1、Chinese-English TranslationTheory and Practice,4.1 主语的确定4.2 谓语的确定与主谓一致问题4.3 语序的调整4.4 否定句的英译4.5 句子功能的再现,第四章 句子的英译,目录,第1章 绪论 2学时第2章 汉英翻译基础知识 4学时第3章 词语的英译 6学时第4章 句子的英译 6学时第5章 句群与段落的英译 2学时第6章 篇章的英译 6学时第7章 自编翻译专题 4学时,4.1 主语的确定4.2 谓语的确定与主谓一致问题4.3 语序的调整4.4 否定句的英译4.5 句子功能的再现,第四章 句子的英译,否定句:对事物作出否定判断的句子,叫否定句。
2、,4.4 否定句的英译,我不喜欢这本书。你这样说毫无道理。你得赶紧走,否则会迟到。,4.4 否定句的英译,汉语否定句一般分为两类:单重否定句(只有一个否定词)双重否定句(有两个否定词),4.4 否定句的英译,你别不知好歹。连我都听说了,你不会还不知道吧!你不能不让人乐于为你而生,勇于为你而死,为了你而奋发前进!,4.4 否定句的英译,英语表达否定概念通常有两种手段:词汇手段:No,not,never;Hardly,rarely,seldom,barelyNo-,non-,in-,dis-,un-,im-,4.4 否定句的英译,英语表达否定概念通常有两种手段:2.句法手段:Other than;
3、rather than;would rather than;tooto,4.4 否定句的英译,Hes too young to take care of himself.他年龄太小,照顾不了自己。He said hed be damned if hed stop.他说他要放手就不是人。Catch me doing that.我才不会干那种事呢。,4.4 否定句的英译,汉语否定句译成英语时,多半以否定形式表达。我认为他不够格。I dont think he is qualified.,译成英语的否定句,2.因此,在你取得成绩时,不要抱怨他人对你的攻击。So when you succeed in
4、 something,dont complain against any possible attack you may encounter.,译成英语的否定句,3.水淀里没有一个人影,只有一团白绸子样的水鸟,也躲开鬼子往北飞,落到大荷叶下面歇凉去了。No one else was in sight.Only a flock of silky white water-fowl flew off to the north away from the Japanese soldiers,alighting to rest in the shade of big lotus leaves.,译成英语
5、的否定句,4.(与此同时,上海人也清醒地认识到,)不能沾沾自喜以“老大”自居。In no way should they become complacent and pose as No.1 in the country.,译成英语的否定句,5.人民军队离不开人民,就像鱼儿离不开水一样。The people is to the peoples army what water is to fish.,4.4.2 译成英语的肯定句,6.密云水库。远山叠翠,绿波万顷,和我记忆中的太湖不相上下。The Miyun Reservoir with its vast area of green waves
6、and row upon row of verdant mountains in the distance can be equally matched with the Taihu Lake in my memory.,4.4.2 译成英语的肯定句,7.我年轻的日子已经一去不返。Gone are the days when I was young.,4.4.2 译成英语的肯定句,8.谅你不敢再这么干。Do that again if you dare.,4.4.2 译成英语的肯定句,9.你借钱给那个无赖,不啻把钱丢在海里。You might as well throw your money
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