1、1,Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition,Dr.Ouyang Jun,MD,PhDthe First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University,2,Questions,What is surgical nutrition?Benefits of Nutritional Support?Who requires nutritional support?How can we get nutritional support?,3,What is surgical nutrition?,The nutritional proble
2、ms in surgical diseasesIncluding enteral and parenteral nutrition,Enteral nutrition,Use of an intact gastrointestinal tract for nutritional supportBenefits:physiologic;immunologic;saffety;cost;,Indications for enteral feeding,Malnourished patients who have an intact gastrointratinal tract should ini
3、tially be given enteral feeding.,Possible contraindications to enteral feeding,Short bowel,gastrointestinal obstruction,gastrointestinal bleeding,ileus,fistulas,diarrhea,protracted vomiting ect.,Parenteral nutrition,The gastrointestinal tract can not be used.Two methods:peripheral Parenteral nutriti
4、on and total Parenteral nutrition,l,8,Benefits of Nutritional Support,Preservation of nutritional statusPrevention of complications of protein malnutrition Post-operative complications,9,Nutritional support,along with antibiotics,blood transfusion,critical care monitoring,advances in anesthesia,orga
5、n transplantation,and cardiopulmonary bypass,ranks high among advances in surgery achieved in the 20th century。,10,Although modern practice is to make aggressive use of the gut for nutritional support intravenous nutrition remains a critical therapy in instances in which enteral support cannot be ac
6、hievedeither because the gut cannot be used or because caloric requirements cannot be met by the gut alone and must be supplemented parenterally.,11,NUTRIENT REQUIREMENTS AND SUBSTRATES,The body requires an energy source to remain in a steady state.Calories Calories can come from glucose or fat.The
7、metabolism of lg glucose yields 3.4kcal.The metabolism of lg fat yields 9.2kcal.Fat can be used to provide as much as 60%of daily caloric requirements.,12,Protein,Protein balance reflects the sum of protein synthesis and protein breakdown.The quality of a protein is related to its amino acid composi
8、tion.The 20 amino acids are divided into essential amino acids(EAAs)and nonessential amino acids(NEAAs)depending on whether they can be synthesized in the body.,13,Fatty Acids,Fatty acids are classified as short-chain,medium-chain,or long-chain.The body is able to synthesize fats from other dietary
9、substrates,but two of the long-chain fatty acids(linoleic and-linolenic)are essential.Efficient functioning of the immune system depends upon a balance of eicosanoid production between the-6 and-3 PUFA.,14,Vitamins,Vitamins are involved in metabolism,wound healing,and immune function.,15,Trace Eleme
10、nts,Trace elements have important functions in metabolism,immunology,and wound healing.Subclinical trace element deficiencies occur in many common diseases.,16,Malnutrition Introduction,Malnutrition occurs in approx.40%of hospitalised patientsMalnutrition can lead to increased post-operative morbidi
11、ty and mortalityImpairment of skeletal,cardiac,respiratory muscle functionImpairment of immune functionAtrophy of GITImpaired healing,17,Nutritional Pathophysiology,18,Pathophysiology,Proteins and amino acidsRequire daily intake 0.8 g kg-1 ie.56 g for a 70 kg personEssential:a.a only obtained by die
12、tary sourceNon-essential:can be endogenously synthesisedconditionally essential:a.a unable to be synthesised under certain conditions eg.Stress,surgeryL-alanine,L-glutamate,L-asparate,19,Pathophysiology,Nutritional Balance=N input-N output1 g N=6.25 g proteinN input=(protein in g/6.25)N output=24h u
13、rinary urea nitrogen+non-urinary N losses(estimated normal non-urinary Nitrogen losses about 3-4g/d),20,Fatty acidsShort,medium chain FA directly enter portal systemLong chain FA transported as triglyceridesEssential FA unable to be synthesised ie.Linoleic and linolenic acid.Deficiency causes skin,k
14、idney disorders,Pathophysiology,21,Pathophysiology,Energy requirements:Total daily expenditure 25-30 kcal kg-1Resting metabolic rateActivity energy expenditureDiet induced energy expenditureSources:Fats9 kcal g-1Protein4 kcal g-1Carbohydrates4 kcal g-1Alcohol 7 kcal g-1,22,Patho-physiology,Energy re
15、quirements:BMR calculated by Harris-Benedict equation66.47+13.75 x W+5 x H 6.76xAAdditional caloric needs calculated by an injury factor,eg.Minor operation 1.2 x BMRTrauma1.3 x BMRSepsis 1.6 x BMRBurns2.1 x BMR,23,Pathophysiology,VitaminsKey metabolic rolesFat soluable(A,D,E,K)or water soluable,24,P
16、athophysiology,Trace elementsZinc wound healing,protein and nucleic acid synthesisFe energy transferCopper collagen synthesisSelenium anti-oxidant enzyme system,25,Pathophysiology,Changes in Starvation:decrease energy expenditure,liver glycogen depletion in 24hhepatic and muscle gluconeogenesis depl
17、eted after 24hlater consume fat,26,Pathophysiology,Changes in trauma and sepsisCatabolic phaseIncrease resting energy expenditureLoss of body nitrogen,muscle breakdownIncrease glucose production(glycogenolysis),deplete liver storesIncrease lipolysisEarly anabolic phaseLate anabolic phase,27,Who requ
18、ires nutritional support?,Patients already with malnutrition-surgery/trauma/sepsisPatients at risk of malnutritionSurgical patients who have lost more than 10%of their customary body weight will have delayed wound healing and an incridence of postoperative complications.,28,Patients at risk of malnu
19、trition,Depleted reservesCannot eat for 5 daysImpaired bowel functionCritical Illness Need for prolonged bowel rest,29,How do we detect malnutrition?,30,Nutritional Assessment,History Physical examinationAnthropometric measurementsLaboratory investigations,31,History,Dietary historySignificant weigh
20、t loss within last 6 months 15%loss of body weightcompare with ideal weightBeware the patient with ascites/oedema,32,History and physical examination,The nutritional assessment is based on information from the history and physical examination.A complete medical history is essential to identify facto
21、rs that predispose the patient to an altered nutritional status.,33,Physical Examination,A careful physical examination begins with an overall assessment of the patients appearance.Evidence of muscle wastingDepletion of subcutaneous fatPeripheral oedema,ascitesFeatures of Vitamin deficiencyeg nail a
22、nd mucosal changesEchymosis and easy bruisingEasy to detect 15%loss,34,Anthropometric Measurements,Anthropometry is the science of assessing body size,weight,and proportions.Ideal body weight(IBW)=Height(cm)-l00 x0.9 Body mass index(BMI)=Weight(kg)/Height(m2),35,Anthropometric Measurements,Weight fo
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