1、be in the/ones waysafe and soundbuild up from nothingan unexpected visitorspare no efforts/painsbe at a lossfar from satisfactorystand high and see fardemand exceeds supplyJustice has long arms.,碍手碍脚,安然无恙,白手起家,不速之客,不遗余力,不知所措;丈二和尚摸不着头,差强人意,高瞻远瞩,供不应求,法网恢恢,疏而不漏,His explanation is far from_.being satisf
2、ied B.satisfactory C.satisfied D.being satisfactory,Knowing that they had reached the destination _,we felt relieved.Safely and soundly B.safe and soundlyC.Safely and sound D.safe and sound,He meant to help,but in fact he was _.In a way B.in the way C.on the way D.by the way,11.eager for quick succe
3、ss and instant benefit 12.whisper to each other13.close the door behind you14.stand by with folded arms15.provide timely help16.Sth means nothing to sb17.go all out to do sth,急功近利,交头接耳,随手关门,袖手旁观,雪中送炭,视如粪土,全力以赴,16.cant tear oneself away from17.neglect ones meals and sleep 18.with great eagerness19.fe
4、el pleased with oneself20.be well-dressed 21.鼎力相助,爱不释手,废寝忘食,如饥似渴,沾沾自喜,衣冠楚楚,try every means possible to helpmake the greatest effort to help.,乱世佳人写得太吸引人了,几乎所有读者都会爱不释手的。tear,Gone with the Wind is so fascinating/attractive that almost all the readers will find it hard to tear themselves away from it.,即
5、使你的英语取得了长足的进步也不要沾沾自喜。please,Even if you have made rapid progress in your English study,you can never be pleased with yourself.,事实上任何和这个案子有牵连的人迟早都会受到惩罚,因为法网恢恢,疏而不漏.(involve),In fact,whoever/anyone who is involved in the case will be punished sooner or later because justice has long arms.,那家服装店宣称所有衣物降
6、价50%,然而顾客仍寥寥无几。((claim),The clothing shop claimed that the prices of all the clothes had been reduced by 50%;however,there were still few customers.,她视金钱如粪土。(mean),Money means nothing to her.,办公室门上贴着“随手关门”的字样。(sign),On the door of the office is a sign,reading“Close the door behind you”.,在SARS发病期间,白衣
7、天使们全力以赴,废寝忘食地抢救病人。(go;neglect),During the outbreak of SARS,the white angels went all out to save the patients,neglecting their meals and sleep.,be of two minds/absent-mindedin all directionsReview the past helps one to understand the present.make trouble out of nothinglack the slightest knowledge of
8、/have no idea of/know nothing aboutaccomplish nothing be entirely ignorant of be dressed in rags and so on and so forthThere is no limit to knowledge.There is no end to learning,心不在焉,四面八方,温故知新,无理取闹,一窍不通,一事无成,一问三不知,衣衫褴褛,依次类推,学海无边;学无止境,lose the golden chancein a few wordsbe wild with joylook atin a di
9、fferent way/differentlygive up halfwaystick to ones opinionkeep calmsail against the currenton second thoughtsbe full of energyKnowledge comes from practice.,坐失良机,三言两语,欣喜若狂,刮目相看,半途而废,固执己见,沉着冷静,逆水行舟,考虑再三,充满活力,实践出真知,要想说服他改变注意根本不可能,因为他总是固执己见。(stick),Its quite impossible to persuade him to change his mi
10、nd because he always sticks to his opinions.,我的同桌上课常常心不在焉,这使得她考试 一再败北。(定语从句),My desk mate is always absent-minded in class,which leads to her failures in the exams one after another.,Its never too late to learn.Because there is no limit _ learning.A.of B.for C.in D.to,Abraham Lincoln devoted all his
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