1、学习UCP600,一。什么是UCP?,UCP是“Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits”的缩写。中文译作跟单信用证统一惯例,简称“统一惯例”。UCP是国际商会出版的一份关于跟单信用证业务的惯例条文,是指导、规范、制约跟单信用证业务的重要国际惯例。,二。跟单信用证(Documentary Letter of Credit),1.跟单信用证简介,国际结算方式,汇款(Remittance)托收(Collection)信用证(Letter of Credit)迟期付款(Deferred Payment)寄售(Consignment)补偿
2、贸易(Compensation Trade)易货(Barter)./.,来料加工(Processing with incoming Materials)赊帐(Open Account)福费庭(Forfaiting)货帐保理(Factoring),等。经常使用的结算方式是:汇款、托收、信用证。最主要的、广泛使用的是“信用证结算方式”,信用证结算方式,Country A Country B,Company A,Company B,Bank A,Bank B,发货,申请开证,开证,通知信用证,交单,付款,议付寄单,付款,付款赎单,交易合同,信用证结算方式付款的依据是“单据”,故称为“跟单信用证”(D
3、ocumentary Letter of Credit 或Documentary Credit)简称“信用证”(Credit或L/C),UCP500第二条对信用证做了详细的定义.国际商会还曾提到了一个简单的定义:“Letter of Credit is a conditional Bank undertaking of payment”,信用证的定义,“they(documents)appear,on their face,to be in compliance with the terms and conditions of the Credit”“Documents which appea
4、r on their face to be inconsistent with one another will be considered as not appearing on their face to be in compliance with the terms and conditions of the Credit”-UCP500 Article 13-,一套单据代表着一批货物,掌握了单据就掌握了货物;转移了单据就转移了货物,而且使得货物转移合法化,这就是“货物单据化”(Documentization of Goods)。因为有了“货物单据化”,银行才可能介入国际贸易办理结算。,
5、2.信用证当事人,(1)开证申请人(Applicant)-the party that applies for the opening of the Credit;./.,“Instructions for the issuance of a Credit,the Credit itself,instructions for an amendment thereto,and the amendment itself,must be complete and precise”“All instructions for the issuance of a Credit and the Credit
6、 itself and,where applicable,all instructions for an amendment thereto and the amendment itself,must state precisely the documents against which payment,acceptance or negotiation is to be made”-UCP500 Article 5-,“The Applicant bears the risk of any ambiguity in its instructions to issue or amend a C
7、redit”-ISBP Paragraph 2-,(2)开证行(Issuing Bank)-The Bank that issues the Credit;(3)通知行(Advising Bank)-The Bank that advises the Credit and/or amendment at the request of the Issuing Bank;,“A Credit may be advised to a Beneficiary through another bank(the“Advising Bank”)without engagement on the part o
8、f the Advising Bank,but that bank,if it elects to advise the Credit,shall take reasonable care to check the apparent authenticity of the Credit it advises”-UCP500 Article 7-,信用证通过第二通知行通知(Second Advising Bank),受益人,开证申请人,第二通知行,通知行,开证行,申请开证,开证,经第二通知行通知,通知,“By advising the credit or amendment,the second
9、 advising bank signifies that it has checked the apparent authenticity of the advice it has received and that the advice accurately reflect the terms and conditions of the credit or amendment that has been received”-UCP 600 Article 9c-,(4)受益人(Beneficiary)-The party in whose favour the credit is issu
10、ed;,(5)议付行(Negotiating Bank)The bank authorized to negotiate documents under the credit;“Negotiation means the giving of value for Draft(s)and/or document(s)by the bank authorized to negotiate.Mere examination of the documents without giving of value does not constitute negotiation.-UCP500 Article 1
11、0b-,(6)付款行(Paying Bank)The bank on whom the draft is to be drawn;(7)承兑行(Accepting Bank)The bank that accepts the usance draft and pay at maturity;,(8)保兑行(Confirming Bank)The bank that adds its confirmation to a credit;“A confirmation of an irrevocable Credit by another bank(the“confirming Bank”)upon
12、 the authorization or request of the Issuing Bank,constitutes a definite undertaking of the Confirming Bank,in addition to that of the Issuing Bank.”-UCP500 Article 9b-,(9)偿付行(Reimbursing Bank)The bank authorized by the issuing bank to honour claims from the negotiating bank.如果信用证规定向第三者索偿,则议付行就成了“索汇
13、行”(Claiming Bank).偿付行多为开证行的帐户行。,受益人,开证申请人,通知、议付、索汇行,开证行,偿付行,申请,开证,授权偿付,通知,交单,议付寄单,借记开证行帐户,偿付,索汇,付款,“An Issuing Bank shall not be relieved from any of its obligations to provide reimbursement if and when reimbursement is not received by the Claiming Bank from the Reimbursing Bank”“The Issuing Bank sh
14、all be responsible to the Claiming Bank for any loss of interest if reimbursement is not provided by the Reimbursing Bank on first demand.”-UCP500 Article 19 关于第三者偿付,国际商会有专门规则Uniform Rules for Bank-to-Bank Reimbursements under Documentary Credits,国际商会编号第525号出版物。,3。信用证的独立性,“Credits,by their nature,ar
15、e separate transactions from the sales or other contract(s)on which they may be based and banks are in no way concerned with or bound by such contract(s),even if any reference whatsoever to such contract(s)is included in the Credit”-UCP500 Article 3-,“In Credit operations all parties concerned deal
16、with documents and not with goods,services and/or other performance to which the documents may relate”-UCP500 Article 4“The terms of a credit are independent of the underlying transaction even if a credit expressly refers to that transaction”-ISBPParagraph 1-,对信用证的简单理解,信用证是银行开立的付款保证文件,因而它属于“银行信用”;信用
17、证独立于交易和合约之外;银行向受益人承诺付款;付款的依据是单据,单据表面必须符合信用证条款,单单之间必须一致;在信用证业务中,开证银行承担着第一性付款责任,单证相符银行必须付款,单证不符银行有权拒付。,信用证能否保障买卖双方的利益?,答复是“不能说有100%的保证”。因为存在着以下情况:对于卖方单证不符银行可以拒付;开证申请人或开证行挑剔单据、拒绝付款。,拒付事例,其一国外来证要求货物装船后,通知买方的“装船通知”中要注明:“Name of Shipping Companys agent at destination”./.,受益人装船后发传真,文为:“.Shipping Companys a
18、gent at destination:Royal Building38 Broadway12th Floor,Room 1204xxx cityxxx CountryTel:xxxxxxxxFax:xxxxxxxxContact person:Mr.Brown”,其二“Bill of Lading date”和“on board notation”日期图章颜色不一样,因而拒付;其三开证行以未提交产地证拒付,但实际已提交;信用证地址中的“No.”单据中作成了“No”而拒付。议付行争辩时,开证行的答复是“No.and No are different in meaning”。,对于买方有单证诈骗
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