1、double-entry bookkeepingaccounting cycle/processfinancial statementaccounting equationassetliabilityowners equityrevenueexpensedividendretained earningnet income(loss)entry,复式簿记会计循环财务报表会计恒等式资产负债所有者权益收入费用股利留存收益净利润/净损失分录,Recording Phase,Relevant Glossary,business/source documentdebitcreditjournalspeci
2、al(general)journalcomputerized accounting systemchart of accountledgergeneral(subsidiary)ledgerposttrial balancebalance sheetincome statementaccounting period,业务凭证/原始凭证借(方)贷(方)日记账特种(普通)日记账电算化会计系统账户表分类账总(明细)分类账过账试算平衡表资产负债表收益/利润表会计期,会计年度,Relevant Glossary(2),Recording Phase,Step 1Analyzingbusinessdocu
3、ments,Step 3Posting toledgeraccounts,Step 2Journalizingtransactions,financial positionadjusting entriesprepaid expensedepreciation expenseaccumulated depreciationunearned revenueaccrued expensenominal(temporary)accountreal(permanent)accountcloseproprietorshippartnershippost-closing trial balance,财务状
4、况调整分录预付费用折旧费用累计折旧预收收入应计费用虚账户(临时账户)实账户(永久账户)结账 所有权,独资合伙结账后试算表,1-2 Reporting Phase,Relevant Glossary,A list of the account titles in the ledger with their respective debit and credit balancesWhy we need a trial balance?To serve as a general check to determine if the debits and credits in the general l
5、edger are equal.To show all general ledger account balances on one concise record.,Trial balance,Knowledge Points,Possible errors even a trial balance does balance:Failing to record or enter a particular transaction.Entering a transaction more than once.Entering one or more amounts in the wrong acco
6、unts.Making a compensating error that exactly offsets the effect of another error.,Trial balance(continued),Four types of adjusting entries:Apportioning recorded costs(prepaid expense,depreciation expense);Apportioning recorded revenue(unearned revenue);Accruing unrecorded expense(accrued expense);A
7、ccruing unrecorded revenue(accrued revenue).Accrual Basis V.S.Cash Basis accounting 权责发生制 收付实现制,Adjusting Procedures,Revenue is recognized when earned rather than when cash is collected and expenses are recognized when goods and services are used rather than when they are paid for.,Revenue is recogn
8、ized when money is received and expenses are recognized when money is paid.,Normal accounts and real accounts,Closing Procedures,Income statement accounts,Balance sheet accounts,Basic principles:historical cost 历史成本原则revenue realization 收入实现原则matching 配比原则consistency 一致性原则full disclosure 充分披露原则objec
9、tivity 客观性原则GAAP must be followed by publicly owned corporations:auditingGAAP are changed and refined.,Business(source)document,Offering detailed informationAssigning responsibilityVerifying the accounting records,11,financial reportaccounting calculationoperating resultcash flow statementnotes to t
10、he financial statementcreditorsgovernment departmentfinance and security institutionmanagementAccounting Standards for Business Enterprise,财务报告会计核算经营成果现金流量表会计报表附注债权人政府职能部门金融和证券机构(企业)管理层企业会计准则,2-1 Introduction,Relevant Glossary,12,shot-term liquiditylong-term solvencycapital structure profitabilitywo
11、rking capitalcontingencyaccount formreport form“T”account,2-1 Introduction,Relevant Glossary,短期偿债能力长期偿债能力资本结构盈利能力营运资本,营运资金或有事项账户式报告式 T形账,13,accounting treatmentcurrent periodprior periodunusual itemshistorical costmarket valuemeasurement currencyinflationpurchasing power,2-1 Introduction,Relevant Gl
12、ossary,会计处理当期 前期非常项目历史成本市场价值(市价)计量货币通货膨胀购买力,14,short-term investmentnotes/accounts receivableprovision for bad debtsnet valuefixed assetconstruction in progressdeferred tax on debit/creditshort-term loans(payable)notes/accounts payable,短期投资应收票据/账款坏账准备净值固定资产在建工程递延税款借项/贷项短期借款应付票据/账款,2-2 The Balance Sh
13、eet and Notes to the Financial Statements,Relevant Glossary,15,advances from customersaccrued payroll/welfaredividends/profits payabletaxes payable other dutiableestimable liabilitiesprovision for expensespaid-in capitalcapital reservesurplus reserveundistributed profit,Relevant Glossary(2),预收账款应付工资
