1、Networks of BiologicalSignaling Pathways信号传递网络,康海岐 高方远 马欣荣,一、生物体内的信号传递,1.The sense of signal transduction:intercelluar information exchange,regulation of metobolism,on body level 2.Type of signals:neuroregulation:neurotransmitter(乙酰胆碱,胺类 氨基酸,调节肽类等),neuroregulator chemical signals:cAMP,Ca2+,hormone,3
2、.Mechanisms:3.1 pr.pr.,3.2 E reaction(p)3.3 E activity 3.4 pr.degradation 3.5 intracelluar messager 3.6 seconder messager,E,cell,一、生物体内的信号传递,4.Signaling pathways:4.1 Ca2+4.2 cAMP 4.3 tyrosine kinase:EGFR,insulinR 4.4 other pr.kinase cascade:PKC,PKA,PKG 4.5 intracelluar protease cascadeSignal transmi
3、ssion occur:i.Pr.pr.Interaction ii.Enzymatic reaction:p iii.Pr.Degradation iiii.Production of intracellular messager,一、生物体内的信号传递,5.cytoplasm membrane receptor:5.1 neurotransmitter-dependention channel(依赖神经递质的离子通道):nAChR(烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体)GABA(-氨基丁酸)GlyR(甘氨酸受体)5.2 receptor connecting to signal transduction p
4、rotein(G,N protein second messenger activate E.):mAChR(毒蕈碱型乙酰胆碱受体)adrenergic-,-receptor(肾上腺素能-,-受体)5.3 growth factor receptor(tyrosine kinase activity):PDGFR(血小板衍生的生长因子受体),EGFR(表皮生长因子受体),insulin R(胰岛素受体),Peptide Signaling in Plants,PNAS,Nov.6,2001,vol.98 no.23 In plants,only a few peptide have been
5、identified that act as signaling molecules.In contrast,signaling peptides are major players in all aspects of the life cycle in animals and yeast.suggests that signaling mechanisms across the eukaryotic kingdom are fundamentally different.,目前有关植物中信号肽的研究主要基于以下5种:番茄systemin PSK ENOD40 CLV3 SCR 18 aa 1
6、0-13 aa 72-75 aa 53-55 aa,2.最近分离到另外3种活性信号肽:RALF:rapid alkalinization factor,5 kd;Tobacco systemin:Tob sys I,Tob sys II,1)tomato systemin:由食草动物损伤后引起的系统 损伤反应(a systemic wounding response)在悬浮培养细胞中可以激活促细胞分裂蛋白激酶 mitogen-activated protein(MAP)kinase 并诱导培养基地碱化(alkalinization)诱导蛋白酶抑制蛋白编码基因的表达(induce express
7、ion of proteinase-inhibitor protein-encoding genes),3.功能:,2)tobacco systemin Tob I and Tob II:激活 MAP kinase,但不诱导蛋白酶抑制蛋白编码 基因的表达3)RALF(rapid alkalinizaton factor):激活 MAP kinase,但不诱导蛋白酶抑制蛋白编码 基因的表达;快速引起 medium 碱化,From the followings support the idea that peptide and nonpeptide hormone-activated signal
8、ing cascades are linked in plants as they are in animals:植物生长素类似5羟色胺,乙烯类似一氧化碳,油菜素类固醇是类固醇,茉莉酮酸与前列腺素相关;Systemin-induced wound response is regulated through the octadecanoid pathway,involving jasmonic acid;,4.信号调控网络,PSK-induced cell proliferation requires the hormones auxin or cytokinin;Some of the dev
9、elopmental distortions in roots induced on addition of RALF are reminiscent of impaired nonpeptide hormone-controlled processes.,因此,揭开两种信号cascades之间关系,将是非常有趣的事。,一、生物体内的信号传递,6.2 IP3 system,Hermone/neurotransmitter,G protein,PLC,PIP2,IP3+DAG,CaM,mAChR,EGFR,insulinR,adrenergicR,组胺R,5-羟色胺R,多肽激素R,Ca2+,PK
10、C等蛋白激酶,磷酸酯酶,核苷酸环化酶,离子通道蛋白,肌肉收缩蛋白等依赖Ca2+/CaM的蛋白。,Ca2+/CaM,PKC*,使各种受体,膜蛋白,收缩蛋白,细胞骨架蛋白,核蛋白和酶类的丝氨酸或苏氨酸残基磷酸化,从而影响细胞代谢、生长和分化。,AA,GC,cGMP,多种酶及依赖cGMP的蛋白激酶。,激活多种酶和依赖cGMP的蛋白激酶而发挥生理作用。,激活蛋白激酶活性,自身与tyrosine残基磷酸化,促进cell生长和分化。,二、海马趾CA1神经元区室化模型中的15个信号途径,A:EGF,SOSB:GEF,RasC:cAMP,AC1,AC2D:GE:AA,PLA2 F:PLC,PLC G:DAG,
11、IP3 H:MAPK Cascade I:CaMKII J:PKA K:PKC L:Ca,IP3 M:CaM N:CaN O:PP1,Reaction A:EGF,SOS,Reaction B:GEF,Ras,Reaction C:cAMP,AC1,AC2,Reaction D:G,Reaction E:AA,PLA2,Reactions F,G:PLC,PLC,DAG,IP3,Reaction H:MAPK Cascade,The various phosphorylation states of CaMKII have different enzyme kinetics,and each
12、of these were explicitly modeled.For simplicity the autophosphorylation steps are represented by a single enzyme arrow in this figure,with CaMKII_a as the combined activity of the various phosphorylation states.The individual kinetic terms used in the model are indicated by the multiple rate referen
13、ces on the arrows.,Reaction I:CaMKII,Reaction J:PKA,Reaction K:PKC,Reaction L:Ca,IP3,Reaction M:CaM,Reaction N:CaN,Reaction O:PP1,三、establishing the individual pathways 1.steps,1.Set up model activation of single component.2.generate the model for an individual signaling pathway.3.Obtain a good empi
