2、有乙酰胆碱受体、皮质类固醇激素受体、组胺受体、麻素受体、阿片受体、神经激肽1受体(NK-1),他们位于脑部呕吐中枢和前庭中枢。止吐药能够阻断不同的神经通路,在呕吐发生过程的不同点发挥他们的作用,或者协同其他药物发挥作用。当止吐药达到一定浓度时,每一种药物都能阻断一种受体的大部分,而呕吐的最终的共同通道还没有发现,因此,没有任何单一的止吐药能够在化疗引起的各阶段呕吐中提供完全的保护作用。,呕吐分类,一 急性呕吐(治疗24小时内发生的呕吐)二 迟发性呕吐(治疗24小时后发生的呕吐)三 特殊呕吐问题 1.预期性呕吐 2.序惯性呕吐.顽固性呕吐.放疗所致呕吐,呕吐分类,急性呕吐发生于用药后的几分钟到几
3、个小时之内,多在24小时之内消失,发生强度高峰在用药5-6小时。急性呕吐的发生受以下因素影响:年龄、性别、化疗用药环境、是否有慢性酒精中毒史、运动病、以前恶心呕吐发生情况、致吐药剂量、止吐药效果等。迟发性呕吐主要发生于用药小时后,通常与顺铂、卡铂、环磷酰胺和阿霉素等有关。对顺铂来说,呕吐在化疗后小时达到高峰,可能持续天。,呕吐分类,预期性呕吐 预期性呕吐发生于既往化疗中呕吐控制不佳的患者,在下一次化疗之前发生;他只是一种条件反射,有晕动病病史者易发生预期性呕吐。他的发生率约,恶心比呕吐更常见;年轻的患者更容易发生预期性恶心呕吐,因为他们接受了更强烈的化疗,总体上,对恶心呕吐的控制更差。序惯性呕
4、吐指尽管接受了预防治疗,仍然发生的呕吐,要求进一步救治。,呕吐分类,顽固性呕吐指在早期的化疗周期止吐预防或治疗失败,而后续的化疗期间又发生的呕吐。放疗引起的恶心呕吐接受全身或上腹部放疗的患者最有可能发生恶心呕吐,因为胃肠(尤其是小肠)神经束包含的快速分裂细胞对放疗特别敏感;另外,分次照射量、总照射量、被照射组织总量越高,恶心呕吐的可能性就越大;在骨髓移植术之前给与全身照射时也有可能引起恶心呕吐。,化疗的致吐风险,Hesketh classification as follows:高致吐风险(级):以上病人发生呕吐。中致吐风险(,级):病人发生呕吐。低致吐风险(级):病人发生呕吐。极低致吐风险(
5、级):以下病人发生呕吐。,静脉用抗肿瘤药物的致吐风险分级,癌症病人呕吐控制原则,Prevention of nausea/vomiting is the goal.The risk of emesis and nausea for persons receiving chemotherapy of high and moderate emetic risk last for at least 4 days.Patients need to be protected throughout the full period of risk.Oral and IV antiemetic formula
6、tions have equivalent effectiveness.,癌症病人呕吐控制原则,use the lowest fully efficacious dose of the antiemetic(s)prior to chemotherapy or radiation therapy.Consider the toxicity of the specific antiemetic(s).Choice of antiemetic(s)used should be based on the emetic risk of the therapy as well as patient fa
7、ctors.,癌症病人呕吐控制原则,There are other potential causes of emesis in cancer patients.These may include:Partial or complete bowel obstruction estibular dysfunctionBrain metastasesElectrolyte imbalance:hypercalcemia,hyperglycemia,hyponatremiaAnxietyAnticipatory nausea and vomiting,癌症病人呕吐控制原则,Concomitant dr
8、ug treatments including opiatesGastroparesis,tumor or chemotherapy(vincristine etc)induced.Psychophysiologic:Anxiety Anticipatory nausea and vomitingAnxietyAnticipatory nausea and vomiting,预防由高致吐风险抗肿瘤药物所致呕吐的用药方案,Start before chemotherapy Aprepitant 125 mg PO day 1,80 mg PO daily days 2-3 Or Fosaprep
9、itant dimeglumine 115mg iv day1,80 mg PO daily days 2-3 and Dexamethasone 12 mg PO or IV day 1,8 mg PO or IV daily days 2-4 and 5-HT3 antagonist:Ondansetron 16-24 mg PO or 8-12 mg(maximum32 mg)IV day1,预防由高致吐风险抗肿瘤药物所致呕吐的用药方案,Granisetron 2 mg PO or 1 mg PO bid or 0.01 mg/kg(maximum 1 mg)IV day 1 orDol
10、asetron 100 mg PO or 1.8 mg/kg IV or 100 mg IV day 1 orPalonosetron 0.25 mg IV day 1 And Lorazepam 0.5-2 mg PO or IV or sublingual q4 6 h days 1-4,预防由中致吐风险抗肿瘤药物所致呕吐的用药方案,Day1 Start before chemotherapy Aprepitant 125 mg PO day 1,in select patients Or Fosaprepitant dimeglumine 115mg iv day1 and Dexame
11、thasone 12 mg PO or IV day 1 and 5-HT3 antagonist:Palonosetron 0.25 mg IV day 1,预防由中致吐风险抗肿瘤药物所致呕吐的用药方案,Ondansetron 16-24 mg PO or 8-12 mg(maximum 32 mg)IV day 1Granisetron 2 mg PO or 1 mg PO bid or 0.01 mg/kg(maximum 1 mg)IV day 1 orDolasetron 100 mg PO or 1.8 mg/kg IV or 100 mg IV day 1 And Lorazep
12、am 0.5-2 mg PO or IV or sublingual q4 6 h,预防由中致吐风险抗肿瘤药物所致呕吐的用药方案,Day2-3 Start before chemotherapyAprepitant 80mg PO days2-3 if used on days1+Dexamethasone 8mg PO or iv daily Or Dexamethasone 8mg PO or iv daily or 4mg PO or iv daily 5-HT3 antagonist:Ondansetron 16 mg PO or 8 mg bid daily or 8mg(maxim
13、um 32 mg)IV,预防由中致吐风险抗肿瘤药物所致呕吐的用药方案,Day2-3 Start before chemotherapyGranisetron 1-2 mg PO or 1 mg PO bid or 0.01 mg/kg(maximum 1 mg)IV orDolasetron 100 mg PO or 1.8 mg/kg IV or 100 mg IV And Lorazepam 0.5-2 mg PO or IV or sublingual q4 6 h,预防由低致吐风险抗肿瘤药物所致呕吐的用药方案,Start before chemotherapy每天化疗重复用药Dexam
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