1、不同人群的营养 Life Cycle Nutrition,1.孕妇的营养,孕妇的营养的目的,一是要提供能满足胎体生长发育所必须的各种营养素;二是要满足自身的营养需求,达到预防出现的母体和胎体营养缺乏及某些并发症.,孕妇的营养生理特点,激素的变化人绒毛膜促性腺激素(安胎)人绒毛膜生长素(促进蛋白质和DNA的合成)雌激素(促进母体乳房发育)孕酮(维持子宫内膜及乳房的发育),胃肠道的变化胃排空延迟。胃酸下降。消化不良肠蠕动减弱,循环系统 血容量增加 50%心输出增加血红蛋白降低,泌尿系统的变化,肾小球滤过率增加大50%肾血浆流量增加75%,体重增加,总体重增加:1113kg,胎儿:3.3kg胎盘、羊
2、水:1.5kg子宫:1.0kg血液:1.2kg乳房:0.4kg细胞间液:1.5kg脂肪:24kg,怀孕期间体重的要求,孕妇的营养需求,如何确定孕妇的最佳营养需要量是一个复杂科学问题,通常以组织和体液中的营养素含量来阐述营养素的需要量.,热能 估计孕妇整个孕期需要增加热能55000 kcal.孕中后期增加 200 kcal/day,蛋白质 蛋白质也增加;RNI:+5g/d 孕前期+15g/d 孕中期+20g/d 孕后期,矿物质钙 孕妇需要更多的钙,因为她们从尿中丢失的钙要比一般妇女多。.The fetus retains about 30 grams of calcium over the co
3、urse of gestation.Most of the calcium is deposited in the last trimester when the fetal skeleton is growing most rapidly and the teeth are forming.RNI 800mg 孕前期 1000mg 孕中期 1200mg 孕后期 食物来源:牛奶和奶制品。,铁 缺铁性贫血 低出生体重 preterm delivery Babies born prematurely may not have had time to accumulate sufficient ir
4、on,but babies born at term usually have adequate iron even if the mother is deficient.RNI 15mg 1st trimester 25mg 2nd trimester 35mg 3rd trimester 食物来源:红肉,绿叶蔬菜,fortified cereals 铁补充剂,锌 Zinc deficiency during pregnancy is associate with an increased risk of fetal malformation and low birth weight.RNI
5、 11.5mg/d 1st trimesrer 16.5mg/d 2nd trimester 16.5mg/d 3nd trimester 碘 Iodine deficiency during pregnancy increases the risk of stillbirth spontaneous abortion and can result in condition in the offspring called cretinism(呆小病).RNI200g/d,叶酸 and Vitamin B12 叶酸 和 vit B12 是细胞分化必需的,Adequate folate intak
6、es is crucial even before conception because rapid cell division occurs in the first days and weeks of pregnancy.四氢叶酸与神经管的形成密切相关。Deficiencies of folate and vitamin B12 can also result in megaloblastic anemia.,维生素,megaloblastic anemia:reticulocytes cells must be constantly replenished via new synthes
7、is of DNA and RNA,Vitamin A High dietary intakes of preformed vitamin A(10,000IU)can cause birth defects in humans and animals.Vitamin DVitamin C,营养不良对胎儿的影响,低出生体重早产儿脑发育受损围生期新生儿死亡率增高 先天性畸形,乳母的生理特点,2.乳母的营养需求,乳母的营养要求,The need for energy and many nutrient is even greater during lactation than during pre
8、gnancy.This is because the mother is still providing for all of the nutrient needs of infant who is growing faster and is mover active then the fetus.,热能 Contained in the milk itself Needed to synthesize the components of the milk RNI:+500kcal 蛋白质 The protein needed to produce milk increase maternal
9、 protein needs RNI+20g,水 When fluid intake is low,the mothers urine will become more concentrated to conserve water for milk production.To avoid dehydration and ensure adequate milk production,fluid intak should be increased by about 1L/d.,RNIs of some 元素 and 维生素,lactation pregnant non-pregnant Calc
