accordingly went out by the gate in the east corner of the compou
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