1、1.一切歌頌讚美 1/1,一切歌頌讚美 都歸我主我的神你是配得歌頌與讚美我們高聲呼喊 高舉耶穌之名 哈利路亞讚美主 哈利路亞 讚美主 哈利路亞 哈利路亞(二次)All our songs and praisesLifted to you Lord my GodYou are worthy of all praise and thanksWe exalt Your name,Hallelujah Praise the Lord HallelujahPraise the Lord Hallelujah Hallelujah(x2),小組詩集B30951,2 我讚美主耶穌聖名 1/3,我讚美主耶穌聖
2、名 讚美耶穌聖名 因祂名是超過萬名之名(x2)I praise the name of JesusPraise the name of JesusCause his name is Above all names in the world(x2),艾克曼牧師1231232323,2 我讚美主耶穌聖名 2/3,祂與我同在 帶下榮耀和安息祂與我同在 給我豐盛的生命萬物都順服祂旨意 因祂已得著勝利 當我呼求救主聖名 天堂門為我開啟He is by my side brings me glory from aboveHe is by my side gives me life eternityAll
3、creation bow down to him He has surely overcomeWhen I cry out his holy nameGate of heaven opens for me,艾克曼牧師1231232323,2 我讚美主耶穌聖名 3/3,我讚美主耶穌聖名 讚美耶穌聖名 因祂名是超過萬名之名I praise the name of JesusPraise the name of JesusCause his name is Above all names in the world,艾克曼牧師1231232323,3 當讚美耶和華 1/2,萬國啊 當讚美祂 當讚美耶和
4、華萬國啊 當讚美祂 當頌讚耶和華All nations to worship himLets worship JehovahAll nations to worship himLets worship Jehovah,石磐音樂1212,3 當讚美耶和華 2/2,因為祂向我們大施慈愛 耶和華的誠實存到永遠讚美祂 因祂慈愛存到永遠萬國萬民都當讚美 耶和華 Jehovah shows us great mercy and graceForever lives his truth and loveJehovah shows us great mercy and graceJehovah is wort
5、hy of praise to all nations,石磐音樂1212,4 我今天為你祝福 1/2,我今天為你祝福 耶和華必天天看顧你在家在外你出你入 耶和華必一路保護I will bless you todayMay the Lord keep you from all harmWherever you go wherever you comeMay the Lord watch over you,迦南詩選1212,4 我今天為你祝福 2/2,你當除去恐懼的心 因為這不是從神來靠著耶穌永不搖動 我們一生蒙了大福Take away you fearful heartCause this do
6、es not come from the LordBy the power of Jesus ChristWe are blessed now and forever,迦南詩選1212,5.願讚美充滿 1/3,願讚美充滿每個家 願喜樂充滿我心願萬物都尊崇耶穌 讓我們獻上祈求May our homes be filled with dancingMay our streets be filled with joyMay injustice bow to JesusAs the people turn and pray,青崇新歌Reuben Morgan原創13233123,5.願讚美充滿 2/3
7、,願主真光照亮黑暗 讓我們屈膝敬拜願主榮耀充滿全地 讓我們同聲宣揚May our light shine in the darknessAs we walk before the crossMay Your glory fill the whole earthAs the water over the seas,青崇新歌Reuben Morgan原創13233123,5.願讚美充滿 3/3,從高山上直到山谷 頌揚讚美獻給你從天降下直到萬民 讓這歌聲傳千里 哈利路亞 哈利路亞 哈利路亞 哈利路亞From the mountain to the valleyHear our praises ris
8、e to youFrom the heavens to the nationsHear our singing fill the airHalleluiah Halleluiah Halleluiah Halleluiah,青崇新歌Reuben Morgan原創13233123,6 奮勇交戰 1/4,1.興起興起為耶穌 做主十架精兵 高舉主旗極榮耀 莫損我主威名 交戰不斷地得勝 因主帥領全軍 至終仇敵皆消滅 唯主基督為君 Stand up stand up for Jesus Ye soldiers of the cross Lift high His royal banner It must
9、 not suffer loss From victory unto victory His army shall He lead Till every foe is vanquished And Christ is Lord indeed,新靈糧詩選A501 11234,6 奮勇交戰 2/4,2.興起興起為耶穌 主命我必聽從 今天是主榮耀日 快向敵方猛衝 仇敵既多又兇猛 主兵更當奮勇 或生或死為耶穌 我要終身盡忠 Stand up stand up for Jesus The trumpet call obey Forth to the mighty conflict In this His
