1、,头颈部肿瘤,头颈部肿瘤概述口腔肿瘤新辅助化疗2015 ASCO,流行病学,占全身恶性肿瘤的5第6大常见的恶性肿瘤肿瘤相关死亡原因的第8位头颈部肿瘤的患者有可能罹患第2个原发性的头颈部、肺部或食管的肿瘤,病因,吸烟和嗜酒口咽癌:人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)60-70%鼻咽癌:EBV,HPV+口咽部肿瘤的疗效和生存情况均比HPV-的肿瘤要好,治疗前血浆EBV-DNA水平越高,则治疗后出现远处转移的概率越高;监测随访,Humanpapillomavirusandsurvivalofpatientswithoropharyngeal cancer.N Engl J Med.2010 Jul 1;363(1
3、膈)转移也被认为是区域淋巴结转移,治疗特点,T1-2N0M0期:单纯手术或单纯放疗局部晚期:手术+放疗+化疗复发和转移,姑息性化疗放疗+化疗+手术鼻咽癌主要以放化疗为主,新辅助治疗,例如:对可手术切除的局部晚期喉癌、咽癌,术前诱导化疗/同步放化疗不仅可以提高保喉率,而且可提高患者生存率,放疗,原发病灶和受侵淋巴结需要每天2.0 Gy,总量为70 Gy或以上的剂量对于颈部风险较低的淋巴结群的放疗剂量为每天2.0 Gy,总量50 Gy或以上,化疗,新辅助化疗同步放化疗(根治性、辅助性)辅助化疗姑息化疗,靶向治疗,西妥昔单抗 早中期:同步放疗 晚 期:单药或联合化疗尼妥珠单抗(nimotuzumab
4、)吉非替尼、厄洛替尼:未观察到临床受益,不良预后因素,淋巴结包膜外受侵和/或手术切缘阳性:术后进行辅助性化放疗其他不良预后因素:多个阳性淋巴结(无包膜外受侵)、血管/淋巴管/神经周围侵犯、原发肿瘤T4a及具有IV区淋巴结阳性术后放疗,但是否进行放化疗可根据临床判断,复发和(或)转移,复发病变可治愈:应积极寻求根治性手术 或同步放化(靶)疗无局部治愈可能:姑息性化疗和(或)靶向治疗 支持治疗,姑息化疗的中位生存时间大约为6个月,1年生存率大约为20%,Induction Chemotherapy,Induction chemotherapy plus radiation compared wit
5、h surgery plus radiation in patients with advanced laryngeal cancer.The Department of Veterans Affairs Laryngeal Cancer Study GroupN Engl J Med.1991;324(24):1685,332 ptsmedian follow-up of 33 monthssurgery+radiotherapyinduction chemotherapy+radiotherapySalvage surgerycisplatin+fluorouraci(PF),Focus
6、on larynx preservation,2-year survival:68%:68%,P=0.1195,Larynx preservation in pyriform sinus cancer:preliminary results of a European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer phase III trial.EORTCHead and Neck Cancer Cooperative Group J Natl Cancer Inst.1996,202 ptssurgery+radiotherapyindu
7、ction chemotherapy+radiotherapySalvage surgerycisplatin+fluorouraci(PF),Focus on larynx preservation,Induction-chemotherapy arm vs.Surgery arm,OS:44:25 months3-year survival:57%:43%PFS:25:20 months,TPF vs.PF,Induction chemotherapy with cisplatin and fluorouracil alone or in combination with docetaxe
8、l in locally advanced squamous-cell cancer of the head and neck:long-term results of the TAX 324 randomised phase 3 trial.Lancet Oncol.2011;12(2):153-9,Median follow-up of 6.0 years(72.2 months)55 centers 501 patients,OS:70.6 vs.34.8 mo,PFS:38.1 vs.13.2 mo,hypopharyngeal and laryngeal,PFS:20.9 vs.10
9、.1 mo,OS:51.9 vs.23.5 mo,Long-term results of GORTEC 2000-01:A multicentric randomized phase III trial of induction chemotherapy with cisplatin plus 5-fluorouracil,with or without docetaxel,for larynx preservation.France213 ptsMedian follow-up 105 months TPF vs.PFThe 5-and 10-year larynx preservatio
10、n rates 74.0%vs.58.1%70.3%vs.46.5%The 5-and 10-year LDFFS rates 67.2%vs.46.5%63.7%vs.37.2%OS,PFS no difference(LDFFS:larynx dysfunction-free survival),ASCO2015,Taxane-cisplatin-fluorouracil as induction chemotherapy for advanced head and neck cancer:a meta-analysis of the 5-year efficacy and safety.
