1、汉译英,长句翻译,汉语与英语构句的不同特点,英语长句结构:主语+谓语+修饰语 并列成分或并列句 短语或从句英语主谓关系非常明显,其他成分通过各种手段(介词、连词、关系代词、关系副词)同主谓成分挂钩,汉语连接词相对少,使用频率也低少用介词而多用动词结构松散,分句间缺乏应有的形式连接汉语构句注重意义连贯逻辑顺序,先后及因果,采用原序对译法,也就是顺着往下译(但不是字字对应译)。有些汉语句子的内容结构与英语表达方式比较一致,在翻译时则可按照原文顺序进行翻译。这多用于单一主语的长句,但译者在译文中要分清句中的信息重心。,When we had tea,I could not take my eyes
2、from her small,delicate hands,the graceful way she moved,her bright,black eyes,and expressionless clear face.,我们喝茶时,我不停地打量着她,看她那纤纤玉手,典雅的举止,亮晶晶的黑眼睛,清秀而没有表情的面庞。,分析:主干我打量她,后面都是我所看到的细节描写。,当他们活着一天,总要尽量多工作、多学习,不肯虚度年华,不让时间白白地浪费掉。(2005 年TEM8)分析:单一主语,语义的表述顺序英汉语一致,故顺译。-“总要尽量多工作、多学习”是“他”活着时的动作行为,因而译为主要的表达方式,其它
3、部分译为非谓语动词形式。As long as they are living,they always work and study as hard as possible,unwilling to dream their life away,let alone waste even a single moment of their lives,汉民族在思维上历来注重“悟性”、“直觉”,强调“先发生的事先说,后发生的事后说”,从整体上汉语表现为意合的语义型语言,语义通过语序表达出来。而英美人偏重理性思维,其语言表现为形合的分析型语言,其语义通过逻辑关系析出。,比较:This is the cat
4、This is the cat that killed the ratThis is the cat that killed the rat that ate the maltThis is the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the houseThis is the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built好好的。照顾得好好的。把一切照顾得好好的。竟然把一切照顾得好好的。他竟然把一切照顾得好好的。
5、没料到他竟然把一切照顾得好好的。的确没料到他竟然把一切照顾得好好的。她的确没料到他竟然把一切照顾得好好的。她说她的确没料到他竟然把一切照顾得好好的。我听她说她的确没料到他竟然把一切照顾得好好的。,在句子顺序上,汉语属于逆线性延伸,而英语术语顺线性延伸语言。,世界各国的医学专家们多年来一直在致力于构建一整套科学的有关人体健康的标准体系。分析:句子的主干:多年来专家们构建体系。而句中的其他部分则多数充当了定语、状语等。For years,medical experts from different countries have committed themselves to establishin
6、g a set of scientific standard system for human health,每天下午四五点钟喝上一杯茶,吃一点烤面包或饼干,相互之间再闲聊几句,这种情景在英国到处可见。分析:本句中,前几个小句是无主句,之后又出现外位复指词“这”来作总结说明,这样的句型如果硬生生译成“At four or five pm in England,people eat some bread or biscuits and have a short chat,this is common in England”贻笑大方。这时需要调整语序,以适应英语的表达习惯。-“这种情景(喝茶、吃面
7、包等)到处可见。”There is a scene to be witnessed everywhere in England at four or five PMwhen people enjoy a cup of tea,with toast or biscuit and with a bit of conversation,东方明珠广播电视塔位于黄浦江畔,浦东陆家嘴嘴尖上,塔高468米,三面环水,与外滩的万国建筑博览群隔江相望,是亚洲第一,世界第三的高塔。The Oriental Pearl Radio and Television Tower stands on the Huangpu
8、 River and at the point of Lujiazui.Surrounded by waters on three sides and facing a row of buildings of variegated western architectures in the Bund across the river,the 468-meter-tall tower ranks first in Asia and third in the world.Or:Located beside the Huangpu River and at the point of Lujiazui,
9、the Oriental Pearl Radio and Television Tower is surrounded by waters on three sides and facing a row of buildings of variegated western architectures in the Bund across the river.With its height of 468 meters,the tower ranks first in Asia and third in the world.,合并法是把若干个短句合并成一个长句。英语强调形合,结构较严密,因此长句较
10、多。所以汉译英时可采用连词、非谓语动词、定语从句、独立结构等方式把汉语短句连成长句。不管是顺译还是逆序翻译,汉译英都不可避免会用到合并法。,顺译法中用到合并法的例子,当他们活着一天,总要尽量多工作、多学习,不肯虚度年华,不让时间白白地浪费掉。As long as they are living,they always work and study as hard as possible,unwilling to dream their life away,let alone waste even a single moment of their lives,逆序法融合合并法的例子,每天下午四五
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