1、大学英译赏析,The Appreciation of the English Translation of Da Xue,背景介绍 Background Information,大学原为礼记中的一篇,相传为曾参(前505前432)所撰,为唐人韩愈、李翱所极力推崇。宋代程颐程颢兄弟对其进行了系统地整理和深入研究,使其初具独立成经的地位。程颐:“大学,孔氏之遗书,而初学入德之门也。于今可见古人为学次第者,独赖此篇之存,而论、孟次之。学者由是而学焉,则庶乎其不差矣。”The Great Learning is a Book transmitted by the Confucian School,an
2、d forms the gate by which first learners enter into virtue.That we can now perceive the order in which the ancients pursued their learning is solely owing to the preservation of this work,the Analects and Mencius coming after it.Learners must commence their course with this,and then it may be hoped
3、they will be kept from error.朱熹又祖述二程之说,将大学从礼记中分离出来,重加编排补正,撰写提要,详加注解,定名大学章句,使其最终独立成书。不但成书,而且位居“经”列,与论语、孟子、中庸并称为“四书”。,曾子其人论语之记载,子曰:“参乎!吾道一以贯之。”曾子曰:“唯。”子出。门人问曰:“何谓也?”曾子曰:“夫子之道,忠恕而已矣。”(论语.里仁)The Master said,“Shen,my doctrine is that of an all-pervading unity.”The disciple Zeng replied,“Yes.”The Master w
4、ent out,and the other disciples asked,saying,“What do his words mean?”Zeng said,“The doctrine of our master is to be true to the principles of our nature and the benevolent exercise of them to others,this and nothing more.”曾子曰:“吾日三省吾身:为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而不信乎?传不习乎?”(论语.学而)The philosopher Zeng said,I daily e
5、xamine myself on three points:whether,in transacting business for others,I may have been not faithful;whether,in intercourse with friends,I may have been not sincere;whether I may have not mastered and practiced the instructions of my teacher.“,曾子其人论语之记载,曾子曰:“可以托六尺之孤,可以寄百里之命,临大节而不可夺也。君子人与?君子人也。”The
6、philosopher Zeng said,“Suppose that there is an individual who can be entrusted with the charge of a young orphan prince,and can be commissioned with authority over a state of a hundred li,and whom no emergency however great can drive from his principles-is such a man a superior man?He is a superior
7、 man indeed.”曾子曰:“鸟之将死,其鸣也哀;人之将死,其言也善。”Zeng said,“When a bird is about to die,its notes are mournful;when a man is about to die,his words are good.”曾子曰:“君子以文会友,以友辅仁。”The philosopher Zeng said,The superior man on grounds of culture meets with his friends,and by friendship helps his virtue.,大学内容概述The
8、Basic Content of Da Xue,大学为儒家之政治理论,以德治为主旨。其主要内容可分“一经十传”。朱熹大学章句:“经一章,盖孔子之言,而曾子述之。凡二百五字。其传十章,则曾子之意而门人记之也。凡千五百四十六字。”“经一章”总说分述,承转启合,文约义丰,措辞优美。首段明大学之“三纲”:明明德,亲民,止于至善;而后阐述进学之“六阶”:知、定、静、安、虑、得;之后一段,承上启下,本末、终始、先后均有所指;再后循环往复,一再强调大学之“八目”:格物、致知、诚意、正心、修身、齐家、治国、平天下;最后一段再次强调“八目”之本修身的重要。“传十章”是对经的阐发。,大学题解,大学=great s
9、cience?Robert Morrision(马礼逊),1812,Horae Sinicae:Translations from the Popular Literature of the Chinese(中国通俗文学译文集)“The great science Ta-hio contains three things:a clear illustration of resplendent virtue;of the renovation of a people;and how to proceed to the utmost bounds of goodness.”大学=Learning
10、Proper for Men?Joshua Marshman&John C.Marshman(马士曼父子),1814,Elements of Chinese Grammar(中国言法),3.大学=Superior learning?David Collie(高大卫),1828,The Chinese Classical Work Commonly Called The Four Books(四书)“Superior learning consists in clearly illustrating brilliant virtue,renovating the people,and resti
11、ng only in the summit of excellence.”4.大学=great learning?James Legge(理雅各),1861,Chinese Classics“What the great learning teaches,is-to illustrate illustrious virtue;to renovate the people;and to rest in the highest excellence.”,5.大学=higher education?林语堂,1938,The Wisdom of Confucius(孔子的智慧)“The princip
12、les of the higher education consist in preserving mans clear character,in giving new life to the people,and in dwelling(or resting)in perfection,or the ultimate good.”6.大学=The Highest Order of CultivationAndrew Plaks(浦安迪),2003,Ta Hsueh and Chung Yung:The Highest Order of Cultivation and On the Pract
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