10、 glorious day Ye that are men now serve Him Against unnumbered foes Let courage rise with danger And strength to strength oppose,新靈糧詩選A501 11234,6 奮勇交戰 3/4,3.興起興起為耶穌 專心賴主大能 得勝不在人多少 完全靠主攻擊 爭戰兵器非血氣 何敢靠己勝敵 全副軍裝要穿戴 警醒多日禱祈 Stand up stand up for Jesus Stand in His strength alone The arm of flesh will fail
11、 you Ye dare not trust your own Put on the gospel armor And watching unto prayer Where duty calls or danger Be never wanting there,新靈糧詩選A501 11234,6 奮勇交戰 4/4,4.興起興起為耶穌 交戰時日無多 今朝雖聞干戈聲 明日即奏凱歌 忠心受難得勝者 必得生命冠冕 與主同死同復活 永遠同操王權 Stand up stand up for Jesus The strife will not be long This day the noise of ba
12、ttle The next the victors song To him that overcometh A crown of life shall be He with the King of glory Shall reign eternally,新靈糧詩選A501 11234,7 以利亞的日子 1/3,1.這是以利亞的日子 齊宣揚我主的話語 哦 這是你僕人的日子 摩西 公義今正被顯明 哦 雖然這苦難的日子 充滿飢荒黑暗刀劍 而我們仍要在這曠野呼喊 預備耶和華的道路 These are the days of Elijah Declaring the word of the Lord A
13、nd these are the days of Your servant Moses Righteousness being restored And though these are days of great trial Of famine and darkness and sword Still,we are the voice in the desert crying Prepare ye the way of the Lord!,萬國敬拜讚美 JN101131323,7 以利亞的日子 2/3,2.這是以西結的日子 枯乾的骸骨正復活 哦 這是你僕人的日子 大衛 重新建造讚美殿 哦 這
14、是大收割的日子 看哪莊稼已發白 哦 我們是你葡萄園的工人 齊宣揚我主的話語 These are the days of Ezekiel The dry bones becoming as flesh And these are the days of Your servant David Rebuilding a temple of praise These are the days of the harvest The fields are as white in Your world And we are the laborers in Your vineyard Declaring th
15、e word of the Lord!,萬國敬拜讚美 JN101131323,7 以利亞的日子 3/3,看祂降臨 駕著天上雲 閃耀如烈日 號筒聲吹響 揚起你聲 這是恩典的禧年 救贖恩典從錫安山而來 Behold He comes riding on the clouds Shining like the sun at the trumpet call Lift your voice,its the year of jubilee And out of Zions hill salvation comes,萬國敬拜讚美 JN101131323,8 願你裂天而降 1/2,主啊我們等候你帶著偉大的期
16、待願你來主啊我們渴慕你渴慕你聖靈澆灌充滿我我要回轉歸向你求你紀念願聖靈的風吹起帶我翱翔我要緊緊抓住你願你國降臨震動這地使萬民敬畏,生命河靈糧堂1212,8 願你裂天而降 2/2,願你裂天而降裂天而降降臨這地降臨萬國萬邦願你裂天而降裂天而降使復興的火不斷燃燒求復興我們,生命河靈糧堂,9.超乎一切 1/3,1.超乎眾權能 超乎眾王超乎眾受造和宇宙眾萬物超乎眾智慧和眾人的道路是你創造天地和萬物Above all powers above all kings Above all nature and all created things Above all wisdom and all the way
17、s of man You were here before the world began,新靈糧詩選 A082,9.超乎一切 2/3,2.超乎眾國度 超乎權位超乎這世界所知和所想像超乎這世上的財富和珍寶無一事物能與你相比Above all kingdoms above all thrones Above all wonders the world has ever known Above all wealth and treasure of the earth Theres no way to measure what Youre worth,新靈糧詩選 A082,9.超乎一切 3/3,釘十
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