1、本节课主要内容,凝胶模型近自由电子近似紧束缚近似镜像态实例1:贵金属表面态实例2:半导体表面态实例3:拓扑绝缘体表面态实例4:高温超导体表面态,表面电子态的分类,表面态的发现者,Nobel Prize for Physics in 1958,for the 1937 work unraveling the science behind the blue glow of radioactive material immersed in liquid,called the Cherenkov effect.In 1932,he predicted what are now called surfa
2、ce states or Tamm states.He is also famous for his work on the Soviet Unions hydrogen bomb project.,Igor Y.Tamm(1895-1971),1.凝胶模型,The jellium model,in which the valance electrons are in interaction with their own average charge and with an ionic charge uniformly spread in half the space,equilibratin
3、g the electronic density and,thus,are free.It applies to normal metals.,M.C.Desjonqeres and D.Spanjaard,Concepts in Surface Physics,Springer-Verlag,1996.,一维无限深势阱,z,Assuming the wave function in the well can be:,With the boundary conditions:,Then,the normalized wave function is:,where,p=1,2,3,The den
4、sity of k states is thus L/,无边界情况,For infinite one dimensional electron gas,the Born-Von Karman boundary condition is:,The corresponding wave functions are:,where n=0,1,2,3,The density of k states is thus L/2,长度为L的一维电子气(周期性边界条件),可填充电子数 vs 费米波矢,无边界的一维电子气:,一维无限深势阱:,L,L,For a given kF,we loose one stat
5、e at the bottom of the band on making two surfaces.,有边界情况下的电子密度(一维无限深势阱),At the continuum limit,N,L,but 2N/L remains constant and equal to the homogeneous bulk electron density 0-:,If we integrate-(z)-0-from z=0 to z=,we find:,We have:,Wave function:,For z L:,z,拓展到三维情况,Assuming the electrons are bou
6、nded in z-direction by impenetrable potential at z=0 and z=L,and free to move in xy-direction:,The corresponding normalized wave function is:,有表面存在情况下的动量空间,表面处的电子密度,体电子密度,Friedel oscillations,z-2,when z is large:,一维有限深势阱,z0,z0,Where:,Phase shift,当前模型的局限,没有考虑电子间的交换关联作用。忽略了原子核的周期性分布。非自洽的计算:势场应该从波函数得到。
7、,更精确的方法:DFT-LDA,Ves(r),Remarks,The jellium model description of a metal surface neglects the details of the electron-ion interaction and emphasizes the nature of the smooth surface barrier.The nearly free electron model emphasizes the lattice aspects of the problem and simplifies the form of the sur
8、face barrier.,2.近自由电子模型,The nearly free electron model,which is valid when the lattice potential is weak.Consequently,this potential is treated as a perturbation,the unperturbed states being free electron plane waves.This model can describe the electronic structure of normal metals and some narrow-g
9、ap semiconductors.,M.C.Desjonqeres and D.Spanjaard,Concepts in Surface Physics,Springer-Verlag,1996.,布洛赫定理,一维能带理论,设:e=m=1,a/2,0,在体内(za/2),该方程可以利用简并微扰法求解:,将上述试解代入薛定谔方程可得:,能量本征值:,波函数:,where:,能量色散关系E(2),能隙,0,In the bulk,k has to be real due to the periodic boundary conditions.However,the termination of
10、 a crystal,i.e.the formation of a surface,obviously causes deviation from perfect periodicity.Therefore,k can be taken as complex number.,za/2,za/2,where:,当k为虚数时,薛定谔方程存在下列形式解:,根据表面处的波函数连续性,可以唯一确定k的取值。该k值对应的电子态能量位于体能隙之中,其波函数局域在表面附近,在表面外和体内都呈衰减行为。该电子态被称作表面态。,波函数在表面处的连续性,Vg0,Vg0,Shockley state,E,1,2,3,
11、The curvature of k can match the decaying vacuum solution only for Vg0,近自由电子模型的使用范围,Assuming that the valence electrons are completely delocalized when the solid is formed(metal).The perturbation of the lattice potential is weak(narrow-band semiconductor).,3.紧束缚近似模型,The tight-binding approximation u
12、sing wave functions written as linear combinations of atomic orbitals centered at each lattice site.This approximation applies to fairly localized electrons.It is successful in the treatment of transition metals and also for wide-bandgap semiconductors and insulators.,物理图像,This picture,it is easy to
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