1、,奶牛饲养导论 Introduction to Dairy Feeding,Quality forage feeding is foundation of dairy businessGood forage feeding is basis to good nutritionConsider your investment,cow is 15-35,000 RMBWhy would you not want to feed her properly to get the best return?If you cant afford to operate a Mercedes,why buy s
2、uch an expensive car?,用优质饲料饲养奶牛是乳品业的基础用优质饲料饲喂是奶牛获取营养物质的基础买一头奶牛的投资为15,000-35,000 元你为什么不采用合理的方式饲养奶牛以获取最高的回报?如果你承担不起养奔驰车的费用为什么还买这么昂贵的车呢?,Baz Fritz,Sustainable Agricultural Development II,奶牛饲养导论 Introduction to Dairy Feeding,Once you commit to the industry by the purchase of a cow,her pay back depends o
3、n feed/care for her.If you are going to feed a poor and inadequate diet,top genetics not profitableWith a Mercedes you get an operators manual,we should get one with a dairy cow purchase,”how to operate”,一旦你买奶牛,它的回报将由饲养方式来决定如果用劣质饲料来饲养奶牛且饲喂量也不足,再优良的奶牛也无法取得好的效益像买奔驰车时随赠操作说明一样,我们买奶牛时也应提供“饲养奶牛手册”,奶牛饲养导论
4、Introduction to Dairy Feeding,Dairy cow is a ruminant!An animal that chews its cud,has 4 stomach compartmentsPigs and man have one compartmentOther 3 compartments assist in digestion of fiber.This difference allows ruminants to use feed no other animals canCapacity of stomach is like 200 kg barrel w
5、ith bacteria and protozoa,奶牛是反刍动物,其 胃由4个胃室组成,并且与其它反刍动物一样进行反刍活动人和猪是单胃动物瘤胃,网胃,瓣胃3个胃室消化纤维反刍动物这种独特的胃结构帮助它们消化非反刍动物难以消化的食物反刍动物的胃就如一个200kg的包含细菌和原生动物的大桶,奶牛饲养导论 Introduction to Dairy Feeding,Concept of Fiber:Minimum amount of fiber needed to keep stomach working efficientlyHas been referred to as the scratch
6、 factorWoody portion of a feed,relatively indigestibleSome fiber required,excess can impact the system,low production(19-21%ADF)The reason and animal chews its cud,纤维的概念:反刍家畜需要一个最低纤维量来维持正常的瘤胃活动.纤维通常被认为是饲料中最粗糟的因素是饲料中不易被消化的木质部分对纤维物质的需求量较少,过多会对影响家畜消化,并导致减产纤维是家畜反刍的原因,奶牛饲养导论 Introduction to Dairy Feeding
7、,Same stomach as other ruminants but much more productionDairy cow is a fine,well bred milking machineTherefore need quality forage to produce maintenance plus milk what the Holstein cow bred for.This doesnt mean cow can produce miracles by feeding straw,即使奶牛胃结构与其它反刍动物相同,但其生产力远高于它们奶牛就像是一台性能良好的产奶机正如饲
8、养荷斯坦奶牛一样,奶牛需要优质饲料来维持生命和产奶用玉米秸秆饲养的奶牛不可能创造出牛奶高产的奇迹,奶牛饲养导论 Introduction to Dairy Feeding,Pig猪,Cow牛,4,4,2,1,3,*,奶牛饲养导论 Introduction to Dairy Feeding,High quality forage implies,low fiber,high protein,high minerals and vitaminsMinimum amounts of fiber keeps gut and digestive system functioning wellStraw
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