1、商业银行经营管理案例,Spring 2015,2,商业银行经营评估,商业银行收益与风险,EVA,RAROC,CAMEL,3,绩效评估的主要方法,杜邦财务体系的绩效评价方法(The Du Pont System)Robert S.Kaplan“平衡计分卡”(Balanced Scorecard)CAMELSStern Stewart咨询公司提出的EVA(Economic Value Added,经济增加值法)法(1993)RAROC方法,4,绩效评价主要发展阶段,成本绩效评价阶段侧重于管理职能、组织方式,关注的主要是效率问题设计了标准成本会计制度,以标准成本为依据来进行经营业绩的评价从事评价转变
2、为事前预算财务绩效评价阶段1903年,杜邦公司发明了以股权收益率(ROE)为考核中心的杜邦分析法将股权收益率分解为资产回报率(ROA)和利润率(PM),总结分析影响公司经营绩效的诸多因素所起的影响作用绩效评价指标创新20 世纪 80 年代形成了以财务指标为主,非财务指标为辅的绩效评价指标体,5,杜邦财务分析法,The Du Pont System,also known as thedupont identity,DuPont equation,DuPont Modelor theDuPont methodAnalysis focuses the attention on three criti
3、cal elements of the financial condition of a company:the operating management,management of assets and the capital structureReturn on equity(ROE)=net income/total equityReturn on equity=(net income/sales)*(sales/total equity)ROE=net profit margin*return on equityReturn on equity(ROE)=net income/tota
4、l equityROE=net profit margin*asset turnover*equity multiplie,6,杜邦财务分析法,All firms should attempt to make ROE ashigh as possible over the long term,however,ROE can be high for the wrong reasons.For example,when ROE is high because the equity multiplier is high,this means that high returns are really
5、coming from overuse of debt,which can spell troubleIf two companies have the same ROE,but the first is well managed(high net-profit margin)and managed assets efficiently(high asset turnover)but has a low equity multiplier compared to the other company,then an investor is better off investing in the
6、first company,because the capital structure can be changed easily(increase use of debt),but changing management is difficult,7,Balanced Scorecard,A strategyperformance managementtool1990 led by Dr.Robert S.Kaplan in conjunction with US management consultancy Nolan-NortonPresentation of a mixture of
7、financial and non-financial measures each compared to a target value within a single concise reportThe report is not meant to be a replacement for traditional financial or operationalIt is effective in that it articulates the links between leading inputs(human and physical),processes,and lagging out
8、comes and focuses on the importance of managing these components to achieve the organizations strategic priorities,8,绩效评价主要发展阶段,对银行效率进行的研究(始于20 世纪 90 年代)对银行资产规模、组织形式、市场集中度、资本化程度等因素对银行效率的影响作了研究美国银行业研究发现银行规模、集中度、资产、不良贷款率、人均营业费用、股权结构等都对美国银行的效率有着显著的影响战略、战略执行、环境三个层面人力资源、技术、过程管理等模对金融服务质量、成本和便利程度有影响银行分支机构的
9、内部绩效评价方法计算机网络对银行绩效的影响,9,CAMELS Rating System,A supervisory rating system originally developed in the U.S.to classify abanks overall conditionCapital adequacy,Asset quality,Management quality,Earnings,Liquidity,Sensitivity to Market Risk Bank supervisory authorities assign each bank a score on a scal
10、e of one(best)to five(worst)for each factorIf a bank has an average score less than two it is considered to be a high-quality institution,while banks with scores greater than three are considered to be less-than-satisfactory,10,EVA方法,EVA度量的是“资本利润”,而不是通常的“会计利润”全面考虑了企业的资本成本考虑了权益资本成本资本获得的收益至少要能补偿投资者承担的
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