1、第三章 国际市场分析,第三章 国际市场分析 李艳丽,2,“We have different customers.Each customer is free to have her own aspirations.Our intention is to respond as well as possible to each customer aspiration.Some want to be gorgeous,some want to be natural,and we just have to offer them the best quality and the best product
2、 to satisfy their wishes and their dreams.”LOreal CEO Jean-Paul AgonOn understanding segmentation,第三章 国际市场分析 李艳丽,3,本章结构,国际市场分析概述国际市场细分国际目标市场与产品定位,第三章 国际市场分析 李艳丽,4,3.1 国际市场分析概述,当前国际市场的基本特点国际市场容量迅速扩大国际市场构成复杂国际市场垄断加强国际市场竞争激烈商品结构有明显改变工业制成品贸易比重超过初级产品初级产品贸易中,燃料的比重急剧上升工业制成品贸易中,机械产品增长最快技术贸易发展迅速,第三章 国际市场分析 李
3、艳丽,5,3.2 国际市场细分,国际市场细分的含义市场细分是根据消费者对产品的需求欲望、购买行为与购买习惯的差异,把整体市场划分为两个或更多的消费者群体,从而确定企业目标市场的活动过程国际市场细分,是指企业按照一定的细分标准,把整个国际市场细分为若干个需求不同的子市场,任何一个子市场中的消费者都具有相同或相似的需求特征,企业可以从这些子市场中选择一个或多个作为其目标市场Represents an effort to identify and categorize groups of customers and countries according to common characterist
4、ics,第三章 国际市场分析 李艳丽,6,国际市场细分对企业的作用有利于发掘国际市场机会有利于制定营销方案有利于发挥营销效力有利于开发新产品TargetingThe process of evaluating segments and focusing marketing efforts on a country,region,or group of people that has significant potential to respondFocus on the segments that can be reached most effectively,efficiently,and
5、profitably,第三章 国际市场分析 李艳丽,7,国际市场细分的标准宏观市场细分,是要决定在世界市场上应选择哪个国家或地区作为拟进入的市场。细分标准有地理标准、经济标准、文化标准和组合标准微观市场细分,当企业决定进入某一海外市场后,会发现当地市场顾客需求仍有差异,需进一步细分成若干市场,以期选择其中之一或几个子市场作为目标市场。包括消费品市场细分和工业品市场细分,第三章 国际市场分析 李艳丽,8,消费品市场细分的标准地理细分,是根据消费者生活的地理位置划分市场。不同的区域市场,它的需求、潜量、购买力水平、竞争强度是有差异的人口细分,是指根据消费者在人口统计表中的项目划分市场,包括年龄、性
6、别、家庭大小、家庭生命周期、收入(一年)、职业、教育、宗教、种族、国籍心理细分,是指根据各国消费者的消费心理划分市场。包括生活方式、性格、用者身份、着眼点、对品牌的忠诚度、有心购买程度、对各营销因素的敏感程度,第三章 国际市场分析 李艳丽,9,Demographic Segmentation,IncomePopulationAge distributionGenderEducationOccupation,What are the trends?,第三章 国际市场分析 李艳丽,10,Demographic Facts and Trends,A widening age gap exists b
7、etween the older populations in the West and the large working-age populations in developing countriesIn the European Union,the number of consumers aged 16 and under is rapidly approaching the number of consumers aged 60-plusAsia is home to 500 million consumers aged 16 and underHalf of Japans popul
8、ation will be age 50 or older by 2025,第三章 国际市场分析 李艳丽,11,Demographic Facts and Trends,Americas three main ethnic groupsAfrican/Black Americans,Hispanic Americans,and Asian Americansrepresent a combined annual buying power of$1 trillionThe United States is home to 28.4 million foreign-born residents w
9、ith a combined income of$233 billionBy 2030,20 percent of the U.S.population70 million Americanswill be 65 or older versus 13 percent(36 million)todayIndia has the youngest demographic profile among the worlds large nations:More than half its population is under the age of 25,第三章 国际市场分析 李艳丽,12,Segme
10、nting by Income and Population,Income is a valuable segmentation variableIn 2007,the 10 most populous countries in the world accounted for 47 percent of world income;the 5 most populous accounted for 36 percentDo not read into the numbersSome services are free in developing nations so there is more
11、purchasing powerFor products whose price is low enough population is a more important variable,第三章 国际市场分析 李艳丽,13,10 Most Populous Countries,第三章 国际市场分析 李艳丽,14,Age Segmentation,Global Teens young people between the ages of 12 and 19A group of teenagers randomly chosen from different parts of the world
12、 will share many of the same tastesGlobal Elite affluent consumers who are well traveled and have the money to spend on prestigious products with an image of exclusivity,第三章 国际市场分析 李艳丽,15,Gender Segmentation,In focusing on the needs and wants of one gender,do not miss opportunities to serve the othe
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