1、The Origin of Language,Class 4 Group 4Vicky Eric Sofia Evelyn Tiffany Jacky Silvia Tammy,OUT LINE,Lead inThe origin of languageIdealistic theory(唯心主义学说)Materialistic theory(唯物主义学说)Labor evolution theoryFour stages of the theory,1.What makes the origin so hard to find?,The origin of language in the h
2、uman species has been the topic of scholarly discussions for several centuries.In spite of this,there is no consensus on the ultimate origin or age of human language.One problem makes the topic difficult to study:the lack of direct evidence.,Part1:Lead in,2.TWO different points of view,Theories abou
3、t the origin of language differ in regard to their basic assumptions about what language is.Language is so complex that it cannot simply appearing from nothing in its final form.These theories can be called continuity-based theories.Language is so unique that it must have appeared suddenly in the tr
4、ansition from pre-hominids to early man.These theories can be called discontinuity-based.Similarly,theories based on Chomskys generative view of language see language mostly as an innate faculty that is largely genetically encoded,whereas functionalist theories see it as a system that is largely cul
5、tural,learned through social interaction.,Part1:Lead in,Cratylus(柏拉图克拉底鲁篇)This article is about Platos dialogue with the Athenian philosopher Cratylus.In the dialogue,Socrates is asked by two men,Cratylus and Hermogenes,to tell them whether names are conventional or natural,that is,whether language
6、is a system of arbitrary signs or whether words have an intrinsic relation to the things they signify.任意的符号系统或是字与事物间有着有意味的内在关系认为世界万物的名称是由各司其职的神定的。,Idealistic theory,Part2:The origin of language,Idealistic theory,2.The Gods saying,Part2:The origin of language,Old testament genesis:The God created eve
7、ry field,and every fowl of the air;and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them,and whatever Adam called them,that was their name thereof.”,旧约创世纪:上帝用地上的泥土造出了各种动物和飞鸟,把它们带到亚当那里看他怎么称呼它们。无论亚当怎么称呼每个生物,它们就如此得名。,Part2:The origin of language,Different languages?“And the whole earth was of one lan
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- TheOriginofLanguage 语言学