14、/福利费应付股利/利润应交税金其他应交款预计负债预提费用实收资本资本公积盈余公积未分配利润,16,To help explain,evaluate and predictshort-term liquiditycapital structure and long-term solvencythe operating performance,The Functions of the Balance Sheet,Knowledge Points,17,allowing the users to tell at a glance that total assets are being finance
15、d by two sourcesby the creditors and by the owners.Assets=Liabilities+Owners equity,Form of the Balance Sheet,Account Form,Report Form,allowing the users see clearly that owners equity,the difference between assets and liabilities,is the residual claim to the equity of a business.Assets-Liabilities=
16、Owners equity,18,Limitation of the Balance Sheet,Cannot reflect the current value of a businessElements reported at historical costthe measurement currency is instableAll companies do not classify and report all like items similarly:incomparable between different companiesSome relevant information i
17、s omitted,19,profit distributionrealization conceptrevenue recognitionIASB:International Accounting Standard BoardFASB:Financial Accounting Standard Boardconceptual frameworkmatching concept,利润分配实现原则收入确认国际会计准则理事会(美国)财务会计准则委员会概念框架配比原则,2-3 The Income Statement,Relevant Glossary,20,direct matchingdepre
18、ciation and amortizationexpenditureoperating revenue/costoperating taxes and surchargesselling expenseadministrative expensefinancial expensenon-operating income/expenseincome taxsingle-step form multiple-step form,Relevant Glossary(2),直接配比折旧与摊销支出,花费营业收入/成本营业税金及附加销售费用管理费用财务费用营业外收入/支出所得税单步式多步式,21,To
19、help explain,evaluate and predict the operating results and profitability;To help explain,evaluate and predict solvency;To help the management make operating decisions;To help evaluate the managements performance.,The Functions of the Income Statement,Knowledge Points,22,Simple and convenient to pre
20、pare,butFails to disclose some important information,and is inconvenient to compare and analyze.,Form of the Income Statement,Single-step Form,Multi-step Form,Provides more comprehensive information about the formation of profit,and is convenient to compare and analyze;but May leads to misunderstand
21、ing sources of income or loss and is difficult to hold unified views on items classification.,23,Cash receipts and cash disbursements/paymentsCash equivalentliquidityOperating/investing/financing activityWorking capitaldepositFinancial instrumentEquity financingDebt financingDirect methodIndirect me
22、thodnoncurrent,现金收支现金等价物流动性,变现能力经营/投资/筹资活动营运资本,营运资金存款,押金,保证金金融工具权益融资债务融资直接法间接法非流动的,2-4 The Statement of Cash Flows,Relevant Glossary,24,Sometimes net income doesnt tell us accurately the economic performance of a company for a period.The CF statement can provide additional information about 3 catego
23、ries of activities.Pro-forma CF statement can help us analyze whether the plans are consistent and workable.,Why we need the Statement of CF?,Knowledge Points,25,The Structure of CF statement,CF from operating activitiesCash inflow:providing goods and services Cash outflow:purchasing inventory;payin
24、g wages,taxes,utilities,rent,etc.CF from investing activitiesCash inflow:selling long-term assets,financial instruments not intended for trading purposes;collecting loans,26,Cash outflow:purchasing long-term assets,financial instruments not intended for trading purposes;making loansCF from financing
25、 activitiesCash inflow:obtaining cash from owners(issuing shares)and creditors(borrowing)Cash outflow:repaying cash to owners(paying dividends and profit)and creditors(paying debt and interest expense),The Structure of CF statement,27,CF From Operating Activities,Direct method Operating inflows-Oper
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