1、Food Industry English,食品专业英语2010年7月乳品大专班面授,LESSON 1 Nutritionpage 1-6,What we eat as well as how much we eat determine our nutrition status to an important extent,and influenced by a diversity of external and internal factors.The person who wants to fine the answer to the question what should I eat
2、for good nutrition?“,might easily become lost in the maze of informational corridors,confused by the wealth of technical information provided by scientists or mislead by simplistic answers provided by those with products to sell.Somewhere in between is some reasonable,commonsense information that we
3、 can use to guide us our quest for sound nutrition knowledgeTo begin,we need to learn some definitions of commonly used nutrition terms and find out what sorts of guidelines are available to help us measure the quality of our diets and to develop healthful eating patterns.,第一课 营养第1到第6页,人们的营养情况在很大程度上
4、取决于人们吃什么和吃多少。而这两方面又受体内、体外多种因素的影响。凡是渴望找到“应该吃什么才会有良好的营养”这一问题答案的人也许很容易会坠入复杂的知识迷宫,很容易被科学家所提供的丰富技术信息所迷惑,也很容易被销售商的简单化答案所误导。事实上,这中间有些信息是有一定道理的常识,我们可以利用这些信息来指导(我们去)寻求正确的营养知识。首先,我们要懂得一些常用营养学术语的定义,并找出一些准则,以便帮助我们去衡量饮食的质量和制定有益健康的饮食结构。,NUTRITION AND FOOD:DEFINITIONS,The word nutrition is often paired with the wo
5、rd food because the two go together.They are interdependent,but not interchangeable.Food might be defined as any edible substance that provides nourishment when consumed.It is made up of many natural ingredients all chemicals that have different functions such as providing odor,flavor,color,and nour
6、ishment.The ingredients that give us nourishment are called nutrients.These nutrients are categorized as fats,proteins carbohydrates(sugars and starches),minerals,vitamins,and water.They are called essential nutrients because we cannot get along without them.We need them for energy,for building and
7、maintaining body tissue;and for regulating body processes the three essential functions of foods in the body.Nutrition might be defined as the process whereby we obtain the essential nutrients and use them to make many other substances our bodies need,this process would include eating and digesting
8、food and absorbing and using,or metabolizing,the nutrients it contains.,营养与饮食的定义,由于营养和食物的关系密切,所以营养和食物这两个词常常成对出现。他们互相依赖,但不能互相替换。食物可定义为食后起滋养作用的任何可食用的物质。食物由多种天然成分(全都是化学物质)组成。这些成分有各种各样的功效:如提供色、香、味和营养等等。那些具有营养功能的成分称为营养素。这些营养素可分为脂肪、蛋白质、碳水化合物(糖和淀粉)、矿物质、维生素和水。我们称这些营养素为必须营养素,因为没有它们我们就不能生存。我们需要这些营养素来提供能量,构成和修
9、补机体组织,调节机体生理过程。这是食物在人体内的三种基本功能。营养可定义为人们赖以获得的必须营养素,并利用这些营养素来制造人体所需的其他物质的过程。这一过程理应包括摄入和消化食物以及吸收和利用(即同化)其中所含的营养素。,We can obtain all of the essential nutrients from food.However,it is possible to obtain nourishment without eating and digesting food-if,for example,the nutrients are injected directly to o
10、ur veins as in intravenous feeding.Thus,it is the nutrients that are essential and the food that normally provides them.Since food is vital,we need to know the nutritive content of foods,which ones are the best sources of the various nutrients and how to combine them into a healthful diet.The term g
11、ood nutrition implies that we are obtaining from our food all of the essential nutrients in the amounts needed to keep our bodies functioning and to maintain optimum health.A very simplified definition of good nutrition might be eating the right foods in the right amounts.“The work of nutrition scie
12、ntists involves finding in the body,the amount of each that we need,what happenings when we receive too much or too little and about food and died-what foods we should eat and in what amount.Yet nutrition science in its broadest sense has many more facets:the influence of sensory factors of flavor,c
13、olor,and texture of food on eating behavior;the psychological,cultural,emotional,and social aspects of food intake;and even the economics of food availability and consumer behavior in the purchase of food,那么能够从食物中获得全部必须营养素。尽管如此,我们也可以不通过食物的摄入和消化而得到丰富的营养。例如:静脉进食的情形就是直接将营养素注射到人体的静脉。由此可见,唯有营养素才是真正必需的,而正
15、的影响;摄食的心理、文化教养、情绪、社交活动等的状态;甚至还包括获得食物的经济性以及消费者购买食物的态度。,THE NUTRIENTS,To date,nutrition scientists have identified some 40 to 45 substances as essential nutrients.But the list is growing as new nutrients continue to be identified;the history of nutrition science contains fascinating stories about the
16、ways food substances have been identified as essential nutrients.In some instances,medical researchers seeking the cause of a particular disease found that problem was due to a single substance,and that when this substance was added to the diet,the symptoms of the disease disappeared.A number of vit
17、amins were discovered in this way.Nutrients might be divided into two genial categories based on the amount that we need.These are the macronutrients(carbohydrates,fats,proteins,and water),which we need in relatively large amounts and the micronutrients)mineral elements and vitamins),which we need i
18、n relatively small amounts.All of the nutrients except for mineral elements and water are classified as organic chemicals because they contain the element carbon.Mineral elements and water are inorganic chemicals because they do not contain carbon.,The vitamins are divided into two general categoriz
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