10、ium 1200mg 1200mg 800mgIron 25mg 35 mg 20mgVit.A 1200 g 700 g 700 gVit.B1 1.8mg 1.5mg 1.3mgVitB2 1.7mg 1.7mg 1.2mg,热能 1.Basal metabolic requirement2.Specific dynamic effect3.Physical activity4.Tissue growth5.Fecal loss 3 times greater than in adults,8595kcal/kg 4050%come from fat high energy density
11、 small stomach important for nervous system development,3.婴儿的营养nutrition,蛋白质 Tissue growth 1.62.2g/kg Total protein intake should not exceed 20%of energy needs.脂肪 energy/%00.5 year:45%50%0.5:35%40%EFA development of nervous system,矿物质 and 维生素 Special emphasis on calcium and iron IronIron-fortified i
12、nfant formulasIron-fortified cereal水 Need greater than that of an adult Infant 120150ml/kg/day,母乳喂养,人乳的营养,Human milk is very different in composition from cows milkUnless altered,cows milk should not be used in infant feeding until the infant is 12 months old.,2.母乳的组成蛋白质 approximate 1/3 as in cows m
13、ilk whey proteins:casein=80:20(18:20in cows)smaller and more flocculent curd easier digestion,greater absorption,soft stools 脂肪 most variable macronutrient in human milk fine emulsification active lipase higher degree of unsaturation,碳水化物 lactose is higher lower intestinal PH improve the absorption
14、of nitrogen,calcium and magnesium encourages the growth of fermentative rather than putrefactive bacteria components of myelin and collagen,矿物质 calcium:phosphorus 2:1(1:1 in cows milk)copper is higher iron is slightly higher,utilized more efficiently 维生素 twice as much vitamin A and niacin four times
15、 as much as ascorbic acid and vitE vitamin D is low,免疫因子,S-IgA 免疫球蛋白Lactoferrin乳铁蛋白Lactobacillus bifidus双歧因子Lysozymes溶菌酶,Immune factors of human milk and cows milk immune factors human milk cows milk Lactoferrin(g/L)1.5 痕量 Lysozymes(g/L)0.5 0.0001 lgA(g/L)1.0 0.03 lymphocyte(个/ul)800 0 Lactobacillus
16、 bifidus(个/ul)有 未检出,初乳(colostrum)antibodies lactobacillus bifidus factor facilitates the passage of meconium(胎粪)过渡乳(transitional milk)成熟乳(mature milk),初乳和 成熟乳的组成,colostrum mature milkprotein(g/L)22.90 10.60S-IgA(mg/L)21.00 10.00Lactose(g/L)57.00 71.00lipids(g/L)29.50 45.40zinc(mg/L)5.59 1.18retinol(
17、mg/L)1.61 0.27,母乳喂养的优点,增进婴儿的免疫力营养物质最适合婴儿的生长发育增进母婴之间的感情的交流 增进面部或肌肉的发育减少呼吸道和消化道的感染降低以后慢性病的发生经济、方便、卫生 婴儿易消化。,母乳喂养幸福的源泉,每年的8月1日至7日,Introducing Solid Foods,Nutritional needPhysiological capabilitiesPhysical abilityPreventing allergies,中国居民膳食指南2007,为了给全国居民提供最基本、科学的健康膳食信息,卫生部委托中国营养学会组织专家,制订了中国居民膳食指南(2007)。
18、膳食指南以先进的科学证据为基础,密切联系我国居民膳食营养的实际,对各年龄段的居民摄取合理营养,避免由不合理的膳食带来疾病具有普遍的指导意义。,今后1020年,是中国改善国民营养健康的关键战略时期。希望全社会的广泛参与,大力推广和运用中国居民膳食指南,科学改善国民营养健康素质,为全面建设小康社会奠定坚实的人口素质基础。,一般人群膳食指南,一、食物多样,谷类为主,粗细搭配 人类的食物是多种多样的。各种食物所含的营养成分不完全相同,每种食物都至少可提供一种营养物质。平衡膳食必须由多种食物组成,才能满足人体各种营养需求,达到合理营养、促进健康的目的。,谷类食物是中国传统膳食的主体,是人体能量的主要来源
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