11、Springerplus.2015;4:208.7 randomized clinical(mata analysis)TPF vs.PF 3-year OS rate(HR:1.14;95%CI:1.03 to 1.25;P=0.008)3-year PFS rate(HR:1.24;95%CI:1.08 to 1.43;P=0.002)5-year OS rate(HR:1.30;95%CI,1.09 to 1.55;P=0.003)5-year PFS rate(HR:1.39;95%CI,1.14 to 1.70;P=0.001)The TPF induction chemothera
12、py improved PFS and OS compared with PF,Induction Chemotherapy vs.Concurrent ChemoRT,Long-Term Results of RTOG 91-11:A Comparison of ThreeNonsurgical Treatment Strategies to Preserve the Larynx inPatients With Locally Advanced Larynx Cancer J Clin Oncol 2013;31:845-852,Patients with stage III or IV
13、glottic or supraglottic squamous cell cancerlaryngectomy-free survival(LFS),(PF),For selected patients with hypopharyngeal and laryngeal cancers less than T4a in extent,inductionchemotherapyused as part of a larynx preservation strategyis category 2A,Thus,induction chemotherapy has a category 3recom
14、mendation for the management of both locally and regionally advanced oropharyngeal cancer,Induction Chemotherapy in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma,Randomized Phase III Trial of Induction Chemotherapy With Docetaxel,Cisplatin,and Fluorouracil Followed by Surgery Versus Up-Front Surgery in Locally Advan
15、ced Resectable Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma J Clin Oncol.2013;31(6):744-51,256 patientsLocallyadvancedResectable Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma,TPFMedian follow-up of 30 months,cN2,Induction chemotherapy+Concurrent chemoradiotherapy,Induction chemotherapy followed by concurrentchemoradiotherapy(sequen
16、tial chemoradiotherapy)versusconcurrent chemoradiotherapy alone in locally advanced headand neck cancer(PARADIGM):a randomised phase 3 trialLancet Oncol 2013;14:25764,145 patients across 16 sitesMedian follow-up of 49 months Induction chemotherapy+Concurrent chemoradiotherapy Concurrent chemoradioth
17、erapy,3-year overall survival was 73%vs.78%,OS,PFS,Phase III randomized trial ofinduction chemotherapyin patients with N2 or N3 locally advancedhead and neck cancer.J Clin Oncol.2014;32(25):2735285 patients,with N2 or N3 diseaseFollow-up of 30 monthsInduction chemotherapy+Concurrent chemoradiotherap
18、y Concurrent chemoradiotherapyNO difference:OS,Relapse-FreeSurvival,Distant Failure-Free Survival,Is there a role for induction chemotherapy in the setting of concomitant chemoradiation in locally advanced head and neck cancer:A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials,Met
19、a-analysis,5 RCTs(4 TPF,1 PF)1229 patientsIndu-chemotherapy+concomitant chemoradiation concomitant chemoradiationOS,PFS no difference have a trendDisease control,CR Imply that selected patients may benefit from the addition of induction chemotherapy,ASCO2015,New aspects regarding the induction chemo
20、therapy with TPF and radio chemotherapy in head and neck cancer GermanyMeta-analysis,5 RCTs(TPF)1060 patients,locally advanced53.4%oropharyngeal,17.3%hyopharyngeal,6.4%laryngeal,18.5%oral cavity,4.4%other SCCHNTPF+concomitant chemoradiation concomitant chemoradiationNot result in a significant impro
21、vement of OS(Hazard Ratio:0.950,0.791-1.140,p=0.579),ASCO2015,Radiotherapy plus cetuximab,Radiotherapy plus cetuximab for locoregionally advanced head and neck cancer:5-year survival data from a phase 3 randomised trial,and relation between cetuximab-induced rash and survival Lancet Oncol.2010;11(1)
22、:21-8,424 pts:locoregionally advanced squamous-cell carcinoma(oropharynx,hypopharynx,or larynx)73 centresmedian follow-up 60 monthsradiotherapy aloneradiotherapy plus cetuximabOS:49.0 months versus 29.3 months5-year overall survival was 45.6%versus 36.4%,Randomized phase III trial of concurrent acce
23、lerated radiation plus cisplatin with or without cetuximab for stage III to IV head and neck carcinoma:RTOG 0522.J Clin Oncol.2014 Sep 20;32(27):2940-50.,891 analyzed patientsMedian follow-up 3.8 yearsCetuximab plus cisplatin-radiationcisplatin-radiation alone,3-year PFS(61.2%v.58.9%,P=.76),3-year O
24、S(72.9%v.75.8,P=.32)p16-positive compared with p16-negative PFS(72.8%v.49.2%,P.001)OS(85.6%v.60.1%,P.001),EGFR expression did not distinguish outcomeShould not be prescribed routinely,Oral Cavity,Very advanced,2015 ASCOHead and Neck Cancer,Phase III randomized trial of standard fractionation radioth
25、erapy with concurrent cisplatin versus accelerated fractionation radiotherapy with panitumumab in patients with locoregionally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck:NCIC Clinical Trials Group HN.6 trialCanada320 pts With a median follow-up of 46.4 monthsPFS of PMab+AFX was not superi
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