1、第六讲 成语的翻译,成语背后的故事,Give a lick and a promise敷衍搪塞英国民间传说。至少两个世纪以前有一只猫,它的脸常常脏的很,每当别的猫要它洗脸时,它就用舌头很快添一下,然后说保证下次一定添干净,但实际上总是敷衍了事。如:you didnt wash your hands;you just gave them a lick and a promise.,Bury the hatchet偃旗息鼓埋下斧子。北美殖民时期,英国殖民者残忍地屠杀印第安人,有的印第安人被放在柴堆上活活烧死,殖民者甚至剥下死难者的头皮,谁剥的多,谁的功劳大。他们有时为了欺骗和麻痹印第安人,也会和某
2、个部落讲和。在和谈仪式上,印第安人会把斧头埋在地下作为休战的表示。例:they had been enemies for ages,but after a fight they buried the hatchet.,Backstairs influence暗中势力,幕后人物例:he met the congressmen in secret to exert backstairs influence.,汉语中的成语,以四字格为主体的汉语成语不少于1万,在政论、文艺、科技等文体中被广泛使用,起着极其重要的作用。因此恰当处理汉语成语的翻译就是一个十分重要的问题。不能忽视。但像“胸有成竹”一样,多
3、数都无法可以直接翻译成英文的对等:have a bamboo in ones stomachTo have a well-thought-out plan before doing something;to have a card up ones sleeve,哪些可以直接翻译?哪些只能翻译比喻意义?这取决于汉语成语的字面意义和比喻形象能否被西方读者所接受。例:,你是知道的,咱们家所有的这些管家奶奶们,那一位是好缠的?借一点他们就笑话打趣,偏一点他们就指桑说槐的抱怨。(红楼梦第16回)And you know how difficult our old stewardesses are,lau
4、ghing at the least mistake and“accusing the elm while pointing at the mulberry tree”if one shows the least bias.(Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang)And you know what a difficult lot those old stewardesses are.The tiniest mistake and they are all laughing at you and making fun;the tiniest hint of favouritis
5、m and they are grumbling and complaining.You know their way of“cursing the oak-tree when they mean the ash”.(David Hawks),1可以直译的成语,字面直译并不损害意思的传达。兔死狐悲直译:foxes will grieve at the death of the hare.意译:all things are sorry for their own kind.,获曰:兔死狐悲,物伤其类,吾与汝皆是各洞之主,往日无怨,何故害我。(三国演义)When the hare dies the
6、 fox mourns,said Meng Huo,One sympathises with ones own as a rule.We are both chiefs and have been friends.I know not why you injure me?,引狼入室直译:to bring the wolves into the house意译:to invite disasters是些什么人呢?干这引狼入室的勾当。子夜Whoever they are,they are letting the wolf into the fold.,调虎离山直译:to lure the tige
7、r out of the hills意译:to lure the enemy from his base我中了他的调虎离山计了。林海雪原Ive fallen for his luring out of the hills scheme.,狐假虎威直译:a fox borrowing a tigers fierceness意译:to bully people by flaunting ones powerful connections高学田正在气头上,观万瞎子这个奴才这么狐假虎威,就硬邦邦地说:要钱没有,要命拿去。高玉宝Gao,already enraged,was further incens
8、ed by the impudence of his lackeya fox masquerading as a tiger.If you want money,I have none,he retorted.,走马观花直译:to ride out on horseback to enjoy flowers意译:to gain a superficial understanding through cursory observation调查有两种方法,一种是走马观花,一种是下马观花。There are two ways of making investigations,one is to lo
9、ok at flowers on horseback and the other is to get off your horse and look at them.,风驰电掣直译:swift as the wind and quick as lightning意译:speeding;at full speed石东根正屁股悬空在马背上,跑得风驰电掣十分快意的时候,恰巧给军长沈振新看到。红日And now Shi Dongsheng,his backside poised in the air above the horses back as he whizzed along like the
10、wind,happy and carefree,had had the unexpected misfortune to be spotted by the army commander Shen Zhenxin.,如坐针毡直译:to feel as if sitting on a cushion filled with needles意译:to feel terribly uneasy且说林冲在柴大官人东庄上,听得这话,如坐针毡。水浒传Lin Chong,however,was in the east village of the Lord Chai and heard all the ta
11、lk of him,and when he heard it was as though he sat on a cushion filled with needles.,对牛弹琴直译:to play the lute to a cow意译:to address the wrong audience对牛弹琴这句话,含有讥笑对象的意思。毛选The saying“to play the lute to a cow”implies a gibe at the audience.上述几个例子都有十分形象的原文,其形象性通过直译完美地移植到了译文里。尽管英语中没有非常对应的成语,但是译文读者从上面的直译
12、中获得了大致相同的感受。,2 可以套用的成语,英语中的很多成语在意义上与汉语中的许多成语一致,虽然形象不同。如:涸泽而渔直译:to drain the pond to catch all the fish英语对等成语:to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs,只为工业积累,农业本身积累得太少或者没有积累,涸泽而渔,对于工业的发展反而不利。毛选If agriculture accumulated only for industry and very little or none for itself,that would mean“draining
13、the ponds to get all the fish”and would only harm the development of industry.,打草惊蛇直译:to beat the grass and startle the snake对等译法:to wake a sleeping dog不要动声色,不要打草惊蛇。我们不妨看看他们如何活动。山乡巨变Dont say anything about it;we mustnt beat the grass and startle the snake.Theres no harm in our keeping an eye on the
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