14、rical model which fit the experimental data.4.examine experimentally defined combination of 2 or 3 such individual signaling pathways.5.test these combined models.,2.Materials and methord,(1).Hippocampal CA1 neuron(in GENSIS),(2).NMDARon dendritic spine(树突棘)on the model(3).Synaptic input(3 tetanic b
15、ursts at 100HZ,1s each)LTP Ca2+waveforms,3.Computation formulation,Genesis formulation:S+E SE-k3-P+E Vmax=max velocity=k3.Substrate is saturating,so all of E is in SE form.So Vmax.Etot=SE.k3=Etot.k3 Km=(k3+k2)/k1 k2=k3*4 Kd=Kb/KfIf A*Bhalf*Kf=Chalf=Bhalf*Kb then A=Kb/Kf=Kd Ka=Kf/Kb=1/Kd,4.verificati
16、on,(i).Model simple kinetic schemes that could be calculated analytically,compare simulated results with analytical results.(ii).Use the law of mass conservation and microscopic reversibility principles(微观可逆性原理)test accuracy in complex reaction schemes.(iii).Run the same model at different time step
17、s,compare the resulting simulated values.,5.Protein Kinase C modeling example,Simulation parameters:PKC,References,1.Review:Y.Nishizuka,Nature 334,661(1988)2.J.D.Schaechter and L.I.Benowitz,J.Neurosci.13,4361(1993)3.T.Shinomura,Y.Asaoka,M.Oka,K.Yoshida,Y.Nishizuka,Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.88,5149(1991)U.K
18、ikkawa,Y.Takai,R.Minakuchi,S.Inohara,Y.Nishizuka,J.Biol.Chem.257,13341(1982).,A.Block diagram of activation for PKC pathway by Ca2+,AA and DAG.,built up simulations iteratively:First:matched AA activation of PKC at zero Ca.Then:matched activation of PKC with Ca at zero AA,Third:matched the curves in
19、 B with 1 uM Ca and varying AA.Four:test the match for C,with varying Ca and 50 uM AA.Last:incorporated DAG interactions into the model.,B:Activation of PKC by AA,with(triangles)or without(squares)1 mM Ca2+.,Open symbols and dashed lines represent simulations,solid symbols and solid lines are experi
20、mental data.Shows:Ca2+is necessary for the activation of PKC.,experimental concentration-effect curves from two main sources:J.D.Schaechter and L.I.Benowitz,J.Neurosci.13,4361(1993);T.Shinomura,Y.Asaoka,M.Oka,K.Yoshida,Y.Nishizuka,Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A.88,5149(1991),C:Activation of PKC by Ca2+,wi
21、th(triangles)or without(squares)50 mM AA.,The curve in the presence of 50 mM AA(triangles)was predicted from the parameters obtained by matching the curves in B and the curve without AA(squares)in C,without further adjustment.,D:Activation of PKC by DAG,with(triangles)or without(squares)50 mM AA.,Bo
22、th curves in D were obtained in the presence of 1 mM Ca2+.Due to different methods for estimating DAG concentrations the levels of DAG used in the model are scaled 15-fold up with respect to the experimental conditions from Shinomura et al.,四、develope the network model in stages,First:model individu
23、al pathwaysThen:examin experimentally defined combinations of two or three such individual pathways and test these combined models against published data.Third:repeat this process using larger assemblies of pathways until the entire network model of interacting pathways wasformed.Pathways were linke
24、d by two kinds of interactions:(i)Second messengers such as AA and DAG,produced by one pathway were used as inputs to other pathways.(ii)Enzymes whose activation was regulated by one pathway were coupled to substrates belonging to other pathways.,1、one Signaling pathways exampleS(1).EGFs stimulation
25、 of MAPK1,2,Fig.2.EGF receptor signaling pathways.(A).Block diagram of signalingpathways.Rectangles represent enzymes,and circles represent messengermolecules.This model used modules shown in Fig.1,reaction A(EGF),B(Ca2+/CaM),E(AA,PLA2),H(PKC),F(PLC,DAG,IP3),H(MAPK ascade),K(PKC),I(CaMKII),L(Ca,IP3)
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