1、,社会医学Social Medicine,哈尔滨医科大学社会医学教研室吴群红教授,What is social medicine?,Medicine,Social science,社会学政治学经济学人类学管理学,基础医学临床医学预防医学,What is medicine?什么是医学,The science related to the diagnosis understanding prevention treatment of illness.,What is social medicine?,1.interactions and law between the social factors
2、 and health 3.Protect health&improve life quality,give the full display of the social function of health,and upgrading the general health status of the people of the society.,定义:是一门交叉学科,研究:1.社会因素 健康和疾病2.制定社会卫生策略和措施3.保护和促进健康,Human being is more of the social creature than the animal.its social attrib
3、ute is the fundamental nature New concept of Health by WHO 1948:Health is a state of complete physical,mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.,Why we need to look at the social factors?,人的本质属性:在于其社会属性WHO:新的健康定义:WHO,1948:健康是:身体 心理 社会 的完好状态,而不仅是没有疾病或身体虚弱而已。,人类的
4、双重属性The dual nature of human beings,Aristotle:human beings are,by nature,social animals 社会属性 Social nature 生物属性 Biological natureDoes it matter to health?,Whats Relationship between social factors and health?WHO put forward:Social determinants for Health,PoliticsEconomyCultureEnvironmentSocial secur
5、ity systemLife style and behaviorsHealth care system,政治经济文化环境社会保障制度生活方式和行为卫生保健体制,霍普金斯大学的研究小组通过对伊拉克全国47个区进行调查走访形成的报告认为,美国发动伊拉克战争造成了65.5万伊拉克人死亡,平均每天死亡500人,伊战以来,已有超过75万伊拉克人逃离家园,全局势使伊拉克失业率高达60。四年来,驻伊美军死亡人数超过3200名,2.4万余人受伤。3520亿美元:伊战爆发以来,美国投入伊拉克的军费已高达3520亿美元。伊境内平均每周发生的暴力事件达1000多起,超过去年5月至8月的800起更多,人口爆炸!,非
6、洲难民,美国哥伦比亚大学教授、联合国秘书长安南的特别顾问JEFFREY SACHS先生,SACHS教授说:2003年的发展议题被挤出了国际议程,战争与反恐取代了发展。艾滋病每天夺去数以千计的生命,由于贫困买不起挽救生命的药品而死亡;“911”灾难夺走了3000多人的生命,从而主宰了两年多的世界议程。世界上每天有20,000多人死于贫困、疾病、灾害 世界军费开支将达9000亿美元,而用于发展援助为500亿美元,用于艾滋病防治仅10亿美元。,Rudolf Virchow,German pathologist,1.Social and economic conditions profoundly i
7、mpact health,disease and the practice of medicine.2.The health of the population is a matter of social concern.3.Society should promote health through both individual and social means.,1.社会经济条件对健康、疾病和医学实践具有深刻的影响;2.群体的健康应该成为社会关注的内容;3.社会应该通过个人和社会的手段来改善人群健康;,2、社会医学的研究内容 Contents of social medicine:,Soc
8、ial health status,mainly population health status;Influencing factors;especially social factors Social health strategies and measures;,(1)研究社会卫生状况,主要 是人群健康状况;(2)研究影响人群健康的因 素,主要是社会因素;(3)研究社会卫生策略与 措施;,社会医学的核心内容 Core Contents,Diagnosis of social medicine-identify problems Analysis of social cause of di
9、sease social etiologySocial medicine prescription social strategy,-社会医学诊断-社会病因分析-社会医学处方,社会医学与临床医学的比较,社会医学:群体 social medicine:mainly target at population 发现社会问题社会诊断 Identify social problemsocial diagnosis社会医学分析了解社会成因 Social medical analysisfind out social causes社会医学综合处方Social comprehensive therapy,临床
10、医学:主要针对个体 Clinical medicine:mainly target at individual level了解个体健康问题医学诊断 Identify individual health problem-medical diagnosis开展病因学分析 Etiological analysis制定医学处方 Medial prescription,社会医学的性质 The Nature of Social Medicine,-Interdisciplinary subjectsocial science and medicine-Synthetic research methodsP
11、racticality of social medicine,医学和社会学的交叉学科采用综合的研究 方法社会医学的实践性,3.社会医学的任务The tasks of social medicine,Advocate positive concept of health,protect and increase physical and mental health and social activity capacityTo improve social health status,enhance population health and quality of life formulate h
12、ealth policy&strategies carry out community health services and primary health care.To conduct preventive care services for special population and specific disease,倡导积极的健康观改善社会卫生状况;提高人群健康水平和生命质量;制定卫生政策和策略;开展特殊人群和特种疾病的预防保健工作;,4.Basic thinking of social medicine,Harmonious relationship between health
13、and social developmentTwo way interaction between health and social economic development,协调发展的观念双向作用的观念,美国学者Mushkin。计算出了美国在19001960年人口死亡率下降带来的经济收益约为8200亿疾病对人力资本和劳动生产率造成损失的“3D”框架 Death,Disability,Debility.,人力资本,智力资本体力资本,4.Basic thinking of social medicine,Positive concept of healthBio-psycho-social m
14、edical model,现代医学模式下的积极健康观,USA19000亿,1%最不健康,20,20慢病病人,70,70%健康人,10%,吸烟已成为全球第二号杀手,关注高危人群&高危因素,High risk factors&population,全球十大健康危险因素:即营养不良、不安全性行为、高血压、吸烟、酗酒、不安全饮用水及不良卫生设施和卫生习惯、铁缺乏、室内烟尘污染、高胆固醇、肥胖等。,4.Basic thinking of social medicine,4.Basic thinking of social medicine,Determinant role of social facto
15、rs in prevention and treatment of diseasesAll sectors involvement in health works,社会因素在疾病防治中的重要作用多部门参与,人事,人口&计划生育,劳动&社会保障,教育,计划、财政,药品监督管理,卫生,社会医学发展史The history of social medicine,the embryonic stage of social medicinedevelopment of social medicinedevelopment of social medicine in China,社会医学的萌芽 社会医学的
16、创立和发展我国社会医学的发展,希波克拉底,Embryonic stage-Hippocrates,“Air,Water and Places”environment,wind direction,sunlight water quality and citizens life style-it is more important to know the person having the disease than to know the disease the person has;,Hippocrates,born in 460 bc,father of modern medicine.,T
17、he role of Hippocrates on Modern Medicine,Hippocrates reject the notion that diseases have a supernatural cause.the first to perceive a relationship between cause and effect in a mechanistic way,providing the foundation for modern scientific notions of disease causation.,疾病的致病因素的研究推进的医学的发展,否认疾病的产生是超
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